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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

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      man stop camping pages. give the slow a chance

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        G I T


          just 1 more day of work left till the holidays wooo

          doc joferlyn simp

            I think I might try it.


              try what?


                @Jacked if you're fine with tread switching 420 times a minute try slark
                I suck with slark tho


                  I either play him too passively or overextend


                    I feel bad today man
                    Losing all the games due to outdraft and me not being able to carry the team with such disadvantage makes me feel bad


                      4 cores seemsgood


                        It seems like I played with shittons of retards today some guy picked AM after I picked void then BAM OD BAM MEEPO
                        Or it's just me on shitty form
                        I overextended too much and my farm is getting sloppy


                          you just lost because of bad draft, supports were bad, should have just 4 man pushed with am split pushing, and your supports should have had gem


                            I overextended while pushing mid
                            Shit went down ever since
                            My farming speed went down drastically, couldn't handle all the damage, and eventually lost
                            That AM was cringy as fuck " im not a noob" rushes vanguard without boots and proceeds to rush BF without boots in 25 min, but what can I do about him, all I care is about what I could've done better


                              My will to spam support increases man
                              Delusional supports triggers me more than delusional carries
                              "Oh yeah my team was bad but I could've farmed or position myself better"
                              "OMG NOB CARRY IM SUPPORT CANT CARRY THIS" (never ward, space eater, reckless, no detection even after fail ganking some pleb with invis 10 times, shit spell usage, shit item build)


                                @bws dw im on the losing side as well

                                ur not the only one so dont feel too bad! xD

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  WK given hard-earned 30 minutes of farm while Juggernaut and I hold offlane vs three heroes. Decides to buy Midas, Shadow Blade, and a fucking Battlefury 31 minutes into the game. I didn't do exceptional plays but what the fuck did I do to deserve being queued with such a teammate?

                                  Alchemist denied so much farm because I went two early Null Talismans for last hitting power and whenever he comes to last hit I just banish him. Rune control was mine for 10 straight minutes, he only had access to one bounty rune prior to that. He was level 7 when I was level 9. Ganked other lanes non-stop, neglected my own farm because I knew PL would be the one to carry the game. Twenty minutes of farm secured for PL went straight into a Vladmirs, he was making a Crystalys when I told him to make a Diffusal Blade.

                                  Compared with my teammates during my position 3/4 game winstreaks, I do not comprehend how Valve's matchmaking system works.

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    fuck climbing


                                      but you know, actually picking whats best for my team, instead of forcing to pick the heroes im used to playing, worked for me last game

                                      ww was such a great pick that game that i didnt really have to try to win; the hero alone did it


                                        its funny how you guys lose at the same time, you 4 with apoo and haffy xD


                                          bws u must resist the urge to support in 3k. don;t do it. lol.

                                          p.s. tread switchign is easy as hell. but tread switching dont win u games bruh


                                            words of wisdom for the struggling scrub:

                                            games of equal skill tend to be decided on the draft. but you only improve by learning how to win a game where the odds are stacked against you.

                                            that is why i first pick AM. i get countered af. i can't play normally as i would. im forced to find other ways to improve, win the game, be more efficient to the point where the pick doesnt matter. just dont first pick too often lul

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                                              eh supporting was part of my climb from 2700-3k and it actually works if you pick the right hero and if you know what the fuck youre doing

                                              i once won as lich even tho my slark built mom against zeus because i gave my team enough space to do whatever the fuck that want

                                              but its a role that only works if im sure of what im gonna do right from the start of the game; if i have the plan in my mind and can do it properly its an easy win

                                              thats why i usually lose when im forced to pick support; because im forced to think of a gameplan on a whim


                                                supporting can win most games honestly, if you do the first 10 minutes right, game is won

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  Most of the time when I pick AM or Slark I have at least a 60% chance to win (Thanks to Dotabuff)

                                                  But farming gets so repetitive that I stop playing and go play CSGO out of boredom.


                                                    thats why dont pick boring heroes

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      At least I'm climbing on CSGO lul. From Silver 1 to Gold Nova 1 not that bad if I say so myself.


