General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me to get out of HIDDEN POOL!

Help me to get out of HIDDEN POOL! in General Discussion

    zipzap, like i said, all i feel is pity for you, you're actually looking for evidence to support your claims.

    you might as well move into city A.

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    Mlada i Luda

      you want to make the test for what purposse exactly? if its to see how the difference between teammates that you get in different brackets, and how that will effect the game and your chance to win that , even if you do it , you will jsut be 1 more of those players that had already experienced the differences , it will not prove nothing again it will be jsut your point of view . if you being doubtful that there are actually differnces cause you not trust to me and others who experienced cause yo uthink , i only ask for' excuses ' for the games icant win . than this is bullshit . its rly clear that bs determine how your teammates will be, same as mmr does. its not an abstract thing guys, its a factor, the more reprots and dc you ahve lower will be your bs, and those guys who get those reprots they get em for a reason. cause maybe they tilt and they feed cours , they flame alot , they bought acc, ect, ect ... so its simple what is hard to believe in here rly? its quite simple same thing as mmr, lower the mmr the lower the skills of your team will be, lower the bs - more people that do those kind of things will be in your games. and i cant say how much that exatcly effect your chacnes to win a game, but having a player in team that feeds cour ect, ofc it will lower the chances to win that game.


        for any1 asking questions in this thread

        1) yes, shadow pool is real, and it's super simple to track. It's also a very old feature of MM, but ppl mostly do not get to know it due to very specific requirements set to get into shadow pool queue.
        2) yes, op is in a shadow pool
        3) no, shadow pool has nothing to do with hidden pool
        4) no, shadow pool has nothing to do with beh score or any other qualitative or quantitative characteristic obtained through dota_game_account_debug
        5) shadow pool expires over time. several years ago it had a fixed length of 2 months
        6) shadow pool comes as a punishment for running multiple instances of the game at once; mostly through sandboxie

        for more information, refer to triple star loli hunter

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          some of the posts regarding the topic, particularly mafiosos, are extremely autistic


            it's very simple, if it's not abstract and if it's direct then it's testable.

            aka an account with lower BS will have more feeders/flamers/whatever on average than an account with higher BS

            if you were to take 10-20 accs and play 3 games on each without comminicating then just graph the results, it would show a clear downwards pattern as the BS increases

            BS increases= = toxicity would decrease if it were like taht, it's a very simple study

            but no one wants to provide resources

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            Mlada i Luda

              yes , i make them a little bit dense this is how i dected autist persons.. they comment prety much like you XD .. btw you just explained nothing its like 1) yes, cause isay 2) yes , cause i say 3 ) no, cause isay 4 ) no cause i say ) 5) im autist btw lol.


                not sure what u mean

                hidden pool is a non-proved mechanics of MM that matches people basing on their behavior, BS often claimed to be the measure. Hard to prove/disprove its existence.

                Shadow pool is a feature putting you to play against bots who buy tranquil and headress on all the heroes all the time. It exists pretty much since forever, and u can see those games on op's account (SD game and AP games before it), as well as on triple star loli hunter's ones. some other guys from here were in there as well at some point but they aint posting no more. Shadow pool was announced to come as a penalty for sandboxers on dota dev. Using sandbox doesnt make you more toxic or less toxic.

                its actually common knowledge btw

                Mlada i Luda

                  cuki you failed me hard this time , i think i overstimated your inteligence. let me explain again, you dont need to test that not only cause me and other person did it before, but you dont need test for something that is completely logical , wondering that if bs increase= toxicity decrease ( not only toxicity is the less problematic part ), its like doubting if when mmr increase = skill level of your teammates will increase.

