General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

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      She was trying to climb up the cliff but failed and that game along with the lion one taught me that I really need to learn how to rotate better


        I'm sure those guys were some 28 year old shitfuck with less than 150$ income each month playing on a net cafe inside small gangs while fapping to fellow indog nigs with their Evercoss phones


          well ladies and gentlemen here is why luna is better than TB. u just get outfarmed and come online faster. Faceless couldnt even do much when they had their ultimates ready.

          doc joferlyn simp

            Actually no. The SD has respectable HG defense in the form of banish since he can take Luna's illusions. It's just that the draft favors DC since they can fight with small skirmishes when Faceless in skill-CD dependent in teamfights.



              I'm so good with detailed mockeries


                apoo. playing support trains ur map awareness, and learn to carry early tp for that counter gank/rotation. i dono how many times i played with u where we coul;d've easily counter ganked but no one came. lul

                doc joferlyn simp

                  That's because the gold they got from pick offs allowed them to have a solid advantage over Faceless.

                  I believe the gamelosing factor was that stack steal.


                    Jacked I always carry tps now, its just that I didn't spot you dieing and was busy saving my other retarded caries

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                      Dude ylu fuxcking left me alone as an AM for 10 minutes straight for that wana/urban indog nigguh who don't even know how AM works


                        AGAINST A NIGHTSTALKER

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          Faceless had a good chance to comeback though, it's just that DC scaled their damage faster than Faceless' DK and Tide tankiness.


                            not just you apoo. anyone on our team could rotate. but no one ever does ;<


                              U were against a BM u idiot the drow was against a NS


                                Faceless void is out of the meta
                                Faceless will be out of the major
                                Coincidence? I think so

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  ^^^False. When I play mid everyone rotates such that 20 minutes into the game we are all level 11 because there are 5 men in the T1s refusing to give their tower up.

                                  Game is funnier that way though lmao

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                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    I don't think Void is out of the meta, what makes you say that?

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                                      BUT NS CAME BUTTRAPING ME SINCE MINUTE TEN
                                      ALONG WITH CENTAUR
                                      Whatever still won the game because the enemy team was retarded enough to not starve an already starving AM to death by taking objectives


                                        Any hero that isn't bullshit universal first pick material isn't meta


                                          ^and cos me and renshin were banking the shit out of them

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            But Void is first pick.

                                            He has no direct counters and he can fit into any line up quite well since he can synergize their skills seamlessly.

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              He works just as well in the offlane as he does in the safelane. Get a chrono and hit at least 3 people and you're gucci.


                                                Unless ur team is retarded with all melee heroes and they can't do shit in a chrono


                                                  No direct counters?
                                                  Nukers with some disable?


                                                    yea no direct counter as in no hero that hard counters him. quite versatile hero. the stuff u mention bws just fucks with any hero, not void in particular. silences do fk w void but he usually gets manta anyway


                                                      You mean these goon miracle wannabes who picked those craps after I 2nd picked void after morph, with AM LHing creeps NEXT TO A GUY WHO GOT CHRONOED AT THE EDGE and said "its not at the corner" as an excuse

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        That's why I said "direct". Tell me a direct counter to PL. You immediately think of Earthshaker. I tell you a direct counter of Visage. You think Venomancer/Viper.

                                                        Every hero is countered by silences and stuns. Every hero is weak versus Duel. You can't do anything about that. What I meant by direct counter is anything tailored to perfectly deal with a particular strength a certain hero has, such as the aforementioned Visage Gravekeeper's Cloak and PL Illusion spam.

                                                        Besides the amount of utility you get with Manta + Diffusal is so amazing you basically have a BKB.


                                                          idk man my solo grinding experience today was filled with so much autism
                                                          I didn't perform as well as I should so yeah easy -50

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            Like Jacked said the heroes pros favor are those which can adapt their skill/item build to fit what is needed. Such as Invoker/Batrider/Juggernaut. Versatility is key since much of the game is decided during the drafting stage, and how everything plays out.

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              Perhaps Void may feel underwhelming in pubs. In fact he does feel like that unless played with Mom-Battlefury-Daedalus build. Pubs try to mimic what pros do, and they see that flashy void and want to do that too. What they don't realize is that it's so good because of how the team can take advantage of it, not the chrono itself.


                                                                haffy how does visage get countered tho. lul


                                                                  Even in 2k people knows to draft around void when I pick him
                                                                  These 3ks and their egos ugh

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    Anyways it's 1:30 AM here and as much as I would like to give no notice to sleep my biological genetic makeup cannot disobey Mother Nature.

                                                                    I've always loathed the necessity of sleep. Like death, it puts even the most powerful men on their backs.


                                                                      Visage is countered by DoT or low BAT heroes?
                                                                      His layers are like TAs refraction

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        Jacked what makes Visage a pseudo-tank is that his Gravekeeper's Cloak gives him both magical and physical resistance per layer. There is a maximum of 4 layers. However, these get dispelled by any damage instance over 15. Kind of like Refraction, in a way.

                                                                        The general idea that DoTs counter Visage is because DoTs can easily break his cloak and lower his surivability by a lot, and after he uses Soul Assumption, he is just a big ranged creepp.


                                                                          Literally any hero that does damage over ticks is enough to fuck with ta or vosage


                                                                            oh i had no idea how his cloak worked. also we fokkin lost boys. what a shitty draft


                                                                              Even slarks dark pact or khunka torrent does it


                                                                                Sniper. this shd be interesting

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  Well not really since TA's Refraction's strongest factor is not the added survivability, although it can be life saving at time (letting you Dagger away).

                                                                                  The strongest component is the added damage, which, when used in conjunction with Meld and Desolator, makes her a very potent physical burst hero.

                                                                                  Visage with no Cloak and SA is just a big creep roflmao

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    I should really get to sleep guys, wish Team Faceless good luck for me lmao

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                                                                                      Well only if you are caught out of position severely, breaking refraction charges can easily turn around a solo man fight or tower dive


                                                                                        I climb from 3k to 4k mostly as support. Nothing wrong picking sup at low bracket cuz at least u can make their net ahead than enemy even thugh they play like rambo shit.


                                                                                          Wake up you cucks


                                                                                            Dude visage is countered by gyro and dusa cuz they kill birds quick and burn thru cloak. Also who said void is bad in 1k pubs look at my games boi, 80% winrate. Fuck yall


                                                                                              Void isn't bad at any mmr range imo.


                                                                                                Hi raj. Your last game was 2 months ago. How's life without dota

                                                                                                FREE PALESTINE

                                                                                                  Where's alice, I wanna learn timbersaw



