Когда кто-то слышит фразу "кэрри первой позиции" большинство игроков представляет кого-то наподобие Phantom Assasin: герой, который наносит большую часть урона за счёт ударов с руки. Кому-то в голову может прийти в голову Outworld Destroyer или, в зависимости от патча, Silencer, которые наносят чистый урон за счёт модификаторов авто-атак. Однако очень мало кто начинает думать о таких героя как Leshrac или Pugna, и об этом мы бы и хотели поговорить.
Мы не можем говорить о потенциале магов в лейте, не поговорив о Броне. Эту механику меняли очень много раз в период с 7.07 до 7.27 и на выходе мы получили что-то похожее на первоначальный вариант. Одна еденица Брони по прежнему даёт 6% эффективного ХП против физического урона, однако теперь единица брони получается не за семь ловкости, а за шесть.
Это, на первый взгляд небольшое изменение, вкупе с ростом прироста ловкости на большом количестве героев привело к весьма осязаемым последствиям. К примеру, условный Terrorblade теперь получает на 3.2 ловкости за уровень, а 4.4, причём текущее значение это нерф с 4.8 в прошлом патче.
С точки зрения брони это означает что в лейте, на 25-ом уровне, "голый" Terrorblade имеет не 14 брони, как раньше, а почти 29. А это не ~85% дополнительного ХП против физики, а почти ~175%. Понятное дело на одетом Terrorblade брони будет еще больше, с учётом того что герой собирает предметы на ловкость. Пробить такого монстра физикой очень сложно.
Вопрос о том, не слишком ли много брони на некоторых героях, это вообще отдельная статья, поэтому переходим к следующей механике: spell amplification. Изначально непонятно, насколько эта механика вообще сильна, однако в глубоком лейте она даёт очень много.
С учётом того, что сопротивление к магии остаётся статичным, а броня с течением игры растёт, не должно быть секретом то, что в определенных случаях маги могут наносить больший DPS относительно кэрри с физическим уроном. Особенно если разговор ведётся о атаке вражеского кэрри-ловкача.
В наших экспериментах мы заметили что и Leshrac и Pugna, только с Kaya and Sange наносят по цели с ~40 брони урон, сопостовимый с уроном Phantom Assassin с дефолтными шестью слотами: Power Treads, Battlefury, Desolator, BKB, Skadi и Satanic. Более того, если они накладывают Decrepify или Nihilism, то ДПС может быть даже чуть выше, а это всё без учёта потенциального Veil of Discord.
Black King Bar — самый важный предмет в Доте и вокруг него зачастую строится мета. Valve пытались это изменить механикой сопротивления эффектам, однако после череды экспериментов всем стало понятно что без полноценного Spell Immunity корам в игре делать нечего. Сейчас это дефолтный второй-третий слот на почти всех кэрри-персонажах.
Это несомненно идёт наперекор предыдущим идеям: пусть Spell Immunity сейчас не даёт 100% сопротивления магии, большинство магических эффектов всё равно не проходят через BKB. Это очень сильный контр-аргумент относительно магического ДПС в лейте.
Однако, это аргумент не сильнее, чем Ghost Scepter и прочие предметы для Ethereal формы против физического урона. По сути, и то, и другое дают своего рода неуязвимость, только одна стоит заметно дешевле, пусть и не защищает от негативных эффектов.
Несомненно, играть против магии в лейте несколько проще, однако как обсуждалось ранее, магическому ДПСу по сути нужен только один предмет: производная от Kaya. В то время как физическому ДПСу нужна и скорость атаки, и урон, и, возможно, MKB или Daedalus. Поэтому баланс между физическим и магическим ДПСом в игре присутствует.
Именно поэтому мы захотели написать эту статью: чтобы игроки оставались открытыми к идеям нестандартного лейта. Может быть им требуется больше умения думать наперед и больше понимания игры в целом, однако по сравнению с типичными кэрри у них также намного больше опций развития персонажа и даже потенциально больше урона в лейте.
