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10 комментариев

    qoqjva has been having a lot of success building support items like Glimmer, Atos, and Solar Crest on his Bloodseeker (mostly mid)

    Blood on my hands

      dude... seriously... this article sucks. Bloodseeker is strong because a.) he has innate regen in lane (all enemy creeps dying give him hp regen 1/2 for not last hitting) b.) blood rite is pure damage and a 6 second silence also gives him an easy way to secure range creeps in lane. c.) you have a steroid in your q ability that amps spell damage for spell casters, and giving 110 attack speed to your carry is an ez way to win. D.) rupture stops 90% of carries in this meta from moving easily winning fights.

      You missed the a lot of reasoning and deduction and this article is bad.


        Don't be too hard on them... most of these writers are low MMR.


          Another dogshit opinion piece from low mmr players

          Этот комментарий был изменён

            Another patch incoming-
            Dotabuff: here how to play a hero (that has been popular for a very long time and gonna get nerf in less than a week)


              Sillyx did you not read the article closely? He mentions 3 of the 4 points you made in your reason as to why the article is bad. Points a and b on your comment were in the first section on skill build. And your point d is the description of the skill, which we already know. He does analysis on that in the counters section to tell you who not to use it on. And point c for you is technically incorrect as it only gives half attack speed to others. I think he did a decent job describing a build, which he took from pro players. Just cause his mmr may be lower does not mean the build came from his skill level.


                Sillyx did you not read the article closely? He mentions 3 of the 4 points you made in your reason as to why the article is bad. Points a and b on your comment were in the first section on skill build. And your point d is the description of the skill, which we already know. He does analysis on that in the counters section to tell you who not to use it on. And point c for you is technically incorrect as it only gives half attack speed to others. I think he did a decent job describing a build, which he took from pro players. Just cause his mmr may be lower does not mean the build came from his skill level.

                Майонезная Гадина

                  Как по мне, бладсикер силён в оффлейне, если против него НЕ мобильные герои, то есть, если у врагов висп, то бладсикер не лучший вариант. Антимаг тоже может быстро убегать. Квопа тоже мобильная. В общем все, кто может передвигаться достаточно быстро, будет не очень для бладсикера, только если с сикером не стоит саппорт, который сможет замедлить врага, застанить. Как по мне цм очень хорошо синергирует с сикером, из-за второго скилла. Всё равно, сикер не особо отстоит лайн без хорошего саппорта, и с мобильными 1 и 5 поз.


                    Thanks for the article.


                      can we just appreaciate them who make this article? at least if they make mistake just criticize on a good way not ruining it bruh. If u think u have better knowledge then go on make some article smh. This is why dota community sucks