General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Unique item choices, but the classic cw wouldve better man. Overall, good job on initiations and getting that gpm.

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        Undying cancer. Much space was made, much zombies were killed. People buy guardian greeves too often despite its horrible cost. It's essentially 1.2k for negligible armor aura that game because there was nothing to dispel except Lifebreak.


          your am was a moron, you were carrying your team
          also weaver pick was pretty good against you i think

          Hustlehard Harold

            you won your lane for your mid (ta), who was in danger of losing her lane comprehensively - thereby giving their team of deathballers and facerushers an opening. with vipers threat being nullified, your team grouped at minute twenty five to take every objective on the map.


              You seem to have to done great work snowballing the enemy but your team haven't been much help or assistance, and you should've got a linken in a game like thst

              Proto | 改善

                Octarine core on support and two wild rapiers on the other team. LOL

                Bad Intentions

                  damnnn man u destroyed that lesh on the other team, good job. also, good on u for not falling off late game and stayed relevant.


                    I was playing mid vs TA and they bought the divines when the throne was being destroyed you dumb inbred
                    Edit: Skip me and talk about the person above me
                    @arin He was related to Rambo

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                      Wow, nice job. Your positioning must be pretty good when you have such kda.
                      also how did your puck die so much?

                      GraydroZ あさま

                        You prioritized Shallow Grave over Shadow Wave may be because of the opponent's Mystic Flare?

                        Anyway very nice KDA ratio there. I rarely have good KDA as a support.

                        Bad Intentions

                          Good classic support silencer man, nice mek pickup. Also, you can get some carry items for silencer man, that glaive hurts a lot :D


                            good ebolancer game


                              nice rape with balance seeker and also a nice troll with double s&y


                                good job, very good kda and cs

                                and wtf, dat 2-18/linkens phantom assassin lol

                                casual gamer

                                  completely carried ur shitty team with right click magnus, am helped a bit but u were definitely vital to winning

                                  weird ass skill build though

                                  Bad Intentions

                                    Good game impact stats, certianly helped the team win, standard item choice, your teams pretty loaded tho, wouldve been sucked if u guys lost that game.


                                      weird item choice with shadow blade, but i guess its alright since its a stomp.

                                      also, damn that AM gpm O_O

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                                        Bad Intentions

                                          damn man, that was probably the easiest game of your life :D good job


                                            Looks like you may have had a tough time against storm?? but well played, good game impact

                                            (i love aghs veno)

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                                              Well played on Lina, I guess you won mid :D

                                              Bad Intentions

                                                I know u did ur best man and even got decent items but it seems u were defeated at mid and dire steamrolled from there :( but ur account still young, just continue to play more games man.

                                                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                  Lot of deaths but seems like you had high impact on the game, at least in team fights

                                                  Creating space, coming out with the win

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                                                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                      Timber was already getting a hex, Spectre was doing absolute crap until she got heart at like 36 minutes, at which time getting silver edge seemed pointless (since hex was on the way)

                                                      As for BOT 2 , had to buyback and tp to teammate for a big fight at mid (creep waves were dead)

                                                      As for the topic : Ez game 35k dmg in 5 minutes how is that even possible, did you spend pre-creep time hitting people permanently?

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                                                          Lmao blink dagger spectre new meta.. silver edge does seem like a much better choice, but i guess you made one of those heat-of-the-moment decisions :)

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            Ouch! You were huge but just couldn't stop the op pony in the end

                                                            Storm/BS had really rough times, especially with getting cs (locked in base I guess)


                                                              Probably not a serious game xD
                                                              As I see you play in Very High Skill bracket and you were probably in a party with someone, so Normal Skill easy for you :D

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                                                                Damn 5k tower damage is a lot, I guess you were a filthy annoying ratter. Didn't even need lh to farm, kills are better :D


                                                                  Meepo, 24k HD, 6k TD, and of course impressive kda, just MVP.
                                                                  Even though they were fed, you carried that game, good job :D

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                                                                    CM, you were the only support, and your team won likely because of it so good job there, hero damage was debatably quite low especially with such a powerful ulti, would maybe recommend glimmer cape to get into great positioning? wp anyway
                                                                    edit: quite low number of denies for a support

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                                                                      solid ns game tbh


                                                                        I guess you were roaming Spirit Breaker, and also semi-support, helped out your team with urn of shadows, mekanism, good job!