                  Mlada i Luda

                    @TripleSteal.... are you jacked for real , or his brother or something?!!!!!!! i dont give a shit about hidden or shadow pool that your talkin i have no idea what pepople meaning when they say hidden pool, i just explained rly simple how bs impacts same as mmr does when it commes to what team mates you will have. for fuck sake use that 90 iq litle brain that you have in max before yo uwrite something . rly trigering readin those retarded stuff


                      ye ic what u did, it just has absolutely nothig to do with the topic as well as with reality

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                      Mlada i Luda

                        lol, i think i've been to harsh in jacked, looks that here are even more autististic persons, well you learn a new thing everyday. got my lesson for today

                        Giff me Wingman

                          cookie shut the fuck up, u're useless and should stoptalk about thing u have no idea about. Fucking 5k bosnian shitlord.

                          As far as I know shadowpool is permanent, the only way you can escape it is beg on for forgiveness. I've seen some people who got unbanned (after 2-3 years), in most cases their MMR got deleted, also don't expect an unban, only a very few people actually got unbanned, so you need a lot of luck.


                            @danishblunt thx for info


                              blunt, are u actually sure its permanent atm?
                              it definetely was not previously, and the original post of a dev back in 2014 had a different info on it as well. I kinda doubt it was changed since then tbh.

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                well think about it

                                if i were to get 10 accounts with all 2k mmr(so the skill is the same) and i play the same hero 3 games on each without having any communication directly(to remove variabilty), and play the same gameplan pattern(to remove variability) and track the teammates behavior objectively(count the number of feeders & number of insults by any player)

                                and we just graph the results, then there will be a clear trend.

                                you can't just say ''because of my and other's experience i conclude it's the truth'' because humans are prone to their biases, you would be prone to the same bias as the guy saying it doesn't exist.

                                Think about it, half the forum says it doesn't exist because of their experience while the other half says that it exists... again... because of their experience.

                                you experienced difference with BS, he experienced none. because each side expects 1 thing to happen and it bases it's belief on it so it's likely that it forgets the other.

                                only testing would give conclusive evidence, because i'm yet to see either side give evidence that we can re-create, either would give anecdotal or evidence with the sample size of 1(biased).

                                with 3 games on 10 accounts we'd have 120 teammate's behavior, that is still a tiny sample size, but a basic pattern shall arise. because we'd be counting the actions of the individuals, rather than the individuals themselves.

                                which you would be able to graph, simple as that.

                                OR will you confirm to my theory with your baises and say that this is unnecessary and that you know the answer again like everyone on either side of the argument, regardless if you think it exists or not.

                                IF you're as intelligent enough to be able to confront yourself, you will be able to set your biases aside and we make a new thread and you help me collect accounts with different behavior scores.

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                                Mlada i Luda

                                  lol... im impressed rly from you cuki. no irony this time. why would you even bother do that for a bunch of guys that you dont even know, if you dont care at all about this thing , well if you and you wanna make it for yourself mostly than i understand. ah shit i hate to do this im to lazy for those long text walls god damnit. i know you have your doubts about my experiences woudl be rly biased i know, but i told i writte here like less than 10 % of my experinces , i dont share everything its boring and weird ! and im saying from my expereinces im not talking only about my gameplay experiences, im talking about my real life experienced that are dota releated, i have many friends in real life thati play dota and share expericne of them, i have from all kind of mmr, and BS also. recently im playing in a game center , i play in lobby 5vs5 with my freinds. 1 day we also made an ' experiment'. 2 guys with same mmr around 4.5 both queued at same time, but A) guy have 5.7 bs. B) guy 8.9 . and they queued 3 times and were matched against each other all the times. and we were watching them from both player prespective they were seat close each other, we saw that a lot more of flame happened to the A guy team even that they were wining though lol. so yeah thats also a fact that this doesnt affect that much maybe who will win cause A guy won the first game at least. and for more there like 20-30 person that play almost every day in there and they know each other the A guy is know as the most toxic one. so yeah maybe its all coincidense who knows , but i have al ot more of experiences that proves to me that BS matters. im not willing to share all of them or make a real test about it only to prove myself right to a bunch of kids that i dont even know. if yo uare willingly to do it than good luck. i dont se any reason to do that shit for myself.

