Рейтинг от Dotabuff Plus
Read more about our new Achievements system: Welcome to the Era of Achievements
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Heal allies for 25,000 health as Enchantress
25,000 / 25,000 (100%)
Завершите все следующие действия:
  • Across multiple victories, play Enchantress Enchantress and get 5,000+ Hero Healing

  • Across multiple victories, play Enchantress Enchantress and get 10,000+ Hero Healing

  • Across multiple victories, play Enchantress Enchantress and get 25,000+ Hero Healing

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9 / 9 (100%)
Завершите все следующие действия:
  • Within a single victory, play Axe Axe and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC

  • Within a single victory, play Lifestealer Lifestealer and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC

  • Within a single victory, play Storm Spirit Storm Spirit and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC

  • Within a single victory, play Timbersaw Timbersaw and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC

  • Within a single victory, play Elder Titan Elder Titan and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC

  • Within a single victory, play Riki Riki and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC

  • Within a single victory, play Tinker Tinker and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC

  • Within a single victory, play Slark Slark and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC

  • Within a single victory, play Phantom Assassin Phantom Assassin and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC

Просмотр дополнительной информации
2,000,000 / 2,000,000 (100%)
Завершите все следующие действия:
  • Across multiple matches, get 2,000+ Hero Healing

  • Across multiple matches, get 20,000+ Hero Healing

  • Across multiple matches, get 100,000+ Hero Healing

  • Across multiple matches, get 200,000+ Hero Healing

  • Across multiple matches, get 500,000+ Hero Healing

  • Across multiple matches, get 1,000,000+ Hero Healing

  • Across multiple matches, get 2,000,000+ Hero Healing

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