                                                        @renshin, the relationship between winning the first 10 mins and winning the game only happens in higher mmr sadly


                                                          @ haffy.farming gets repetitive if you use the same patterns all the time. you should try pushing the hero too the limit if you find that you get bored. farm more yolo, pressure lanes a lot longer than you normally would, yolo more and then you won't be bored

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            I can vouch for that. Low MMR games are filled with weird throws by both teams.

                                                            I once won a game as an AM with only a Battlefury and a Manta because I ratted their lanes and cut waves, enemy team didn't respond and we were able to comeback because they dived and bought back too many times.


                                                              that is true, which is why in lower mmr games, the team with more cores, ends up winning.
                                                              I think the only surefire way to win mmr in lower brackets, is just to pick a strong hero that can snowball hard, mid heroes preferably like sf,ta,storm


                                                                meanwhile im playing mega man zero 2 *summons Dog*

                                                                eyy i got stuck at fucking poler kamrous for 2 hours trying to A-rank it, finally got it at 90pts XDDD

                                                                and that guy was supposed to be easy, i cant get past the second water pit with those jumping fishes with spikes in it. that was the only place i couldnt perfect, had to abuse i-frames and gtfo to mitigate point reductions

                                                                boss itself, even with the ex skill, is too damn easy

                                                                to be honest it was frustrating trying to get through the stage quickly, while killing lots of enemies without getting hit (much). but its good frustration, doesnt feel cheap (yet)

                                                                how much frustrating will this game get?

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  I sometimes intentionally let the enemy get ahead of us as Slark so that I can challenge myself more.

                                                                  Well I lost two matches because of that. lmao

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    Still fun though so I've got mixed feelings about that.


                                                                      well if u play heroes u win a lot with, u just end up with better opponents and games naturally become harder. and u r forced to play differently than you are used to


                                                                        just realized apoo and haffy are also losing

                                                                        oh well guess the race is still in my favor LUL


                                                                          Hey I didnt lose today, don't put me in with these scrubs

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            If that's true, why am I playing with heroes I'm not good with and every match feels the same, except there are certain brands of autism. Varied, but not by a wide margin.

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              Meanwhile Apoo having a winstreak. Gz


                                                                                you won that ta game? no offense but I thought you would lose that for sure since your team was retarded.


                                                                                  i mean i personally wouldn't let them get ahead to challenge myself. because that kinda goes again getting better. my philosophy is u want to shit stomp your enemies as much as possible. basically you only get better if you push your hero to the limit right? so you play as greedy as the game will allow. i mean if you end up throwing, you get punished and game gets hard then okay. you learn from those mistakes. but relinquishing your advantage isn't a good way to play dota IMO. AT MOST you just learn how to play from behind i guess. but i prefer learning all the different ways to sezie them by the balls . no mercy madafaka


                                                                                    I won that TA game cos the enemy was as retarded as my team and I know how to take advantage of that, a few risky moves here and there made them afraid of fighting me


                                                                                      renshin. you must be new to 1k. kek.

                                                                                      i cannot tell you how many times ive watched a 1k game, and im saying, yep the game is over. WRONG. never underestimate the magnitude of throws from both sides. its exhilarating u never know who's gonna win

                                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                        Why does it feel like everytime I play with anyone with a team tage they are ridiculously dogshit?

                                                                                        Maybe since they play in stacks their party MMR rises, so when they 2 stack the have a chance to queue into solo players. This will mean their solo MMRs are much lower, and thus a gap in skill is created.

                                                                                        Valve should do something about this, just saying.

                                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                          Why does my brain work like this, my reasoning is so irrational yet I still have the urge to do it.

                                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                            Why is Jacked's picture that of a snail from a movie? What is his real name anyway.


                                                                                              yea. its been said like millons of times on reddit alr. vlave just wont change it because you split the matchmaking pool up too much. its just shitty in general to play with a party as a solo guy. games are absolute dogshit simply because party mmr is dogshit, no other reason. party mmr is just too unreliable so u get horrible quality games


                                                                                                why is ur picture a grill. are u a gril


                                                                                                  I actually forced the bane that denied me, to die a few times, when jugg used omni I just used meld to let bane tank all the damage.
                                                                                                  I know how to hold a grudge bois

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    By your logic, you should also be a snail.

