General Discussion

General DiscussionSo I lost a 26/3/11 game

So I lost a 26/3/11 game in General Discussion


    not taking smoke screen
    troll item build
    low TD
    36% winrate

    you are what's wrong.

    EZ MID 9k mmr

      i have very hard time figuring out if op is a troll

      either way 10/10 would bang


        Go for suggested items instead and maybe try to carry your games... Also when you kill heroes hit the damn towers, is that so hard?

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          go with tranquil to yasha to diffusal if u want ganking riki.. this build only emphasizes on ks and not actually helping the team


            I have so many points to pinpoint here:
            1. It's not because Oracle killsteals or what since you have many kills for your team and you carried them a lot.
            2. Look at your hero damage. I'm quite unsatisfied since you're at par with ES who is only a support initiator.
            3. Your tower damage is damn worst. You need to go with them when they are pushing and not always gank by yourself.
            4. Your last hits are too way low. They are pretty fucked up. You could have picked support only to have that amount of cs. Even Oracle has more lasthits than you. Improve lasthitting.
            5. Your itembuild is meant to killsteal. You have no dps item or whatsoever.
            6. You didn't take at least 1 level of smokescreen. It's so wrong in all levels.
            7. Your winrate is low. Stack with a good winrate.

            Overall your KDA is good and you didnt feed the enemies. Consider thinking of those stated above. TY. All the best!

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              way better than ur build and much more fun to play since they cant kill u


                you should have reported oracle for ks'ng you. they should be pushing towers instead of dying while u finish of the enemy heroes.

                TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                  I swear this guy is god-tier cancerous. Wouldn't listen to what he should be improving on and keeps on insisting his tested and already proven retarded builds.

                  or, he is just one really good troll being able to get to everyone's nerves with his questionably overcommitted trolling.


                    Because this is dota, defense of the ancients, not wktm - who kills the most. Who has the ancients survived is winner, not who kills more. Your final goal is destroy enemy ancient, not tower, not barracks, not heroes. Just ancients. Killing enemy is just a part of the game, not whole. So we have pusher, disabler, initiator, support, etc. Not just nuker and assasin. Everything is just a piece of puzzle, a factor contribute to victory. I have games that 0/9/3, still sure I'm doing right things toward victory, many games 20/2/25 still hopeless. Some great game strategies don't require to kill any enemy heroes to push. Some bad strategies can easily kill the whole enemy teams still can't push at all.


                      he is a troll dont u guys know. he is gold though