А что вы думаете о магах в лейте? Поверите ли Вы в Leshrac'а на 60-ой минуте игры? Делитесь своими мнениями в комментариях.
Wtf!! Lesh pos 1?? "Said every SEA player ever"
And get auto report..
You will get 9 reports if you pick pugna pos 1
Leshrac Gigachad hero
I have been playing pos 1 Enigma over the last couple of months, and have found some success. An important thing to consider is that your pos 2 and/or 3 should be frontliners that deal physical damage so there is a balance of both magical and physical damage.
It is the mixed damage that carries the game. Magic damage dealers are usually on the squishier side and a stacked PA can kill 2-3 of these while her BKB 6 seconds is ongoing... Without taking much damage back from any of them. In the very late game, you need "through BKB" effects just due to this reason... Abyssal Blade for example. A stunned PA with BKB on isn't as intimidating.
Show me a magic damage pos 1 that could scale like a PA, Troll or Medusa with divine rapier(s). Able to blow up a single target in one series of spell-casts (equivalent to one dagger + blink from PA), or steadily hit the entire enemy team for 400+ damage per .5 seconds(like Dusa). And that’s why magic pos 1s will never be fully popular in pubs. Hybrid carries may still see viability without getting flamed and reported, but I can’t see it for pure magic-reliant dps. Similar to having something like Spirit Breaker pos 1, you will be “on a timer” to end the game, before at a certain point you’re just raw outscaled by the enemy pos 1, and from there you hope that your team coordination makes up for the difference in power levels
Please stop giving overconfident people bad ideas because they will ruin game for other 4 people in their team...
Next time you write article like this you should back it up with 20 games statistic showing that it really works... (at least 40% + win rate with pugna pos1)
Another bad article, just retire.
Position 1 Enigma deals percentage magical damage based on max hp with midnight pulse. It pierces spell immunity, meaning it will always scale. The only way that damage can be reduced is by purchasing magic resistance items. Moreover, blackhole itself does pure damage; 200 damage per second for 4 seconds. With aghanim's scepter, an extra 5% of max hp is dealt as dps. I've been documenting my games as position 1 Enigma. Here is a list of them below:
6165308154, 6165939860, 6165981279, 6166834959, 6166926865
6167132382, 6167351195, 6171228458, 6173808699, 6177409395
6181034647, 6186697726, 6187296957, 6191373248, 6191739527
6192609633, 6223093904, 6233304262, 6234374476, 6234553325
6235968096, 6248577282, 6251938769, 6254019813, 6260523568
6265578961, 6268814004, 6270121775, 6271808743, 6271877694
6281301829, 6284802302, 6292248826, 6298497083, 6298549071
6301436363, 6326959364, 6331031625
Tinker can, if sent to pos1 to dodge an unfavorable mid matchup. I personally see magic pos1's as heores who can theoretically dish out tons of damage, but usually tend to build mostly tank because they need a crapton of items to stay relevant as a DPS. Pango and Timber are first that come to mind from that area. Timber is pretty self-explanatory, while Pango deals most of his damage through his ult and spamming W with aghs and a few attack modifiers (all of those are magical).
A big problem with the magic vs physical pos 1 battle is that ethereal form - which is used to counteract getting bursted just becomes a non factor as long as nullifier exists
The reason right clicking carries are so important and the usual pick is objectives. Lesh and pugna can kill heroes but can't keep pace with a right clicker when it comes to killing rosh or destroying towers past 30ish minutes. There are pos 2's and 3's that can make up the difference but you lose out on potentially game changing utility. I do like lesh or Pugna as niche pos 1's if the game is open for the pick but it's just a lot more reliable to run them 2. Overall good article (but it really should have mentioned the objective taking problem it's kind of important).
Lmaooo please don’t give noobs any ideas, following any suggestions in this article (Pugna pos 1?!) will lose you mmr
@Turbo Virgin
"Lesh and Pugna cant keep pace with a right clicker when it comesto destroying towers"
Wtf did I just read
You know what their spells do right?
