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39 комментариев

    1st! lolol

    DOOM: ETERNAL is now playing

      look mom I'm second


        Oh son, im so proud of you. What a big achievement in life. We will remember this for generations.

        not thp

          rofl nice 3rd


            2016 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            good article.


              Ive been waiting for the moment to be 5th since I was a young lad
              Thankyou for giving me this life changing opportunity..


                7th YEASH!

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                Ian ♥ Mickey

                  I will fight with honor!

                  [MG] Eagles!?

                    @The Real MVP LOL you are 6th not 5th. n00b


                      Lina and QoP can handle timber early game I think
                      Not exactly a hard counter tho

                      aight aight aight

                        VoHiYo i love anime VoHiYo

                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                          I once played a drow ranger and I eat timbersaw for breakfast

                          Gyatt Hunter

                            sad too late T_T


                              Ursa is one of the best tank killers, why isn't he here?


                                melee cores will always get fuq by timber especially if their a strength hero


                                  necro is the best counter for tankers


                                    Best counter vs timber in the laning stage is ursa, he can solo timber at any stage of the game if the player is good enough.

                                    Sleight of My Fist In You...

                                      what crap is this? slark is obviously the best counter to timbersaw there is


                                        I'm 19th and still proud

                                        Hamster Union

                                          I thought Invoker would be here for a whole different reason. I mean, just go scale your cold snap and emp. Take away Timber's mana and make him useless in fights. Its good to get tornado too so you scale well during the team fights. Just sayin.


                                            whats 9+10....... 21 :")


                                              Timber Vs doom is very fun

                                              Vem Comigo

                                                Keeper mana leak is probably the strongest spell on a sup hero, you can counter 90% of the heros.


                                                  why the hell isn't silencer in here?


                                                    25th... damn good... :D


                                                      i think OsFrog dealt with timber wtf is this article even...


                                                        What about silencer, or better yet, orchid of malevolence ?


                                                          @Hook And Roll yeah that stupid mana leak (kotl) is even stronger than rupture (bloodseeker) and timber well, he was well before 6.88, now "If Timbersaw has a Poor Man’s Shield and level 2 Reactive Armor, you’re essentially healing him by hitting him", in wth where icefrog thiniking...

                                                          Steve Jumps

                                                            mana burn and magic/burst damage


                                                              Viper is forgotten and he is a really good early-mid game hero to deal with Timber in laning phase. Just take 2-3 points early in Poison Attack and spam it.

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                                                              Penis Erectus

                                                                bloodseeker rape timbersaw, end of the article


                                                                  this hero isn't that OP at all


                                                                    Easiest way to kill timber is with OD, because OD's skill 1 will not reduced by reactive armor and it also drain int too. So OD rape Timbersaw easily

                                                                    2 /19 /3

                                                                      very bad hero




                                                                          u forget kk xmark,ez catch especially since ts like to playway outof position.

                                                                          Volga 149.200

                                                                            full Counter by NS.


                                                                              Slardar is a good pick against him too.

                                                                              Eye Bee

                                                                                Timber is a very fine counter for PA. Most of my games, in my opinion.

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