General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
D the Superior
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        to new heights


          U me 1v1 fight

          D the Superior
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            D the Superior
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              D the Superior
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                  Lmao XD


                    Apoo u have to wait in line.

                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                      I hate aint mage. I just dont seem to get the right lane composition to farm a battlefury safely, whereas with luna you have a built in ranged battlefury and just need a lifesteal to sustain your jungle clearing.

                      2k indog monkey

                        Den u cen plei sfen

                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                          Plus id go further and say luna has a higher impact in teamfights compared to AM at relatively similar farm because of the glaives. Most of my hero damage comes from glaives.


                            where did u get that pic from magnus?

                            D the Superior
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                                That bird creature thing looks scared.

                                D the Superior
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                                  2k indog monkey

                                    I am Kelly


                                      sup, dtf?


                                        oh wow lul


                                          mofo bryant has no fb photos,
                                          only has farmville crap

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                                            I have the feeling Bryant looks like raj's profile pic

                                            2k indog monkey

                                              You can find my face
                                              But not in FB
                                              I might give you some hint later hehe

                                              D the Superior
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                                                2k indog monkey

                                                  I have deleted all my fb pics months ago
                                                  It was full of cringy shits


                                                    im trying to find alice's fb page

                                                    2k indog monkey

                                                      Ask johann

                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                        I bought memoplus gold yesterday and forgot to take it....




                                                            I love it when my entire team dcs in unranked kek

                                                            2k indog monkey

                                                              I love it when my teammates pick crap that has no synergy with any previous pick or counters the enemy picks


                                                                wait, im not the lead in the race anymore?

                                                                u cucks should stop hiding ur mmrs ffs


                                                                  u were never in the race.


                                                                    nice party memer game a while ago tho

                                                                    feels good to trashtalk again rofl


                                                                      Well Alice as long as u have cancerous games like that abadon one you are not going to win. Also BF is a big factor



                                                                        im the only one who thought i was :(((

                                                                        2k indog monkey

                                                                          Hi I am Kelly I'm a biology student


                                                                            haffy is 3.9


                                                                              but i prevailed through cancer and won that abaddon game

                                                                              battlefury on the other hand...


                                                                                Seriously though something is holding you back, the only one with slower improvement than you is me and that's saying a lot cos every1 knows I m autistic when it comes to dota


                                                                                  Hi kelly again, you dtf?
                                                                                  Ive heard bio students are fucbois


                                                                                    improvement has always been hard for me because i always have no idea on what to improve


                                                                                      if you want, i could look at some of your games


                                                                                        sure thing, its always good for me when someone better takes a look and notices one fatal mistake i make

                                                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                          N O R M A L G A M E S M E A N N O T H I N G


                                                                                            As renshin said ask him or some other 4k to analyse some of your games that should help u figure out the problem


                                                                                              It feels good to talk with a false sense of superiority lmao


                                                                                                i'd like to think im not a slow learner or im slow at improvement

                                                                                                im just stuck at the first part: knowing what to improve on

                                                                                                everything after that is easy for me

                                                                                                its like when i write a short story or an essay; i almost always get stuck at making intros so i end up doing the ending and the body first then write a fitting intro

                                                                                                but u rly cant do that for learning right rofl


                                                                                                  haffy did win once during rank, so does'nt that mean he is a 4k playa? kappa
                                                                                                  @alice, ill give the analysis tomorrow morning


                                                                                                    Well I have the same problem, so I guess I feel ya