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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Im an ass man

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    doc joferlyn simp

      Best Page-Sniper NA.









                      doc joferlyn simp

                        I appreciate all kinds of art, but I appreciate the glorification of female anatomy more so than others.



                            renshin have u bought any premade decks


                              im 6998 with 55 wins, tell me my real ranking pls :3


                                i bought 2 premade decks , sword and dragon
                                not sure about the ranking, all i know is, 600 wins with master rank is good


                                  though most people average with 1000 wins before hitting master rank


                                    currently dont know what i should do with the game, i basically only touch ranked when its required by mission otherwise i just grind unranked
                                    even then im still struggling when i need to do basically any craft besides blood and shadow (both which i have complete netdecks for)


                                      i think if i rank to B or A i might just have to forget about completing my missions lmao


                                        i think its best to save gold for the new expansion
                                        rank above A is cancer


                                          yea i have 600 ish gold saved up after i grinded like 12+ t2 games (2 wins avg lmfao)
                                          are u a0


                                            i want to learn t2 so bad its like the only productive way of playing in sv


                                              Im aa0 currently, lots of tryhards
                                              and yes t2 is the best way to learn shadowverse since you will see cards youve never played/seen before


                                                i actually meant that it was productive in the sense that if you become good at it you can grind rewards more efficiently (since u need just 2 wins to break even, 4.1ish for infinite)
                                                while conversely if u grind rank it makes your dailies harder and u gain no actual rewards apart from score rewards which are far less substantial

                                                do agree about t2 being good for learning tho. sad part is i constantly meet people with "taker of 2/selector supreme" flairs and master players gg


                                                  ^true, if t2 had better mm where u dont get placed against those ppl, that would be great

                                                  i mean sure the drafts are random so they kinda dont matter, but u cant deny that those guys have far superior knowledge and experience than u (which is pretty much the only skills needed in this game)


                                                    also its true that ranked doesnt give much in terms of rewards, but i still found myself grinding all the way to A1, maybe im just a rly competitive player xd even tho im trying to NOT play ranked i still find myself playing 20+ games at times because constructed is all im rly good and unranked doesnt give rewards AT ALL


                                                      maybe i should go all out and grind to AA, that rank emblem looks sick, unlike A's "purple gem with gold borders" xd

                                                      tho im having a rly good time playing conjuring force snowman OTK in unranked, that shits meme af even if i only manage to pull it off 1/5 games

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                                                        i have 5 reports to use

                                                          Always pick sword or shadow and u win games in t2 pick banes and removal and rush/charge and some op evolves.
                                                          I drew a castle in the sky in a top deck situation versus one of these master rank account buyers, I'm so mad. I had that Leonidas amulet and 2 +1 attack amulets on board fuk that lucker. Literally less than 6% chance to draw that Garbo dead card.

                                                          Also I got my second 5 wins as sword today Lul my deck played itself


                                                            haha ive been choosing sword/dragon/shadow in that order too, usually when i get the other 4 its a disaster. but im just bad so i get max 3 wins


                                                              time to save my remaining 4 tickets in case they change the reward from standard pack to new expansion


                                                                i did an 20hp OTK yestd with otomeme warriors and rousing step felt so good lmao

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                                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                                  How to 20 hp otk? Waow


                                                                    i have 5 reports to use

                                                                      Hey Alice otk runecraft is legit, it can win at turn 7 similar to discard dragon just modify the deck a little and its good.


                                                                        10/10 leader would buy again

                                                                        BSJ. LGD

                                                                          lmao rip 500 gold


                                                                            jk i didnt buy any
                                                                            maybe vampy next time

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              What the fuck am I looking at lmaooo

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                Wow guys i just played some Hearthstone because of maintenance and it's actually better than Shadowverse!
                                                                                Hearthstone has no cancerous shit like:
                                                                                -Rune in general
                                                                                -Salty cucks disconnecting after the loss
                                                                                -Turn 6 lethals (fuck you Aggro Shadow)
                                                                                -Half-naked cartoon children in card art
                                                                                -3 copies of one legendary in a deck, i mean, what the fuck?

                                                                                Hearthstone has:
                                                                                -Less aggro
                                                                                -More deck diversity
                                                                                -More class diversity
                                                                                -More (and better) singleplayer content
                                                                                -Better waifus (pandas anyone?)
                                                                                -Stories to tell your friends
                                                                                -More epic memes!
                                                                                -An actual future ahead of it instead of being a quick mobage cashgrab which is going to die in a few months like Shadowverse

                                                                                Also Hearthstone's original dub voice is in English so weaboos can fuck off and kill themselves

                                                                                Anyway i'm enjoying it a lot more than i did with Shadowverse. Check it out.

                                                                                Well I'll be damned.

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  I'm gonna try this out though, but purely for the strategical and competitive nature of the game. Completely unrelated to the ecchi everyone posted.



                                                                                      make sure u reroll

                                                                                      BSJ. LGD

                                                                                        hearthstone feels less rewarding relative to weebverse


                                                                                          Fuck control Runecraft and face Swordcraft. I love playing card-draw simulator and SMOrc, the game.

                                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                            Is this safe for the family? I broke my laptop last year and I'm utilizing the family computer right now. Let's say my parents see me playing this, what would they think?


                                                                                              huh, i can only win with haven and sword in take two, maybe im just a rly good haven player kappa


                                                                                                unless limil's way/beast dominator show up on urloading screen, u wont have problems


                                                                                                  runecraft is a completely paytowin class. how am i supposed to play it without buying erasmus leader? isabelle's jiggles keep on distracting me right from the mulligan!

                                                                                                  BSJ. LGD

                                                                                                    it has occult inspired art and anime grils you be the judge lul