Колесо фраз является одним из самых полезных инструментов коммуникации в игре и сегодня мы бы хотели обсудить самые полезные фразы.
До введения этого функционала в игру, у игроков был выбор между чатом или голосом, причём оба чаще использовались для того, чтобы выговориться, а не для конструктивной координации. Колесо фраз, которое ограниченно определенными фразами, приносит больше пользы за меньшее время.
Однако, помимо пользы, колесо фраз еще нередко можно использовать для поднятия морали команды, или для тилта противника.
Фраза с колеса, в идеале, должна быть чёткой и понятной, поэтому простой "Go!" — самая полезная фраза. Чересчур специфичные фразы наподобие "Stun Now!" или "Initiate!" никогда не будут восприняты достаточно быстро, чтобы не пропустить игровой момент.
Также стоит учитывать то, как союзник будет трактовать фразу. "Get Back!" могут расценить только как призыв команды к отступлению, в то время как "I'm retreating" говорит только о том, что Вы выходите из боя, и не дает никаких указаний.
Отдельно можно отметить такие фразы как "Get Ready!", которая может предупредить команду о ганке или просто заставить сфокусироваться. Слишком часто игроки начинают играть "на автомате" в связи с чем, периодические напоминания такого рода могут оказаться полезынми.
Команды не играют идеально, поэтому определенные сообщения в колесе фраз часто могут помочь в разряжении обстановки. "Game is hard" — утверждение с которым легко согласиться, а "Space Created" — отлично заходит в те моменты, команды Вы подфидили. "I immediately regret my decision" также можно использовать в этом ключе.
Самое важное во всем этом — сплочение команды. Вместо того, чтобы момент начали обсуждать, отвлекаясь от вещей, которые еще можно сделать в игре, команда на короткий период соглашается с вами, после чего продолжает играть.
Нажатие на часы через alt позволяет "записать" определенное время в командый чат, что очень полезно для таймингов Рошана, как намёк о том, что пора застакать или запулить крипов, или как способ запомнить, когда ульта противника выйдет с кулдауна. Также часто имеет смысл использовать её как сигнал сбора команды, перед рунами богатства.
Зачастую можно использовать колесо фраз для тилта противника. Такие простые вещи как "ez mid" в общий чат могут серьезно ударить по морали соперника, вынуждая его делать больше и больше ошибок.
Сейчас в игре даже есть фразы, который будут озвучены противнику, и даже победитель TI, OG.Себ, рассказывал о том, как спамил определенных героев в пабе, чтобы открыть голосовые сообщения для тилта противника в про-играх. "Don't be Mad" от Энчи чаще всего будет иметь обратный эффект. У Windranger есть отличный "I don't think so", который подсветит ошибки противника.
Сейчас в игре очень сложно придерживаться мантры "всех в мут и играй в свою игру". На 3.5к+ уже нужна координация команды, поэтому колесо фраз так важно. Это еще один из инструментов Доты, которым на настоятельно рекомендуем пользоваться.
Interesting. I myself like to use "Relax you're doing fine". Surprisingly it works most of them time. They would usually stop blaming each other or just play more safely. It gives them some motivation and the feeling that its gonna be fine and it doesnt matter even if they're dying a lot because youre getting more space.
also the false feeling that you care about them more than you actually do. or the chance of winning isn't as bad as they think it is
So you try to say that dota+ can win the game? Affirmative. Gaben agenda at it finest.
how do you all chat the dota plus her chat wheel?
"Hahahaha well what did you expect?" -zeus
Seems a fun one for me.
Also you can put second chat wheel next to first and mistype like I do
Another solid reason to spam Axe to gold:
"Axe misjudged?" - At the start of the game to say the enemies team selection was garbage.
"I say Good Day Sir!" after every successful Cull... Polite and taunting
"You deserve Nothing!" - As you destroy the Ancient.
Lakad Matataaaaaag Normalin Normalin
"The introduction of all chat hero lines has provided a cheekier way to tilt your enemies." Pay2win confirmed?
Always funny when I see people complaining about DotA somehow becoming pay to win. Like, do you just expect all your games to be free? Yeah, lets just hand you a game and the people who make the game won't get paid. Fuck the developers. They don't matter.
It's only $4 a month. Less if you subscribe for a longer period at a time. If you can't even afford that, I think you have bigger issues to worry about than DotA being "pay2win".
i just mute all and mind my own shit
Mind games... what a nice and useful thread!
