After receiving nothing but buffs for five patches in a row, Tinker is now officially back in the meta. Despite not playing a dominant role in the recent Manila Major, the hero is undeniably viable and is making quite an appearance in higher level pub games, with an impressive ~20% pick rate in 4k+ MMR games. While his average win rate for higher skilled games remains close to the “perfectly balanced” value of 50%, there is no denying that he is an extremely tough opponent to deal with effectively.
Tinker is an extremely elusive hero who scales exceptionally well with items and levels. His ability to constantly apply pressure on every lane makes pushing lineups almost completely ineffective, especially if they are centered around heroes with early-game power spikes. In the late-game he can go toe-to-toe with any carry, since he can almost permanently disable a single target, while dealing considerable amounts of magic/pure damage.
The hero also farms exceptionally fast. Despite the nerfs introduced in 6.82, which prevented him from farming ancient neutrals, he is still one of the fastest farmers in the game. It is worth noting, however, that his usual farming patterns leave very little for his team—this information is definitely worth exploiting.
One of the biggest problems when dealing with Tinker is an inability to see him when he dishes out damage. Having a 0.75 cooldown on Blink Dagger makes for an extremely elusive hero, while the range on Tinker’s abilities allow him to not only survive in the fights, but also deal impressive amounts of damage.
Bounty Hunter solves the vision problem with extreme efficiency. Moreover, he can apply decent amounts of pressure on Tinker in the early stages of the game, potentially delaying his BoT’s and, as a result, substantially slowing down his farm.
The extra gold acquired through Track comes in especially handy for an early
Pipe of Insight, which is a decent counter to Tinker not only because of the “Barrier” active, but also due to a very underestimated aura that grants your allies extra magic resistance.
Of all the support heroes, only Bounty Hunter can somewhat reliably get Pipe Of Insight early on. The “Barrier” active is crucial when pushing highground, as well as an enabling many heroes which rely on Blink Dagger, since it prevents
March of the Machines damage from disabling it.
Primarily played as a support or an offlaner, this hero has been getting less attention lately, mostly because of the rise of the Beastmaster, who can provide similar vision advantage, but can also boast higher utility.
In a match-up against Tinker, however, [missing skill: beastmaster-call-of-the-wild-hawk-5169] usually becomes free farm to the machines and is a very unreliable scouting tool. Obviously, the Hawk can be placed in places where Tinker won’t be able to get it, but then it doesn’t really contribute much in terms of vision to help dealing with the hero.
Night Stalker offers great map control as soon as he gets his hands on Aghanim's Scepter, but is also capable of applying early-game pressure on Tinker with his great speed and strong slow and silence combo. Moreover, having an interrupt on a relatively low cooldown of 8 seconds can ensure that Tinker won’t be able to teleport out.
Another very important aspect of Night Stalker is his innate tankiness, especially in the early game. Not feeding early game kills to TInker is essential, since he is a very snowbally hero.
One of the biggest counters to Tinker for a multitude of reasons. Once again, similar to Night Stalker, this hero can be played in a multitude of roles, and even mid Nyx is not completely out of the question. However, even a support Nyx can offer a lot against him, despite generally lacking in levels.
Spiked Carapace is one of the best ways of dealing with Tinker. It allows your team to have a reliable lockdown on him regardless of the range. Walking into MotM or even taking a [missing skill: tinker-heat-seeking-missile-5151] to the face will ensure several crucial seconds of stun on the hero and will allow for a follow-up.
Vendetta is another very important spell in this match-up, since it will frequently allow you to catch Tinker off-guard, when he assumes he is safely farming creeps. After a couple of successful ganks from Vendetta, most Tinker players will start playing more conservatively, preventing them from progressing as fast. And since Spiked Carapace no longer break Vendetta’s invisibility, Nyx can even go for solo kills on Tinker, despite the probable level difference.
A huge part of successful solo ganks is [missing skill: nyx-assassin-mana-burn-5463]. A skill that scales exceptionally well against any Intelligence heroes does wonders against Tinker. Since most of Tinker’s mana is not stats based, especially in the early game, it will not necessarily burn him out completely, which might seem as a negative point, but it will also ensure that the ability will also deal full damage in most cases--once again opening up possibilities for solo kills.