                                  Mlada i Luda

                                    danishbitch and tripleretard , me and cuki are talking about completely different things from what yo uare talking in here , your intervents in our disscus are completely nonsense.


                                      for me it isn't a problem to play 30 games on any 2k account, i could do that in 1-2 days.

                                      tbh, like i've said i personally really wouldn't give a single fuck if it existed or not. because even if my account was in the shittiest shit pool imaginable with negative behavior score i'd still be winning 60%+ because i'm good at the game.

                                      what actually annoys me is this flame fest they have on every thread that even mentions bs/shadow pool/ hidden pool, that's what i want to be stopped. I don't even want to do the research, i just want these annoying flame wars to be over.

                                      i get this thread has literally the word ''hidden pool'' in it, fine whatever, but literally any thread that even gets the words ''behavior score" ''hiden pool'' ''shadow pool'' mentioned, it instantly turns into world war 3.

                                      they make it an US vs THEM argument, dehumanize your opponent and start the flame fest, just annoying repetitive idiocy, everyone just wants to feel superior to their opponent. because they don't want to know if it exists or not, they just want to feel correct.

                                      same thing that happens when someone keeps using ''god of the gaps'' argument

                                      guy 1: oh god made earth,

                                      guy 2: earth was formed from debree of a nearby supernova of a star

                                      guy 1: god made that star

                                      guy 2: that star was formed after the big bang due to particles attracting each other

                                      guy 1: god made the big bang

                                      and it just goes till it hits an impossible untestable gap

                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                        but you dont need test for something that is completely logical

                                        You can't use "logic" when there is no real knowledge abt the topic
                                        Your conclusion, at least with evidence or proof, is not a logical conclusion but in fact an assumption that conforms to your biases.
                                        Whatever the result, conduct a test/experiment to conclude which is true and which isn't.

                                        Mlada i Luda

                                          fair enough , thats exactly the shit that triggers me 90% of the comments are only insulting , someone tries to psychologise my brain, someone else look the winrate or something esle in profile and comments about , and releate it somhew with the thing that were talking and thats why im wrong and thery right, cause of invoker winrate lol. literally jsut trying to finds something even completely nonse but to make them think theyr right, and no one is actually able to diccsus for real about the stuff that i wrotte , i can said without any doubts literaly no one except you .

                                          Mlada i Luda

                                            @Road to Crippling Depression... here it commes another one lol. i cant handle this shit anymore , read the other comments before you writte god damnit i explained it there , ah for fuck sake icant believe this is happening. is that you cuki trolling me with another acc :p


                                              i ran a similar testing for ranked mmr calibration when i first got here on dotabuff, since that was basically the same level of stupidity as this topic.

                                              i showed that you could calibrate an account that has a first game start of 2.0k into 4.7k if you're good at dota(back when calibration max was 4999), there's actually no limit to where you can start and how much mmr you can get trough the 10 calibration matches, i tested it at +-500 max mmr per game, which means if you started at literally 1 mmr you could end up at 4,999 after 10 matches if you played theoretically perfect. Also concluded that party and solo are completely separate and that they basically have no affect what so ever on each other's calibration(could be changed now with the (party + solo)/2 thingy for party games).

                                              but what also happened is that i had to delete that thread because i kept getting spammed on my facebook by 3rd world kiddies to boost or calibrate them.

                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                Mafioso, I did read
                                                But ur logic has no base
                                                No proof
                                                No evidence


                                                  Ppl insult u because u say it like it's proven and logical. But it's not.


                                                    I have my own experiences of toxic team when I had Low BS. BUT I'm not stupid and deluded enough like u to conclude that hidden pool is real.

                                                    Keeping in mind your underlying premise is that high BS gets matched with Low BS which is an inherently flawed model for matchmaking and in fact illogical.

                                                    Your experiences are Better explained by your tendency to blame and perceive your teammates as toxic with your sub 50% winrate.

