General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    i just wanna drop by and say Hi cucks
    also eziest new page of my life

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      Support SF if is

      doc joferlyn simp

        Sven/CK/WK still best roamers.

        1-IceTea 🌟

          Jack try cent,I will be play in about 1 and half hour later


            I'm still doing well :)
            Also just because someone have low MMR doesn't mean they don't know anything about dota (although 700 mmr is..... special)
            My insights get shat on only once like in every 50 threads you know


              Also fml I keep dropping 50 55 grades on big subjects on my tryouts with only 1 random guess being correct out of all my random guesses while these dimwits get 80 with only 4 legit answers


                Half semester already judgment test SeemsGood
                Sudden announcement of the test will be done a week sooner than it's supposed to be SeemsGood
                More than 5 deciding subjects SeemsGood
                I got session 3 which is 3pm to 6pm SeemsGood


                  I'm sniping for the 9/10 average m80s

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    Fucking sick boys.

                    Président® Salted Butter

                      I still have yet to play support lc feelsbadman


                        new acc tryhard here we go bois

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                        doc joferlyn simp


                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            and all of u play other game ggwp


                              spam imba spirite ez gg


                                spam imba spirite ez gg


                                  :D yea but look at dat building damage also could a sniper kill when theres a tinker?


                                    played ok-ish imo


                                      I got out of lp in 5games. Need 4

                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                        Sent this to my crush 4Head


                                          FX DROPPING XDDDDDDD




                                              i started this acc to get 4kei but i ended up playin with it on gamenet since my phone broke and steamgaurd e;jgksegds main

                                              and hi another 3k acc here

                                              i have 5 reports to use

                                                Jacked I had an inspiration for a new meta build:
                                                Pos 4Support lifestealer,
                                                Phase wand oov medallion blink aghs(to eat people to save them and lifestealer can double infest if you stay in long enough) more magic damage than ember. Eating people does a hard dispel like abbadon shield.


                                                  Raj? Is that you?
                                                  Actually it sounds legit, although it sounds way too greedy
                                                  Maybe with alch agh donation rush strat might work


                                                    it could be a jungler life that builds those too


                                                      Please no I'd rather have licetea wk coming out of the jungle at min 9 with armlet treads beating people to pulp than that


                                                        Im throwing games now lmao back to spam some luna


                                                          spam luna to throw ? or to win? cause luna got a considerable nerf and lycan/jug are way better


                                                            You lost your 60% ranked winrate club membership


                                                              Some people are just too damn good on a hero compared to his bracket that it doesn't even matter if the hero he's good at is shit in the meta or not
                                                              Although I doubt fx is a better luna than me anyway

                                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                                It's a pun that could only work in tagalog, but the direct translation is
                                                                "When I went to Tunisia, I met a woman. Not long after, I fell for her. I couldn't help it, her love was sincere"


                                                                  im always down to try ur new meta builds. what does a support sf get?


                                                                    support life good plan can farm jungle and roam buy aghs good counter for lc and necro


                                                                      clement is not back to ranked, hes back to using my 1k acc. dont trust his name


                                                                        Bws not playing dota :thinking:

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          Oh shit! Another

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            Took a few weeks break now I'm actually winning games FeelsGoodMan

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              Ember Spirit sucks because you can literally 1v5 the whole enemy team but if your team refuses to push you just fucking lost.


                                                                                i dont know haf, remember i climbed to 3k from 2700 using timbersaw

                                                                                3k to 2700

                                                                                3k to 2700

                                                                                3k to 2700

                                                                                3k to 2700

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                                                                                  u know if u 1v5 ur team's gonna get so bored cuz theyre not doing shit and they'll help u end it

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    idk I think I'm just overestimating my skill but wow, seeing a 13-2 become a 13-7 in a span of 15 minutes because Dazzle, Huskar, and Luna didn't want to push but instead farmed because we were "ahead" vs an AM and a Jugg 30 minutes in just breaking two of their raxes really triggered me.

                                                                                    I was even called greedy. Hey maybe I should play Ember Spirit like a fucking AM yeah?

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                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      3k to 2700 pinoy edu at it's finest lmao


                                                                                        lol man

                                                                                        dont expect ppl at ur mmr to push 15 mins

                                                                                        at 15 mins as timber i used to just camp their jungle nonstop i get farm my team gets farm and the enemy just camps their base lmao cuz i know i shouldnt convince my team to push anyway, pushing that early requres too much skill and coordination


                                                                                          the push will come naturally

                                                                                          as your advantage grows bigger, pushing becomes less of team coordination and more of just showing ur gonna win in the next 5-10 mins

                                                                                          so just let ur team farm even if theyre bad at it, its better than losing tempo


                                                                                            just remember; ur team's bad at farming and gaining advantage, but theyre even worse at taking back lost advantage. so if u force em to high risk plays they aint comfortable with ur just gonna lose


                                                                                              yeah games like that happen too i've had a lot of games i can show u where it ended 25 mins (i think one of my last solo ranked games was like that)

                                                                                              but that still wont make me think that all players can cooperate that well, you'd best be prepared for the worst

                                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                Heyyy that's pretty good advice but how is pushing versus a starved team 20 minutes in a high risk play??????

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  Anyways thank for that I would have tilted more if I stayed wrapped in my own hatred and Dunning-Kruger, lmao