Perhaps one of the most classic support in this lineup, Disruptor has been the most picked hero in the Manila Major and for good reasons. The hero offers decent amount of damage, but it is unconventional control options he offers that take the cake.
The hero offers several great ways of dealing with Tinker. Thunder Strike does not seem too strong on paper, especially given it is usually not maxed, but the vision it provides is extremely important. The skill also has a very respectable cast range of 800.
Kinetic Field is another theoretically weak spell, but it provides very crucial vision that's frequently lacking against Tinker. The blocking effect is theoretically wasted on a hero who rarely conventionally walks, however.
Both of these spells provide what is frequently lacking for the strongest spell in Disruptors arsenal— Glimpse. Regardless of the speed of the enemy, or how fast he can blink, there is no escaping getting pulled back and most likely killed for Tinker or almost any other hero for that matter. Glimpse offers amazing amounts of utility if timed correctly and more often than not will force Tinker to go for defensive items, such as
Manta Style or
Black King Bar. While not completely horrible on the hero, they do not offer any DPS, and DPS is what makes Tinker such a dominant force.
One of the most crucial attributes which a Tinker-countering core hero should have is Blink Dagger-independent mobility, since MotM will generally not allow you to get close enough to him in a timely manner. Having a way to confuse Tinker playing against you is another very important aspect, since otherwise it can be easy for him to focus you down in the late-game with the use of Scythe of Vyse. Some natural tankiness is also welcome—being able to survive through the initial burst of Rockets+Laser+E-Blade+Dagon combo is almost a must.
The hero does not have any innate mobility, but he can use his teammates as means of transportation to get close and personal with Tinker. With the help of Rage, Tinker then becomes a very easy target to burst down.
Infest also offers a decent deal of safety, especially when dominating the Ancient Neutrals. Going for a
Radiance build is even an option, since Tinker personally has almost no way of dealing with these tanky creeps, while his teammates will generally be slightly underfarmed. It also prevents Tinker from blinking away if he is caught off-guard. It is worth noting, however, that by shift-queuing the blink command during the Rearm animation, he can still blink away as soon as rearm channel time is completed, but only in the direction he was facing during the channel time. It is still an escape, but at least it is predictable and can be followed.
Later on, Lifestealer can become less of a threat with the help of Ghost Scepter or an E-Blade. Having a way to dispel the ethereal state or having a lockdown for these several seconds is extremely important, hence Diffusal Blade and
Abyssal Blade might come in handy.
This hero can make Heat Seeking Missiles almost completely useless, since they will be often tanked by illusions, instead of your teammates. But that is not the only thing PL has to offer in this match-up.
The hero has several ways of chasing Tinker. Phantom Rush allows for a very fast gap-closer, albeit is rendered somewhat useless if you lose vision of the Tinker.
Spirit Lance is in the same boat, since it can be easily disjointed and will not spawn an illusion. However, with any teammate which can provide vision, both of these spells become extremely potent.
Doppelganger however takes the cake when it comes to utility against Tinker. Not only does it spawn extra illusions, which will create some confusion, but will also destroy any trees around the landing area, as well as dispel most debuffs, most notably the Laser.
Being one of the few heroes who can both effectively split-push the lanes and stay relatively safe against Tinker ganks make Phantom Lancer a great pick in this match-up. Granted, he will definitely need some help with vision, but in the later stages most of his kit will be effective at dealing with Tinker, since his natural item progression includes many things most Tinker players will not be happy to see against themselves.
In a very similar manner, Naga Siren and most other illusion-based heroes can also be a decent counter to Tinker.
Spectre is also an amazing counter to Tinker; however, it is worth noting that she can rarely net a solo kill on him, since her typical buildups do not usually incorporate interrupts. Going for an
Abyssal Blade can be a good idea.
Spirit Breaker, once again, is a very flexible hero who can be played in several roles, but he is extremely level-dependant in a match-up against Tinker, since he needs his early level 6 to be a threat. He is better suited in the offlane, if circumstances allow him to do so in a particular match-up.
His strength comes from his ability to provide vision on Tinker regardless of his own position on the map. More often than not, his Charge of Darkness will be used as an assisting mechanism for his teammates, rather than be fully utilized. However, in the small window of opportunity, before Tinker gets his Blink, Spirit Breaker can completely shut him down on his own.
