General Discussion

General DiscussionSo I lost a 26/3/11 game

So I lost a 26/3/11 game in General Discussion

    Because our Oracle support was bitching about KS and then decided to go AFK in base. If you want to leave at least abandon so we can sell your items, get your xp and your gold.

    How is this fair?

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      it's cause you didn't have enough rapiers

      Pale Mannie

        Take Salzas advice: buy more rapiers

        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

          I couldn't get enough, it was really a 4v5 and I had to go in at the end when everyone else was dead because they were attacking our ancient, and I dropped all my rapiers.

          Well, Oracle wasn't dead, but guess who didn't want to help us out because he's still mad about KS when he called "support".

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            I guess you just have to get good-er.


              i once almost lost where i was 44 3 or somehting like that

              Zorthax Dorn

                Name needs to be more Russian.


                  i might be wrong, but i think your build is retarded. they didnt even buy mkb.
                  also, 30 cs, no tower dmg and normal skill. you were pretty much a support that didnt feed because they didnt buy true sight

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                  Zorthax Dorn

                    Also stop playing Riki. He is garbage, it's no wonder you lose.

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      @toxic mid player

                      You're wrong.

                      SANITY = ECLIPSED

                        Op i have a good inside that will hopefully help you improve: i recommend to adjust your build from dagon/3xrapiers/etherial/boots to dagon/2xrapiers/etherial/boots/necrobook, so you can get objectives easier and finish your game. Nokappa.


                          How is it surprising?
                          It's just disappointing.
                          I've won matches with 70 hp left on my ancient and lost matches where I had 30ish KDA.

                          gankl  der hochstapler

                            nice winrate


                              Maybe get more than 30 last hits in a 50 min game and you'll have more items to kill people with


                                24/1/8 Lost cuz Lone druid.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  oh look, this 30% winrate retard again, wondering how he loses games when he never approaches towers because he's scared of dying

                                  also, those guys had freefarming medusa and troll, you're retarded if you think you can win vs medusa as a riki lategame, especially with a retarded fucking build

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                                    Plz stop posting then commit suicide


                                      OMG STOP POSTING 200 MMR TRASH

                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                        24/1/8 Lost cuz Lone druid.

                                        Remember, be glad it's not Sniper.



                                          you have kills but you are not still not a carry because of your retarded build, you can only kill one hero maybe two at a time. Late game carry should be able to kill all 5. Its so easy to get a lot of kills with that build but dont you wonder why no one with a brain plays it?

                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                            Actually I can ult and kill 2 or 3, then dagon for 1 more and then if I remember eblade it's another one, but I always forget to activate Eblade because I usually go W->R-> 3( dagon) and forget to press 4(eblade)

                                            and it sucks if I accidentally press a minion with my W instead of enemy hero. I wish W was enemies only tbh.

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                              Pick real heroes next time retarded riki picker


                                                Top kek
                                                Edit: I just looked at OP's skill build and i'm fucking dying. Please tell me this guy is just an overly committed smurfing troll because I can't fucking take it. It's too funny.

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                  EBLADE + DAGON NOW
                                                  DUDE WHY


                                                    because u picked rikki :D


                                                      Why do people have such a strong hatred of Riki? Play the hero enough and you'll understand just how easy he is to properly shut down, at any point in the game.
                                                      It's simple. The whole team has to work together in buying true sight and he's finished. I'm amazed that even in high 3k and low 4k games, this is still a problem. Not nearly as bad, but it's still there. Generally though the supports can handle it and learning from that, I've easily warded other lanes to protect from Riki and won. It's so simple, if you hate Riki, it's because you're greedy and can't get it through your thick skull that if you want to fuck Riki over, you have to spend a measly 200 gold on sentries which have no limit in the shop... It seriously can't get easier than this.

                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


                                                        You must think Sniper is a real hero, huh?


                                                          "Actually I can ult and kill 2 or 3"

                                                          2 or 3 is not 5


                                                            bruh, youre seriously bad if you forget to press buttons or hit creeps instead of heroes.


                                                              you buy rapier on riki.

                                                              game summary has enemy medusa with a rapier in inventory.

                                                              i think i can guess how you lost.

                                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                @Defianc3 No, I actually lost the rapier right before they took the ancient trying to 1v5 them because 3 members of the team are dead and 1 is AFK.

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                  lol it was 4v5 from the start cause youre retarded.. expecting to win against hsrd carries with less farm than es.. and definitely ks.. 20.6k hero damage with 26 kills? hmm definitely ks

                                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                    I don't KS, they are all my earned kills.

                                                                    And if you say 20.6 hero damage with 26 kills is KS...

                                                                    what about Troll Warlord? He has the same.

                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                      51 tower dmg LMFAO


                                                                        gz, u managed to land 2 hits on a tower xD
                                                                        well deserved loss tbh

                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


                                                                          I had the 3rd highest tower damage on my team.


                                                                            doesnt matter lol
                                                                            51 on a hurts my eyes, and u had that score
                                                                            like theres no way u cant manage to hit a tower with that score
                                                                            enemy core has over nine thousand.

                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                              As I said, I had the 3rd highest tower damage on my team.


                                                                                tied for 3rd and 4th dude


                                                                                  AS A FUCKING CORE

                                                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                    Point is, I'm not 5th.

                                                                                    Though it's sad the AFK had more tower damage than me.

                                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                      so go afk, maybe u get more tower dmg 4Head

                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        you can bitch about his item build, but this retard actually takes stats over smoke

                                                                                        now that's impaired development

                                                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                          I don't need smoke when I'm invisible.




                                                                                              Your teammates are holding you back and theres nothing you can really do about that

                                                                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                I have no problem with unskilled teammates, I just don't like people who AFK in base.

                                                                                                If you're gonna AFK at least Disconnect so that we can get your gold, get more xp and sell your items please.

                                                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                                                  ^i smell copypasta 10 miles away against the wind


                                                                                                    lol last hit some creeps first before u post here kiddo


                                                                                                      36% riki means that you're holding yourself back

                                                                                                      36% means that you're doing something really wrong


                                                                                                        I remember this guy buying rapiers to take last hits. Let that sink in... And now, *I don't need smoke because I am invisible*. That's like I don't need cars because I can't ride motorcycles. It's ridiculous. Your smoke silences and smokes for extended period, and you ARE in negative MMR tier, which means they won't know what to do with static AoE crowd controls.