General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    yea theres one event on 15th with free beer for the whole university, will see how that one goes

    its less about team building tho, just getting drunk with music, probably ppl will move to clubs after that (partys from 7 pm to 10 pm or sth)

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      lul alenari where do u study

      at a university =)




          which one i mean? the "не пту а колледж" sort of university?


            at твоя мать коллежд

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              cy ka


                gotta be quite an awful college tbh

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  полноценный универ со всеми вытекающими
                  просто двух долбоебов перваков оторвали от сиськи, они пошли на пати и набухались как "настоящие студенты)))"

                  про девку не в курсе, мб байка


                    an alcohol enema sounds like one of those things that suck in any possible way, regardless of the outcome


                      жаль если так :)


                        one girl on our welcome party got hospitalized thanks to alcohol too afair

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          тебе бы хотелось видос с места преступления?



                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              i dont know why people are so obsessed with alcohol anyway. after some time they are drinking for literally no reason other than to be "manly" or w/e. its dumb. and the worst is its so fucking expensive.


                                жертва > видос


                                  how is alcohol expensive, a bottle of vodka for 6€ can kill u (or me, becaus eim a lightweight)

                                  me, government hooker

                                    no reason other than to be "manly" or w/e

                                    no, u drink because u will do everything u wouldnt do sober
                                    fucking expensive

                                    spent ~$8 one night for 5-6 bottles of wine and some vodka (worst quality possible)
                                    we almost died but we didnt


                                      man ppl still screaming outside but im too lazy to cehck ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz

                                      me, government hooker

                                        the good stuff can be expensive, no doubt but no student will spend money on that they cant even afford food


                                          why does the quality matter? i usually only have to take a few disgusting shots to be completely drunk, and/or u can mix shit with orange juice so u dont taste it that much anymore


                                            even just a memory of the taste of vodka mixed with orange juice causes disgust


                                              how is this used in proofs?


                                                for any x in R x^2 is greater than 0
                                                such a x exists that x^2=5

                                                i dont understand the question


                                                  but why is the a on its head and why is the e mirrored

                                                  they drunk?


                                                    u retarded?


                                                      mirrored E means "exists such a"
                                                      reversed A means "for any"

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        theyre quantors, A for "all", E for "exists"

                                                        A x means "for all xes ..."
                                                        E x means "such an x exists ..."


                                                          ye guess the jokes about my states high school graduate exams being a joke is true


                                                            its much more comfortable to use symbols than to right sentences that look extremely idiotic on paper

                                                            Jay the Bird

                                                              lmao spunki what was y'all doing in high school man

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                                                                Gib fur die Aussage ̈ ¬(∃x∈Z : x 2 = 5) eine aquivalente Aussage an, die
                                                                keinen Existenzquantor enth ̈alt (Allquantoren sind erlaubt. . . ). Hinweis: ein
                                                                negierter Allquator entspricht einem Existenzquantor und umgekehrt.

                                                                state an equivalent statement for the statement ¬(∃x∈Z : x 2 = 5), that does not contain a existence-quantor (allquantors are allowed) tip: a negative allquantor equals a existencequantor and vice versa

                                                                what to do here, dont i just have to get rid of the brackets


                                                                  are those 2 equivalent? and why


                                                                    u have to rewrite it with another quantor instead of mirrored E in such a way that the meaning would be the same, as far as i understood


                                                                      hell no, they are not equivalent.
                                                                      if R stands for rational numbers, 2nd one is just not true

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        ure literally told what to do man


                                                                          for any X there exists such an Y that x=y (always true for any R as x is part of R and u can take Y=X which is part of R by default)


                                                                          there exists such an x, that for any y x=y <= absurd in case R consists of more than 1 element (type of elements)

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                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            ¬(∃x∈Z : x 2 = 5) => there isnt such an x that x^2=5 => for every x x^2=/=5 => [for all]x∈Z : x^2 =/= 5


                                                                              im 99% sure R stands for real numbers
                                                                              Q = rational and this set of numbers is almost never used anyway


                                                                                i think i need a dictionary for this one^


                                                                                  thank u guys i got it now


                                                                                    yeah i think r is real numbers, but what triple said is right anyway


                                                                                      in any case u r right, i am extremely bad in english terms for maths cz thats the only course we had fully in russian

                                                                                      me, government hooker

                                                                                        i am extremely bad in english terms for maths

                                                                                        i wonder what i would call myself then, i always have to use wikipedia to check english versions
                                                                                        u seem to express urself rather well in english when it comes to math terms

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                                                                                        Jay the Bird

                                                                                          i'm having PTSD triggers reading these last pages


                                                                                            the following statements are proposed:

                                                                                            1) every student wants to have good grades

                                                                                            2) no student studies for boring exams

                                                                                            3) every exam that does not contain math is boring (XXXXDDDD le funny PROF!! xD)

                                                                                            4) every student that wants to have good grades, but didnt study, has to rely on their luck

                                                                                            prove: if no exam contains math, the students have to rely on their luck

                                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                              usually when i dont know the term(90% of the time) and it isnt obvious what i do is put in into ggl translate, then if it doesnt yield anything menaingful i google it and as a last resort i go to wikipedia and click the articles english version


                                                                                                what sort of task is this
                                                                                                are u suppose to say
                                                                                                exams have no maths => considered boring and no one studies => acc. to 4) everyone rely on luck

                                                                                                or do u need to use quantors


                                                                                                  btw is it fine to argue using WORDs in a math exam? the exercise i just wrote down here seems so simple to answer in words, but i have no idea how to do this formally/mathematically


                                                                                                    i dont google shit cz opening multiple pages simulatenously on ipad fucks it up, so i just rely on my luck and post crap expecting everyone else to guess correctly what i meant