Tinker is an extremely squishy hero in the earlier stages, and a simple combination of Charge and Nether Strike will usually put him in range for an Urn of Shadows kill. Moreover, Spirit Breaker is one of the few heroes who can chase Tinker with BoTs while having regular boots, so even if he gets Lasered, he will still be able to finish the job, tanking through the damage with ease.
While charging around the map to grant vision is a nice tactic to help your teammates, in scenarios when you are ganking Tinker by yourself it is important that you do not telegraph your intentions. It is generally better to stay hidden in a particular lane in anticipation of his teleport--to quickly close the distance and perform the combo, rather than try to chase him back and forth through the map.
Finally, possibly the hardest counter to Tinker in the game. Anti-Mage of all heroes has the highest potential to survive through the Tinker burst, even under lockdown in 1v1 split-pusher vs. split-pusher scenario. Moreover, his innate mobility and buildup, which frequently incorporates Abyssal Blade is extremely punishing against any mistake Tinker can make.
A very important aspect of Anti-Mage in this matchup is Mana Void. It has a relatively low cooldown and can completely destroy Tinker in one cast. What is even more important, however, is the interrupt it provides. More often than not, it should be even used early on to stop Tinker from Teleporting, rather than a source of damage.
It is still advised to be cautious of incoming Teleports, since Tinker can often have back-ups and then his lockdown becomes a lot more potent. Using Manta Style preemptively might be a good idea. Like in many cases, the initiator will have an upper hand.
Tinker in his current form is a far cry from the nuisance he was in 6.81. He farms slower, and there are new cliffs on the map edges that can provide vision of his regular hiding spots. Additionally, Pipe of Insight has gotten stronger in the recent patches, making it an overall better item. Introduction of
Lotus Orb and
Glimmer Cape have also made supports a lot more relevant against late-game Tinker.
Despite all that, Tinker in the hands of a good player remains a very notable threat and should not be taken lightly. The hero has the ability to completely snowball out of control to a point where 1v5 fights become easy for him, if the enemy team is economy-starved and has no way of dealing with the hero. It is unlikely he will be able to kill the whole team, but more often than not his reckless jumps can go unpunished.
Be mindful in the drafting stage and have at least one hero who can provide consistent vision over Tinker. Even currently questionable picks like Zeus and
Storm Spirit might work exceptionally well, if coupled with a hero who can quickly close the gap and disable Tinker.
Headline image by ImKB on deviantart
first XD
great article
I'm building a future without you in it!
WutFace shit-queuing LUL
yup tinker is a very dangerous hero if allowed to farm his scyth+dagon+eteral to counter him i usually pick stunner also i would recommend going a large aoe disabler like tide/tiny as they will disrupt the combo of enemy team which will not be able to follow up atleast till BKB... a lineup of disablers + carry are really good. Silencer works really good in team fights but needs team properly synced to kill him and its not hard to counter him with blademail buff ... for all high burst dps heros with less health i will say blademail + high str i think most effective counter now that it reflects the same type damage
meepo deserves a mention tho I think
Lol, Storm is the ultimate tinker counter and isn't mentioned? 3k blog post confirmed
i dont think that antimage is a good counter against tinker
also where's storm
Must learn to shit queue more effectively!
"shit-queuing" LUL
What are the thoughts on using Centaur to counter tinker right now?
Earlier tinker wasn't so popular,only good players picked him,but now every single idiot pick him,just because Dendi and Miracle played Tinker on Major.
Tinker needs to nerf.
Go Naga Siren
Song when he is trying to escape
Make Illusions (best if you have diffusal blade)
Net when song is over
Get the kill.
Once you are level 16, a good naga should have Boots of Travel and Diffusal. Whenever you see a Tinker TPing in, counter TP in and kill him every 60 seconds (or 45 if you have Ocore) since the cooldown is so short.
Will like to suggest since I play tinker quite often nowadays. I like to shift queue and blink into trees for the protected vision. What do I hate? Having a NP or timbersaw as teammates -_-
I think Puck really deserved at least an honorable mention for countering Tinker. The phase shift blocks missiles super easily, the orb can position you on top of him easily (for example, when he's split pushing and blinking into trees), the silence is super useful in team fights, and the ult can mini-stun his TP's and spells.
