General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes tinker need a nerf

Does tinker need a nerf in General Discussion
Austriacki pingwin

    Tinker is a late game carry himself, if he doesnt have mana regen or ult he is pretty much fucked, how about you pick Faceless Void and use your W skill and BAM HE CANT DO SHIT



        btw void w doesnt do a shit to tinker




            Void r does tho

            Final Boss

              Void r does if void can initiate on tinker which wont happen 9/10 times.


                well it should happen coz thats how u kill tinker

                Final Boss

                  In a void vs tinker fight, tinker will almost always win. He has low respawn time thanks to bloodstone and its almost impossible to push highground vs him.

                  Final Boss

                    Anyway next patch cancer heroes confirmed pa, morph.


                      6.89 will be razor everywher
                      heard it here first
                      and goblin techis
                      and sniper
                      and troll

                      Этот комментарий был изменён
                      Final Boss

                        morph will be everywhere and he will shit on poor razor xD.

                        Final Boss

                          sniper will be shit as always. Troll might be OP.

                          Johnny Rico

                            HE CAME BACK THE GUY CAME BACK LUL

                            Johnny Rico

                              When the dark side consumes you, you change, into something diferent, something powerfull, something new...
                              The powers that the dark side grants are big, but the dark side also takes...
                              Your emotions rule everything , anger, fear, hate, whenerver you go, whatever you see, you fell...
                              It takes your will, it makes you rage trough, it takes your life, if makes you suffer...
                              When the people confront you, the darkness awakes, you cant control it, it takes command of every aspect of your self...
                              And them, you are there, alone, in the darkness waiting to find new prey for it, the hunger never stops...
                              In the end of the road you are there, trying to get back, some can but the mojority cannot win agaisnt darkness.

                              Hook and Roll 30/06/2016 at 17:48

                              Johnny Rico

                                The only way to win is to be like water, you have very poor farm on the carrys, and you are too agressive.
                                Be like water mold yourself to each game, play each time diferently.
                                Experiement new roles, new ways to play the game.
                                And then win.


                                  My solution to tinker problem is remove perma hex . That shit is broken as fuck . REarm does not affect sheep stick and im good .


                                    Or just don't go late vs tinker and call it good


                                      memes pls


                                        Or you can have your teamates attack tinker while he's vexing you . You don't wanna one vs one a tinker late game so don't get caught out .


                                          hes over powerd yes, but hes easily counterd by invis users, blink users and especially pudge, i see a lot more tinkers than b4 but as pudge its hilarious they try and hide and shoot missels off map but you cant hide from blink and hooks


                                            you can easily counter tinker easily though.

                                            i hardly can face heroes like nyx, templar, pudge, etc,etc

                                            Final Boss

                                              tinker runs away when pudge comes for him, and how exactly is pudge going to hook him from trees if tinker doesnt shoot missiles? He can always blink a different spot to tp out.


                                                Dark memes ahead

                                                Preap Sovath

                                                  He looks like magical rapier wielder.

                                                  I don't know how should he nerfed but try disabler for kill him.


                                                    If you want to hook Tinker, Clockwerk is your man




                                                          2 days ago

                                                          you can easily counter tinker easily though.

                                                          i hardly can face heroes like nyx, templar, pudge, etc,etc

                                                          interesting u mention these heros.
                                                          id agree on nyx but arent u forgetting about the most important counters?
                                                          clock, tusk, rexxar and storm? mb even mirana.


                                                            Tinker is a late game carry himself, if he doesnt have mana regen or ult he is pretty much fucked, how about you pick Faceless Void and use your W skill and BAM HE CANT DO SHIT


                                                              bam your W doesnt do a shit again.



                                                                  Ya you can counter tinker no doubt, but every hero in the game has counters so that is not the best argument to use. With that being said though, fuck Tinker and his hex rocket laser dagon refresh etc. in a little over a second combo that is an insta kill pretty much. So ya, fuck that hero and all people who play him. I am really hoping he is one of the heroes that gets nerfed to the stone ages soon, and then just keep nerfing him again and again.


                                                                    try playing him, he's fun




                                                                          30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                                                                            Laser aghanins should not cause miss on its bounces. Its just so op that can completely make naga illusions useless in pushing and can disable entire teams right clicking. All tinker need is aghs dager and aether to maintain safe distance and already a game changer.



                                                                                I don't think he's op I just think he's very annoying to play against and to be on your team so even if he's just ok , it pisses people off . You are eithe annoyed that tinker is stealing all your sAfelane carries farm from lanes if on same team or if on other team annoyed by all his spammy crap/ trying to catch his squishy booty . I tend to win be tinker a lot but I tend to prioritize jumping his squishy butt .


                                                                                  holy shit, I was just strolling around and boom! an hour of my life has gone. And yes i havent been active in dota for 2 month, the exact same time this thread born, and I'm amazed on how much toxic I had left in my left. (well, I did sip a little tonight).
                                                                                  well OP just some suggestion (if you still bother though) i think if you want a definite processes and definite results (as phrased "this should always stronger than this or that or anything that you guys debated with one definite conclusion)... well, try a game of sudoku then.

                                                                                  but who am I anyway. OP had 6000ish games of dota 2 whlie I'm just around 1000ish game. Definitely OP is well more experienced than most of us.

                                                                                  Johnny Rico

                                                                                    GG GUYS GG
                                                                                    This shit is starting again

                                                                                    Johnny Rico

                                                                                      the realm's delight


                                                                                        Johnny Rico

                                                                                          Mankind will end in shit

                                                                                          Would you fuck??

                                                                                          lul wtf spawn of satan

                                                                                          Johnny Rico

                                                                                            By triples


                                                                                              gj keep it up

                                                                                              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                                                nerf tinker

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  rod of atos = perma slow = people cant do shit while you rape them

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                                                                                                    fishy boi

                                                                                                      Blah blah blah lets nerf blah blah coz op cox blah blah blah. Why not just be better haha