1. How we supposed to use chatwheel: communicating with teamates
2. What we do most: mocking enemy
I pay for the game I'd like to support, else it won't be the highest E-sport prize pool of all time, or worse, died like every insignificant other games
The article seems a bit too similar to one I wrote several months ago
The question is not about how much it costs, but about whether the people you are matched up with have been given the same opportunities as you. Overwatch is monetarily fair because everyone paid the same cost of entry and has no barriers to gameplay content. League of Legends on the other hand does have barriers to gameplay content. If some people go in with something they paid for that affects the outcome of the game, then the outcome cannot be said to have occurred solely on the basis of the skill of the players. That being said, I'm not of the mindset that using the new all chat taunts are in any way more affective than a common message, so to me the game still does not provide a non-skilll-based tiered competitive environment.
I never used them, I way too focus on watching the minimap to ping for incoming gank and stuffs. #supportmentality
It only matters of understanding dude, Dota2 doesn't really pay2win game as we knew from the start, but as TI progress and crowdfunded prizepool rocks, and just any fundings can always help the game to the better, they offer stuff to sell without directly affecting the game itself like arcana etc, you don't expect people pays without granted anything right? So they are giving up the least affecting factor bonuses to the game as appreciation to those who are supporting them. You have a point there though because Dota2 is a mind games, just like other sports, may it be soccer of basketball, taunt is non game violation which is where you wrong when you mentioned Dota2 being not competitive.
@PERFECT TOAST same goes to arcana which act like any sport players uniform, these things did not change the game mechanics, only appearance, whilst taunt is a very different form, they are substantially has the same effect on the players mind. i.e. Chinese basketball players will have a better morale when they are playing with red or yellow colored uniform.
I can't tell if you are disagreeing with me or just taking my comment as a jumping off point, but the question of cosmetics definitely irks me sometimes. Drastic changes to sound effects or the color or size of a hero bugs me because it can confuse for just a split second which feels like an advantage
Read over your message again and I think I din't make myself clear maybe? I'm fine with Dota adding cosmetics and taunts and stuff like that because it largely doesn't interfere with the gameplay (except for a few color changes and sound effect changes). I don't see the taunts as being an advantage because you can still taunt if you don't pay for plus, so everyone is still on even footing. Valve promised the game would maintain a level playing field years ago, and they have stuck to that very well.
Never meant to sound like I thought dota2 was not competitive, but I see how my wording was confusing
@MM.Ugh Brock Hall aw yeah You're right lol my bad >.<
Mute your enemy, so you can't get tilted
А как же GG WP в общий чат?
I find that most [Allied] chat wheel use is passive aggression. It's often better to use chat and be genuinely constructive. Edit: typos
Даааа. Вот поспамил GG, WP в чат: мут на сутки, потом бан поиска на сутки, как разбанили там ещё 4 лп игры!
>Affirmative. Honestly, I think the only wheel I use non-sarcastically is >Relax, you're doing fine; and >Dive! . >Well Played is usually when something obvious is stated, >Space Created is usually when we lose a major team fight resulting in a loss while one of our players is off in the jungle somewhere, >(all) Good Game, Well Played is usually when the enemy does something by all definitions "retarded"
In other news,
Currently the Enchanted Mango has a 31.18% win rate. This is a tragedy. Whether being accidentally used while still in fountain or used just in time for that clutch nyx stun saving your teammate's life, it has always made memorable game impacts. It is our duty and responsibility as fellow gamers and members of this community to give the item the win rate it deserves. Thank you in advance for your support.
1. > Missing Mid
2. 40 Second later
3. Someone ganked at bottom lane by enemy mid
4. "gg mid no report."
@PERFECT TOAST I'm not complaining about it. Although I'm a little sad that I have some constraints that prevent me from being able to subscribe to dota plus and I'm missing out on all these cool features that my friends are enjoying :(
> Well Played!
> Well Played!
> Well Played!
> Well Played!
> Well Played!
Keep these 4 ready
>be right back
>good luck have fun
You forgot to mention that if you have spanish, russian, whatever language you don't speak in-game, in your game, you can use those chat commands, and it will show them in their respective languages. Not sure about the hero Dotaplus chat commands, but the normal chat commands reflect to them in their own languages.
Excellent article .
Add "invisible enemy nearby" thats important aswell. Oh yeah dont put ggwp in chatwheel use well played instead