General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Very good item pickups to deal with aoe/global damage of the other team and keep the Jugg alive. Not sure about the Shadow Blade though.

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      Bad Intentions

        good job on able to farm ags with wd, good hero healing as well, i think your hd as wd is a little bit too low, not sure if team gets u out of position or what, but overall you did what you had to do in that game.

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          casual gamer

            highest damage as support pugna, nice. Probably from nether ward destroying zeus/qop, still pretty incredible as a pos 5 pugna

            Pretty solid pipe game, I can't really offer much criticism of your build because i have played pugna maybe once or twice. Maybe as a squishy support pugna you'd be better off buying utility/mek than an aghs that requires you stand still? You'd know better than me, though, and clearly your build worked

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              casual gamer


                casual gamer

                  arcanes on support wk is gross (i guess you wanted them for pl manaburn?). I wouldve gone blademail instead of vlads, but vlads was probably the better choice

                  its hard to tell how much you did because the stats page doesnt show much for supports, but you won so good on you

                  seriously though who picks void with tusk and pl rofl

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                      you did ur job pretty well as wk sup i guess^ :)

                      Bad Intentions

                        Good job doing undying things, standard build and items, consistent it seems in past games, ur the kind of undying that i want in my team, overall good job man.


                          Nice job keeping yourself alive against that sort of lineup. The only thing I would question is the choice of tranquils over some arcane boots, as your mana regen wasn't looking too good.


                            u did everything u could against that team, highest hero dmg. pretty tigh game, i hate that kind of loses


                              what could you even do, ur weaver was worse than trash, so was rubick, actually all of them were trash and u did what u could gjgjgj


                                another 60 mins+ game brought to you by muthafucking techies


                                  You should've finished Vyse on Leshrac in a game that long. Also didn't exactly draft the best team against high ground Shaker+Techies.


                                    ^^ i firstpicked lesh, kunkka was a random and this is normal skill sea, what could we do


                                      Got carried by Pudge and Undying, at least you did descent tower dmg.

                                      Bad Intentions

                                        lol this is rare commenting on a fellow veno :)) but good job on getting that octarine! overall good job in staying alive with those enemy line up, i dont see sup items but i like it!


                                          cover spect with mirana
                                          20 minutes aghanim good hero damage

                                          Y COURIER THERE, HOW DID VOID DIE
                                          that moment xD

                                          Gawr Gura

                                            I've always been a fan of slahser's way WR. Aghs on that hero is too stronk.

                                            Crystal Methane

                                              Die too much as qop. Should buy linken in that games as it prevents dismember/missile/silence/shackle/charge.


                                                Well, not much to say since it was such a curbstomp. Reported for using Bloodseeker and still not ending up with the highest KDA in your team though, commend Witch Doctor.

                                                Bad Intentions

                                                  Monster supporting man. Good job in staying alive and getting those timely skills. Good pickups as well. Your team will lose a team fight without your presence.


                                                    good veno game with big impact on ur team
                                                    also did u read the book in ur inventory? xD


                                                      Undying cancer, I see you made a lot of space for your team.

                                                      Decay>Tombstone level 1 because people who know how to play against undying just destroy the stone in 4 hits

                                                      I Spam Slardar

                                                        Storm Spirit has arrived!

                                                        Your last game is a very fast game. Well, war against silencer & spirit breaker is quite hard for storm spirit.

                                                        Your skill and item build is just right. I guess you need a bottle?

                                                        Can't really say much about the game since it's still early. Though your enemy seems like to stick much, which makes storm hard to gank.

                                                        PS: I'm impressed with your Meepo win rate.

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                                                          seems like a sad game that you tried very hard to win and in the end wasnt enough. by looking at the exp graph and overall kda i suppose you guys lost because you guys lacked coordination and/or missed the mommentum to finish the game. but anyway, it seems pretty close overall, bad games happens


                                                            seems like your team picked some strong laners to help create space for your farm and TA snowballed out of control with help from zeus and two blink ganking heroes in lion and sk

                                                            my advice: try looking at where you went wrong here? Did the other team just spend a lot of time focusing on shutting you down, or were you just farming in the wrong spots or going for the wrong targets in team-fights?

                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                              Good job in destroying sf mid, though it should be expected early game. Good zipping and zapping enemy heroes to top off a good victory.


                                                                Your own item choices were okay for the situation imo, dire didn't seem to care much about objectives, as you guys still have all your t2s up.

                                                                Looking at the graph, it seems you guys took a pretty bad fight around 38~ mins, and a few more after that which caused the game to drag till 47mins tho, at which point you won cuz of megas. Gonna assume you guys got wiped trying to push highground or at roshan maybe. (Double RP is pretty dangerous if you're gonna take a roshpit fight.)


                                                                  You guys had a better draft, seems like you destroyed wind mid and their tiny couldn't farm at all against bounty clock marking him. WR tried to play but you just stomped them


                                                                    You stop meepo early game, and pretty much all other carrys. Greedy lane up vs good mid game you won in the time you needed to and it wasn't close. 2 supports is always better then won. Nice bloodcyka rankino win.


                                                                      you apparently did well but I dont see any good reason to go for bloodstone / octarine as the first big item on WW, other utility items are usually better. dagger to initiate storm is really good


                                                                        you didn't get caught by roaming mirana and you wrecked opponent mid, gj
                                                                        your wr did a good job as well against meepo and lion

                                                                        to sum up, your team was pretty decent but you were the mvp

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                                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                                          You got good items, gpm and exp but im not sure why it did not ttanslate to your performance. Were u playing tired on this game?

                                                                          Big Dick Player

                                                                            Looks liike a long and agonizing game with a techies pick, I like your item choice but not completely convinced on the windrangers choice to buy octarine, I think a BKB on the windranger would have been a lot better.

                                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                                              @waloo surprised that wr didnt bought hooks, for the amount of hooks she was eating in dat game.

                                                                              nah i'd win

                                                                                33-3-19 on storm spirit. even then you had a tough time finishing the game by 40 mins for whatever reason^

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                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                  ^it was far from ez man, if u have time to watch the replay. Basically, we just got one lucky team fight at top lane that won us the game lol.


                                                                                    You appearntly carried your team to victory, though you should've got another point on scream early game

                                                                                    Big Dick Player

                                                                                      @Orteezy if you look at the xp graph its pretty even until around the 30 minute mark, thasts because our jugger was sitrting on treads and morbid mask at 25 mins with no farm and I was the only one in the team doing well, i was just buying time for jugger to get his items.

                                                                                      Proto | 改善

                                                                                        Woah. Nice storm mate. Too bad it was with the plebs of high skill.


                                                                                          how the fuck do I even comment on that match

                                                                                          Proto | 改善

                                                                                            whats wrong with my game?

                                                                                            puni puni butt UWU

                                                                                              @Bedazzle idk how that game was winnable with the feeders on your team

                                                                                              Gawr Gura

                                                                                                pubstomped hard with the hiighest HD and TD


                                                                                                  You did well on initiator shaker, but your team has the stronger spell combos. Initiator shaker + axe probably out-inititated (or even counter-initiated) tusk. I'm pretty sure bloodseeker was thinking "why am I playing 1v5?".

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                                                                                                  Tu tayta

                                                                                                    Behold the 0 supports game! Looks like your team took full advantage of Abaddon going full YOLO. Outpicked them too.

                                                                                                    Please skip last game if it's something like AD or ARDM, because really what would you say from such a game? xD

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