                                                    In fact anyone's "experiences" of toxicity is usually filled with cognitive bias. And I'm pretty confident of this fact having actually studied psychology.


                                                      Lmao cookie and the bois

                                                      Are u trying to convince mafioso about smth? Or do u feel the need to answer?


                                                        when say bad word like "fock" !! no say!!! it hurt fellings it hurt mind!! it hurt psiocologi.
                                                        no say BAN OF ?? bad wording. bad sperence of it
                                                        not far foe me i can shot of guns and no blod i say shott do want help
                                                        ok. no need capatalize.. angry? i no like violento be peeace plese.
                                                        i laff.. love of you. want ad frend of you? i ad you funny you of haha. tank of make laff
                                                        wat music like? i like. = carton music. church music. i like. of ultimate kenny G! and wat cinema most like of.? i james bond! i kill you! HAHA! just play i not like kill is not peece =( and yous why? and music pastor of me sey .. hey!! no lisen music with bad wording liek "fock" , "jew" and "women"
                                                        klax . frend of me.. carton = televison. rabit with big leg . but no like rabit carton. he eat all orange vegetabol. rabit of carton eat more of in day then brazil in yeer. sad! no like of. i make protesto of. i wil not eat food of stopid governo stop ban of cs. i wil only eat banana
                                                        yes helo america i ned you pepols to send me food. preferense : banana can an america abitant send me VHS of Selina Dion i loev her music i wane lissen to of . send me by mail ok frends i pey i promise i can give mey drawing of potato it won prize in scool . tenks


                                                          ^nibba is that what tagalog sounds like?


                                                            ye, no worries, i read what u posted and i think u r autistic basing on the content

                                                            very good csgo player

                                                              Mafiosos sample size is the same as his IQ. Fucking subhuman. Worse version of Semdrengr. Tries to pretend he knows what he is talking about but actually just looks autistic

                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                Yeah they made it perm now. They changed that around the compendium because people farmed Battlepoints and levels in unranked. It doesn't matter if u used sandboxie, PC's or friends to queue on weird servers, once u got shadowbanned it's perm.

                                                                Cookie is confirmed retard, the guy has no idea what shadow pool is and starts talking about some behavior shit ROFL


                                                                  you're trying so hard, it's's just sad that you have to keep making a fool out of yourself to get some kind of a reaction out of me.

                                                                  it doesn't work my dear, so i'm just gonna help you out here and tell you to stop wasting your own time.

                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                    This thread basicially showcases how fucking dumb cookie is and that he loves talking about shit he literally has no clue about.

                                                                    btw, out of curiosity, what did u exacly do to get shadowpooled in the first place? U did admit that u hard abused but what did u exacly do, did u abuse battlepoints? LuL

                                                                    EDIT: NVM, u did BP abuse. Yeah u're kinda fucked now. You probably need to make another account man. U're done for. I don't think valve will unban when it comes to BP abuse, so far people who got unbanned were people who did MMR abuse.

                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён



                                                                        The room is full
                                                                        But all I see is the way
                                                                        Your eyes just blaze through me
                                                                        Like fire in the dark
                                                                        We're like living art
                                                                        And it hits me
                                                                        Like a tidal wave
                                                                        Are you feeling me
                                                                        Or is the music to blame
                                                                        Who owns my heart
                                                                        Is it love or is it art
                                                                        Cause the way you got your body movin' got me confusin'
                                                                        And I can't tell if it's the beat or sparks
                                                                        Who owns my heart
                                                                        Is it love or is it art
                                                                        You know I wanna believe that we're a masterpiece
                                                                        But sometimes it's hard to tell in the dark
                                                                        Who owns my heart
                                                                        So come on, baby
                                                                        Keep provoking me
                                                                        Keep on roping me
                                                                        Like a rodeo
                                                                        Baby, pull me close
                                                                        Come on
                                                                        Here we go
                                                                        Here we go
                                                                        Here we go

                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                          deluded 5k bosnian pride doesn't realize how much of a fool he made out of himself it's fucking hilarious.


