General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    translate every statement into a fomrula and combine them(e.g every student want to have good grades: [for all]S: S->G)


      chew chew mоtherfuсker

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        i dunno how to prove this honestly i can just see the statement being true lol



          ℕ - natural numbers (1, 2, 3..) (some argue that 0 belongs there as well)
          ℤ - whole numbers (... -1, 0, 1 ...)
          ℚ - rational numbers (every number that can be expressed as a fraction)
          ℝ - real numbers (rational numbers including square roots pi e etc, theres like 20 rules that define set of real numbers afair from 1st analysis lesson)
          ℂ - complex numbers (imaginary numbers, i suppose that things that contain more than one imaginary unit are just called complex too)


            i thought real are called rational
            actual rational are never used anywhere

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              ive seen Q written in the textbooks several time tho, no idea why would any1 need rationals

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                0 does belong in natural numbers (who says it doesnt wtf)




                    i know that the topic is up to discussion (still) and there doesnt exist a unified scientific approach
                    in Russian science 0 not being part of natural numbers is more common

                    if i recall correctly, there are two ways to define what natural number is. first is sort of an oder number (1st, 2nd, etc.)
                    second is quantity of single objects that cant be divided in parts (none, one, two)

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                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      well in turkey we have natural numbers and counting numbers (1 to infinity, whole numbers) so.

                      me, government hooker

                        we use ℕ* for natural numbers \ {0}



                          still the same if i cut off the x^i at the start of the equation and put it at the back?


                            i dont understand
                            there are two parts, sum of x^i for i from 0 to n, and (x^(n+1)-1)/(x-1)

                            u cant extract x^i from the sum cz the equation then gonna make no sense


                              can i write

                              sigma(x^n+1-1/x-1 = x^i) instead of sigma(x^i=x^n+1-1/x-1)


                                x^n... is not in sigma


                                  ok that makes this task a lot easier


                                    what is sum of (a=b) supposed to mean if a=b is an equation and not a number? sum of equations?


                                      i have no idea, i know what sigma generally is used for but no idea how to actually use it ;-)


                                        sigma of x^i where i is, lets say, natural number from 4 to 7, is x^4 + x^5 + x^6 + x^7
                                        generally u can apply a formula of sum of a geometrical progression in most cases to calculate this kind of stuff, afair

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                                          bottom value of i is below sigma, top goes above, and type of number is usually written after the equation, f.e. ..., where i [lies in] N

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            sigma is like "for" cycle
                                            below sigma is starting value
                                            above it the ending value
                                            this thing says that x^0+x^1+...x^n = x^n+1 -1 / x-1


                                              unlike integers, sigmas usually operate with whole numbers


                                                as i said before, jokes about my state were not jokes FeelsBadMan

                                                a guy i know who goes to this uni said "wow ure from there? u better take the prep courses" and yeah i barely know 20% of the stuff going on in prep courses

                                                maybe analysis etc will be better for me


                                                  but ye that explains it ty


                                                    lot of unis has math courses for fixing the holes from high school


                                                      why game is not checked in my dotabuff, on main acc i played game 1 m ago and no + or - pts, but we won it.aww.


                                                        alright time to try for 6k once again


                                                          someone teach me how to embed webms



                                                              congrats on ur 5k arin

                                                              < blank >

                                                                nice nerd thread


                                                                  Math nerds. Do u guys actually use math In your jobs ? Engineers I imagine? Nerds either way. Do u get laid with that brain? If yes u must be at least 30.

                                                                  Btw I'm moving here now because sea ayylmao is dead

                                                                  < blank >

                                                                    so is this thread

                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                      Dotabuff is dead



                                                                          wtf i woke up like 30 mins ago they are still partying



                                                                            congrats on ur 5k arin

                                                                            thank you
                                                                            unfortunately i didn't manage to keep it thanks to a number of 6k one hero spammers and turbotilt but w/e


                                                                              mmm matched with a girl on tinder who said shes an otaku lets google what it means


                                                                                Otaku is the honorific word of Taku (home).

                                                                                Otaku is extremely negative in meaning as it is used to refer to someone who stays at home all the time and doesn't have a life (no social life, no love life, etc)

                                                                                Usually an otaku person has nothing better to do with their life so they pass the time by watching anime, playing videogames, surfing the internet (otaku is also used to refer to a nerd/hacker/programmer).

                                                                                In the Western culture, people confuse otaku to be something positive like "Guru". If you think about it, it's not really good to be called a guru if it means you are a total loser who can't socialize with other people except through the Internet.

                                                                                Other Japanese words which have been confused by Westerners also include but not limited to: Anime, Manga, etc
                                                                                otaku no jinsei ha yabai na! (it sucks to live the life of an otaku!)


                                                                                  guess im an otaku too ) )XD

                                                                                  me, government hooker

                                                                                    in short -> degenerates

                                                                                    me, government hooker

                                                                                      IM UNBANNED IN ENVYS CHAT POGCHMP


                                                                                        xD NAISCHC NAISCH NAISCH


                                                                                          what the fuck is EngSci@UofT

                                                                                          english science at university of torronto?

                                                                                          engineering science?


                                                                                          me, government hooker



                                                                                              i honestly hope that drivers are the cause of dota having 20 fps on max details when playing on 1050 gtx


                                                                                                god bless i was right