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          lc game (that cm game you werent playing so w/e)

                                                                          pretty good stuff, id recommend a BM over armlet to make solo killing am before manta easier, but it works either way. You definitely needed an armor item, either replace basher or heart with AC imo. Still, good job! its fucking cancer playing against a 6 slot am in pubs


                                                                            You were the main reason why your team won. It seems Invoker and Phoenix quit playing and you counterpicked and suppressed Meepo all match. I'm guessing the only reason why the match lasted until 47 minutes was that sniper and leshrac kept clearing waves and you wanted to ensure an easy win?

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                                                                              I think you had a pretty good hand in allowing your team to win. It seems like you were able to participate in a lot of kills and take objectives as well.

                                                                              Your skill build is pretty standard, which is good I think, but your item build seems sub optimal. I don't think you'd need life steal on WR especially since you had WK on your team already. That probably could've gone to building towards an abyssal (or maybe you could scratch that idea and go for an MKB instead)

                                                                              Also, that WK lol, did it build a second moon shard or something. Where was its farm? haha

                                                                              OpenAI (Human)

                                                                                It was good idea to build a force staff since they had troll magnus and wr, so fast escape would be nice

                                                                                not sure about the glimmer cape and blade mail though, I think those were a bit of waste maybe you should have gone some bigger items like heavens halberd or scythe


                                                                                  brood with no counter = gg. I really like your build too rather than brood that go full rat with minions or dagon build.

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                                                                                  OpenAI (Human)

                                                                                    You played gyro really well, if I would have to guess you might have gotten first blood at the rune as well since you have an earthshaker and qop to stun and slow them down= ez kill
                                                                                    I just am not sure why you went mkb as they don't have evasive heroes you could have settled for something like butterfly or daedulus other than that good job


                                                                                      brood with deso is not so good specially with zeus on the opposite team. should have went for skadi to for hp or abbysal for yolo


                                                                                        Your CS is really low for a 30+ minute game on brewmaster. You can easily burst down a creep wave or jungle camp with 1 clap and a few right clicks. Flash farm, and use the bottle to keep the mana pool up. It's also, imo, preferential to go Arcanes for this reason. With arcanes you can flash farm a lot more and get items online earlier. Once you have a blink you can decide what is needed, there is a lot of room for item choices on brew and personally aghs is not the best choice in most cases (it falls off hard late game), go for items like vlads, ac/shiva, sheepstick, bkb (if needed). (although your last game was pretty one sided)

                                                                                        OpenAI (Human)

                                                                                          Divine was a bit of an overkill because they did stand a chance unless you stole it or bought it at the end

                                                                                          Overall you played fine, maybe with the heroes they had I'd suggest a bkb even though you're lifestealer but I guess they were not that good

                                                                                          Night 夜

                                                                                            Let me guess, Furion didn't have a fun game. Neither did Bristle really.

                                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                                              ^^ bigsy i played a lot of brew before he became op and was subsequently nerfed, and i never understood the popularity of arcane boots on him. He spends a ton of time hitting people after clap and can really maximise tread switching with his garbage base int. With treads and a bottle you have comparable spam capabilities + hp regen, and people usually get bottle on brew anyway

                                                                                              Nightmare: rough game of TA for you, looks like pudge snowballed hard in the early game/lane and jug was the only getting anything

                                                                                              shoutout to mirana and especially cm, both of which were avid feeders

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                                                                                                  Jesus, i feel for you having a team like that.. having said that blyatcycka rape up, was probably a bit of fun

                                                                                                  ps: i like the build, might give it a try

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                                                                                                    Tried to carry the game but PL and QOP rekt your team.