                                                                            tell me danish, who truly owns my heart?

                                                                            is it your love or is it art?

                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                              Lets see how long it takes until you feel to embarrased to post on dotabuff.


                                                                                i would never feel embarrassed about our love, i openly embrace it, do you feel the same?

                                                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                                                  im not here to try to convince no one about my ideas, i would'nt bother to writte about something that im already 100% sure about , cause i dont care about you kids at all, iwritte here about what i know and i defend it with my arguments cause i want people with more experience than me maybe to prove me wrong at least to make a simple constructive talk about it, but i realised that you practicly have 0 knowledge and 0 ability to analise and talk even about some basic stuff. if it was not for cuki i would not comment here at all , cause he is the only one that might bring something real in the table, if you realised he would never comment about something if he doesn't se smoething substancial at all in there. practicly what danishblunt, tripplesteal, and jacked ,brings in the table are only insutling comments with nothing constructive and substancial on it, thats cause they jsut dont aggre with waht others says, but also dont have the min ability to reply to it ,and to make an real argument with some real ideas why you dont agree with, cause it requires a little bit int, to be able to talk with someone that you dont agre with and not using as the only argument some insulting stuff that have no ideas on it. lol. but ihave to admit its kinda entertaining for me to read those comments.


                                                                                    The one constructive point is that u have no evidence
                                                                                    U cud be right or wrong but there is no proof either way

                                                                                    basement :)

                                                                                      Behaviour score is seemingly pointless from my experiments.

                                                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                                                        @Road to Crippling Depression... ty i apreciate your comment thats good for a start, no nonsense insults were made this time. dont offense or soemthing when itell you cause you did not pay much attention on my comments before ( i dont want things go insane again, we cool XD), i make it clear i have no intenions to comme here with some evidence for soemthing that i know for sure and there real proofes about it, i haveno intentiaon at all on teaching some unkwonw kids here, yo uare mistaken me with cuki, i camme here to share my though based on my experiences , and excpected same thing from other peoples inhere so we can have a normal talk about it, this is the purposse of the forum to disccus about things and share experiences and maybe some conclusion will be done ( even wron maybe sometimes), who care we are not scientices or mathematicians or valve emplyers here to talk about real proofs.


                                                                                          i would'nt bother to writte about something that im already 100% sure about ,


                                                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                                                            whats weird inhere?!! only a fool things that he knows everything and is 100% confident in himself.

                                                                                            Mlada i Luda

                                                                                              thinks not 'things ' . god damnit , sry


                                                                                                Dude I didn't insult u in the previous post on this thread either
                                                                                                I'm just trying to see how u think, and the way u operate in drawing conclusions is just wrong
                                                                                                Scientific process was developed for a reason
                                                                                                If u have no intention to prove urself don't make claims, cuz then everyone will think ur retarded whether that's true or not.
                                                                                                If u make a claim with no basis the only logical conclusion someone else can make of u is that ur claim is wrong
                                                                                                Experiences are subject to the flaws of human perception
                                                                                                Experiments are not
                                                                                                You can share experiences but you market them as facts, so make urself clear when u speak

                                                                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                                                                  i always specified that i made my own little experiments, i never said i work for valve , or nasa, or im a proffesional licensed in doing this things, yes i do defend in a rly strong way my ideas, cause iwant people that are talking with me to do the same, its the only way you can make a construcitve discuss, that ends as soon as somone have nothing to say and have 0 intention on learning anything cause he thinks he already knows it for sure, and start making insutling comments only cause he disagre, why the fuck would someone post in a comment if all would think the same?!!!!!!

                                                                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                                                                    brw dont, dont try to see how ithink , you cant say that for sure even for a person that you know for a lin time inreal life, you could never do it about me or someone else here in this forum.


                                                                                                      god u r next level retarded