General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    G: hello fellow morphling spammer!
    B: low winrate :(


      G: HOLY SHIT dat naga winrate Well fucking played Kreygasm
      B: winrate of ogre and kotl notlikethis


        G: Winrate, winrate, winrate
        B: Smurf


          G: 54k naix net worth game!!
          B: necrophos picker


            g:naga player ,good lasthits(even tho i can do more i think)
            b: nothing everything is fine..maybe play naga offlane i do till i get aquila talon boots then go jungle


              G:nice top hero winrate
              B: lose streak > winstreak ..


                g: Jesus christ the winrate, Dream Green and an insane Invoker very good Mid alll in all
                b: Since I can't think of Anything, you haven't played Wyvern Yet, lel

                For mine bear in mind I have 650 ping average on games because of Satellite internet... :)

                fear is the mind killer

                  Lmao groov spamming normal matchmaking to have good winrates and looks good on dotabuff?

                  G: good winrates, awesome for 650 ping ^^

                  B: playing with a lot of ping won't lead you far i think + smurf ?

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    G: Call me Imba Spirit
                    B: why ur pp has a overworked patrick?

                    plin plin plon

                      G: Winrate especially lina & silencer
                      B: NS, not really good at carry

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        gud: lots of 60%+ winrate, great KDAs
                        bad: lots of sub-50% winrates

                        BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                          G: Nice overall winrate
                          B: Normal skill bracket, zero flexibility on roles


                            nice mmr like me
                            nice lich

                              Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                G: Likes to play mid heroes.
                                B: Underlord Spammer


                                  G: Good hero pool, Noice Wr with troll
                                  B: ns


                                    G: %66 winrate

                                    B: Smurf + ur top 4 most played heroes are cancer op meta heroes


                                      G : Micro God . Plus you play my favourite hero to watch , Meep Moop , and one of my favourite greedy supports , visage !
                                      B : Arc Warden spammer

                                      stupid fuck 2000

                                        G: top heroes, versatility
                                        B: ns, you die a bit too often


                                          G:nice ember player
                                          B:You had the enough experience to rising that mmr

                                          jianbaby ♥♥

                                            G: Great versatile player with VH skill
                                            B: Techies. You do not have much success with the hero. And Techies suck. Don't pick it again. Double Whammy.


                                              good: actually winning in sea
                                              bad: y u smurf in normal skill?

                                              plin plin plon

                                                G: Pro midlaner
                                                B: Y did u throw in some of ur game? Last match a month ago??


                                                  G: Ember
                                                  B: timbersaw


                                                    Seems to be a reliable safe lane carry in pub games
                                                    Keep working on Invoker, you'll get better, you're a hell a lot better than me lol :D


                                                      G: support main with good winrates on most and played almost all heroes and u seem to be climbing MMR.
                                                      B: bad windranger and profile pic.

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        G: good versatility and is Hitler
                                                        B: Normal/High skill

                                                        garbage man

                                                          G: 5.3K and nice stats on core heroes.
                                                          B: Did run the Drow strategy 3 times in Battle Cup.


                                                            That underlord spam
                                                            That underlord xD


                                                              good smurf wins
                                                              bad bracket damn

                                                              Hackjack- I am nice

                                                                Good 4.8k
                                                                Bad invoker and slark spammer

                                                                  Этот комментарий был удален

                                                                    Win rate @ VHS
                                                                    Void 0-2?


                                                                      Not afraid of playing supports.
                                                                      Solo mmr 1k below party. Gotta fix that.


                                                                        G: Eniggama winrate, i crei
                                                                        B: Inactive

                                                                        garbage man
                                                                          Этот комментарий был удален
                                                                          garbage man

                                                                            G: Nice stats on Lifestealer, Spectre, Terrorblade and a few other heroes.
                                                                            B: Sub par Furion.

                                                                            Also accidentally deleted my comment when I was editing. Feelsbadman.


                                                                              Underlord picker wew.
                                                                              smurfing (i recently learned about the word :D)


                                                                                53.28% win rate on Rank. Good, keep it up~
                                                                                Also as usual Dire win rate < Radiant win rate


                                                                                  HI MOM IM COMBO BREAKER


                                                                                    B: too retarded


                                                                                      G: invo winrate
                                                                                      B: ebola winrate


                                                                                        G : Beast Medusa

                                                                                        B : Nothing much... KDA's on carries too low may be

                                                                                        jianbaby ♥♥

                                                                                          G : Yay Treant main, big support hero pool (big hero pool in general)

                                                                                          B : Struggling at Normal and High Skill matches lately? What's the matter?


                                                                                            G: Treant is love, treant is life

                                                                                            B: No hero pool at all + smurf


                                                                                              G : strong meecro skills

                                                                                              B : contrary to above.. your lone druid seems sub par

                                                                                              plin plin plon

                                                                                                G: Pro treant player (rare)
                                                                                                B: Same with me always play pub lul


                                                                                                  g: versatile player
                                                                                                  b: jugg stats are a big outlier