Storm is tinker ultimate counter, why hes not even mentioned, Ball lightning into the trees + second skill = dead tinker
Spelling error in the lifestealer paragraph. Quite a funny one.
you said Shit-queuing instead of shift-queuing
When I write, however, more often than not, I use the same sentence over an over again.|
more often than not
Its just players picking heroes they like.. Tinker was always been like that and yes the pick rate goes high whenever someone gets impressed and they try to do it themselves. It spreads rapidly and people would eventually just find a way out of it.
agree with storm being tinkers ultimate obvious really
one other problem with the article is it suggesting manta or bkb to counter glimpse....what about euls?? how can you even suggest manta for tinker? bkb is still understandable
I played Meepo a couple days ago and absolutely destroyed a tinker... he decided not to burst combo me at all, he maxed a Dagon before scythe, and he made his push rotations so predictable that I could wait in the trees and blink on him right as he tp-ed in... That game went on for 75 minutes thanks to a Lich with shadow blade and scepter :v
ty for answering my question i commented on your last post .. SeemsGood
you wrote shit-queuing in the lifestealer section instead of what i think you meant to write
Tinker + Kunkka = new Arc Warden. X mark, tp in, hit tower with divine, x back, repeat
same to earth spirit, even if he need high skill to be played effectively, he should be nerf..
eul doesn't counter glimpse. glimpse moves cycloned and even hidden targets (disrupted/astral imprisoned), but not invulnerable.
NO don't bring attention to tinker pls i'm playing dota for this guy right now :/
I don't know if this is a typo or not but isn't the 0.75s cooldown a fade time for Bounty Hunter's E? I thought Blink Dagger had a 12s cooldown.
"Having a 0.75 cooldown on Blink Dagger"
PLS NO ! storm,huskar stayed strong for years. One noticable patch and they got dumpstred. Tinker was like this since it has been created. I hate these people's buff nerf comprehensions. 10 ms buff = hero is imba, hero gets 5 less agi at lvl 25 = trash. Pls dont waste this hero
@Ljubov rearmed blink dagger
how could u do this to me.
I used to pick Silencer against Tinker. I found out the hard way that silence doesn't stop Tink from using E-blade, dagon and Blink. Now, I see a tinker on enemy team I pick Omniknight. Repel and everything becomes better.
@Loki except a tinker who cooperates with their team would know to build a scythe of vyse instead of eblade+dagon (unless it's a retarded stomp), personally i feel eblade dagon falls off compared to other useful items you can have on your team but it all depends on the lineups you have or play against
this is bad article, AM can't counter tinker, AM only counter tinker in the late game only
not to mention storm and spectre, obviously, storm can counter tinker so hard, with ball lightning
spectre is also able to focus tinker with her haunt
Useless point of view from this kawaiisocks. All hero can counter tinker kiddo. Infact hes too easy to kite at very high skill games. Tinker never a nightmare at high level games.
Fuck tinker is so annoying, insanely hard to kill with his blink.
storm ?
5 laners at mid lane as counter tinker - puck, storm spirit, templar assassin, qop( dodge missile with blink ) , and mirana (can dodge Heat-Seeking Missile with leap, not to mention arrow r easy while channeling)
How the fuck nobody is talking about clock a tinker counter?!
Clock, S.Breaker, Nyx, Night Stalker
clockwerk man.. is good for dealing tinker
didnt read topic,only sound very bad tinker counter,only at late game ,and maybe not at all..becourse am is kinda shit hero right now,need 30 min farm when he can do something at teamfights without just feedin there..maybe at 40-50 min am is good vs tinker but you never know what is gold income rest of players in game ,you can kill tinker with am with focusing only at him,but then u get killed by others? ..sooo,i think voidless face is good tinker counter ,you can timewalk after him to trees,also you can ulti him anytime...
Huskar, ez
Even though Storm counters Tinker with ball lightning, Tinker crushes Storm in lane in a 1v1 matchup.
If there is a storm on enemy team buy eul
I think the very best way to deal with tinker is a Storm Spirit with Orquid. Just zip, orquid, ownage.