Bsj, speed, quojva > dotabuff articles
I guess ill go try psychical carry pugna next game double moonshard daedalus and mjolnir
timbersaw pos 2 forever
Leshrac sure in the right game. Pugna, no, just no. You left out the queen of mixed damage though, Death Prophet. Agh's DP is completely capable of carrying games especially if the other team has strength heroes and/or only mediocre burst. Even BKB is very limited utility vs DP as Exorcism is physical and it doesn't stop damage from an existing Spirit Siphon.
intel heroes you could argue for a true pos 1 is Lesh, NP, and probably the old OD. Would be nice to have a right-click mid like TA or Lina tho.
The amount of spelling and grammer mistakes makes one question how this site collects thousands of dollars a month, but can't have an editor read over their blog.
Personally, I think that the main problem of balancing the attributes of heroes is strength (after all, if we remember earlier, even high-level heroes could rarely have 2k + hp). For some heroes, for example, BB has a gain of only 2.9, and I will remind you that this hero needs to be in the center of a fight and often run after the enemy and experience the effect of exhaustion, which is too much in dota (so you can not talk about the back at all), but at the same time WR has a strength gain of 3.0 per level, while having in fact invulnerability from physical damage, high mobility and, in principle, being a hero of a long-range battle, Tinker has 2.5 strength per level (and this is a little more than Lifestealer, who, even if has a built-in BKB, but he is an extremely contact hero) at the same time has a matrix that protects him from any type of damage (or rather, giving him an unbreakable blink) and in addition gives 50% resistance to effects. In short, the author, I liked your article and would like to see the analysis of the attribute of power
Just trying to counter a https://www.dotabuff.com/players/193144360 who recommended Enigma in comments above.
I am a level 30 Enigma myself; you can't consider him at all in this argument since MP and BH are extremely high CD spells, and they are also limited as AOE. In regular ganks in which there is heavy movement, you can only rely on Malefice (not a heavy damage or disable) and Edilons which only scale in damage after level 20.
I could have agreed though for Enigma as a number 1 pick for this case only if Necronomicon existed. RIP!
And not to forget, he is paper hero to quickly die off the hands of any burst damage magic or physical enemy.
Right click carries are just reliable since they dont require much positioning and they dont become useless in fights after they cast their spells or the enemy presses bkb.
Thank you for your response @ῤℌoℇṅἰX. I will go through each of your points with my own points.
-"MP and BH are extremely high CD spells, and they are also limited as AOE."
I will not consider cooldown reduction below.
At max level, midnight pulse's cooldown is 35 seconds, whilst it's uptime is 12 seconds; more than 1/3 of it's cd. The radius of midnight pulse is rather large, and will deal a decent amount of damage to multiple enemy heroes. For blackhole, at max level its cooldown is 160 seconds.
-"In regular ganks in which there is heavy movement"
Why would you be ganking as a pos 1 Enigma? Your objective is to farm.
-"you can only rely on Malefice (not a heavy damage or disable) and Edilons which only scale in damage after level 20."
In every game as pos 1 Enigma, I purchase helm of the dominator (HOTD) to build into helm of the overlord (HOTO). If I really need to fight without blackhole, I have my HOTD/HOTO creep with malefice, my eidolons and my hero; enough to deal sufficient damage in the early/mid game.
-"I could have agreed though for Enigma as a number 1 pick for this case only if Necronomicon existed. RIP!"
As I said above, HOTD and HOTO are suitable alternatives to necronomicon.
-"And not to forget, he is paper hero to quickly die off the hands of any burst damage magic or physical enemy."
There are many position 1's that are 'paper'. For example, Leshrac and Pugna (magical) or Weaver and Phantom Assassin (physical). I don't see a problem with Enigma being 'paper' too.
I don't mind Magical pos 1 if there's already mid physical based hero or a carry heroes like morph, ta, sf or any typical carries and if offlane also right click based then i would even suggest pos 1 magic based hero to balance out team.