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50 комментариев

    Hi mum

    tilted smurf :)



        third yay


          for arc warden double dagon will always be default 2kMMR builld


            5th llllllllllllllllllll


              Nice one!


                arc warden ready for cm? LMAO. op shit as fuck


                  Dirty arc warden picker right up there. SHAME SHAME SHAME --- SHAME SHAME SHAME


                    Imo Underlord still op.
                    although Arc Warden nearly balanced, he still can't be acceptable for premium tournament.

                    The Doctor

                      Not first


                        Not first either


                          hi, hope this patch buffs IO or ta

                          {Mid}dle of your Heart

                            AW is not.

                            6a6ka B KeDaX

                              Главная крыса доты 2 ,это Ark Warden
                              Апаем ммр ,пока не занерфили


                                I think underlord is probably ready hes counterable even if people dont want to build or pick the heros that work well on it, arc warden in the hands of a great player can make it impossible for the other team. The heros i can think of that would counter arc are not all that meta (spectre comes to mind because she can always get to the real arc but when does she get any farm)


                                  Underlord + Arc Warden + Tempest Double. Too much to handle for CM (Crystal Maiden).

                                  Probably before patch they will nerf underlord ult and/or first skill a bit to scale.
                                  AW not soo OP as before but still probably gets a little bit of nerf i believe.

                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                    The sooner they are released into CM the faster they can be balanced for competitive play.

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      aw gonna get reworked

                                      pitlord gonna get nerfs for sure


                                        nerf underlord, and he'll be fine, probably still op tho. nerf flux slow but make it stack, and arc warden will be ready for captain.

                                        Big Dong and Prosper

                                          Big nerfs for both, then added to captains mode.
                                          If they aren't getting picked, maybe they'll get a little buff.

                                          Zet Popcorn

                                            does cm mean competetive matchmaking?


                                              ^^ Yea

                                              FNA is a tard

                                                when is the patch coming out??

                                                and what about the jugg arcane


                                                  Not Underlord I think. Arc has been in the game for a while and still not in cm.


                                                    Dotabuff forumers where are you?


                                                      arc warden is fine. underlord is still broken lol


                                                        Dont nerf my fckin arc warden!!!rofl


                                                          no cm means captains mode

                                                          The Robot Devil

                                                            Underworld is way too strong for a pro team. Not sure about Arc Warden, I stopped playing him after the initial set of nerfs (he was so OP initially).


                                                              I hope razor, shaker and necro get buffed in this new patch!

                                                              Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                                                "Spark Wraith can be disjointed" and we gucci. Also, buff Razor's Aghanim's Scepter please, froggy


                                                                  AW is too OP for CM. Srsly.

                                                                  Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                                                    "Moreover, the hero is not particularly exceptional in terms of global strategies." You have not seen Alchemist - Arc Warden (global) combo :D

                                                                    Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                                                      I played support Arc Warden when the duration of Tempest Double was 20 sec. (easy 100 gold for every enemy ward with Spark Wraith :D ) Now you can't push one lane safely with only 12 sec. c: (only 1 wave u_u )


                                                                        ez boosting AW


                                                                          what is CM?

                                                                          koki 血眼

                                                                            AW is like brood in a sense that you have a bad matchup the warden train starts going and it doesnt stop


                                                                              give cm movepseed and buff pugna as always. thanks :P

                                                                              Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                                                                @diox , Captain's Mode


                                                                                  Arc Warden is an OP hero but at the same time it's not. All his skills require the player's skill to use it effectively, not like other heroes can spam it everywhere everytime. I would say the hero is balanced and imbalanced at the same time. The hero can solo kill most of other hero when reaching 6. But if the enemy have a better start, arc warden is pretty useless and ez to be killed.

                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                    Давно пора уже. Хули они просто так сидят в таверне, это уже какое-то безобразие. Пусть, конечно, ещё въебут обратно Source 1, Формула получения золота и опыта - это самый огромно-большой невероятно-сташный сон IceFrog'a, ему приснилось что будет лучше, а он её ввёл в Доту по-настоящему. Обидно :( Valva give Source 1 & Give Diretide & Give All Heroes in Captains Mode & Give Servers on Russia Federation & Thanks!

                                                                                    Captain Dawg

                                                                                      I liked the post, but calling AW's clone an illusion is a bit triggering for me nad could affect the post's credibility at the eyes of an experienced player, it has almost nothing in common with an illusion right now. It can use abilities and items, it doesn't receive amp damage neither has his damage reduced and gives gold and exp when it dies. It is even distinguishable from the warden itself (Only TB and DS's illusions are recognizable).

                                                                                      Apart from that, i wouldn't be very surprised if both are added to cm with some tweaks (AW) and nerfs (Underlord).


                                                                                        Pit Lord's winrate is kind of unbelieveable, I'm actually baffled.


                                                                                          Please no


                                                                                            What arc really needs (since he is a hard carry) is passive skill reworks
                                                                                            probably remove magnetic field and increase his agillity gain

                                                                                            Bear In Time



                                                                                                "It is not the 5k+ bracket where this hero is the best" right after showing his highest winrate is in 5k+ pubs. Also this guy talks like he has never played AW. Quality


                                                                                                  arc should be nerf -_-




                                                                                                      TEMPEST DOUBLE IS NOT AN ILLUSION