General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Crimson Rain

    g: I'm seeing a lot of wins recently with your position 1s. You seem fairly reliable on them. Plus you're very high skill, what can I really say being the "Lord of the Scrub Tier"? Your most played have some really nice KDAs too and your patch results are strong. 80% win rate over 25 matches so far.

    b: You only seem to play position 1 with the rare offlaner thrown in. Supports are fun you know :D KILL SECURE... KILL SECURE LOTS

    Этот комментарий был изменён

      good midder
      bad mmr
      my advice spamm templar abd u can get 3k im week and half


        G : VHS
        B : Smurf...


          Good: High winrate on a lot of heroes, versatile mid player, VHS
          Bad: kill/death on drow not great, low MMR for that many games


            G: that morph wr
            B: High Skill


              Good: Nice winrate on slark
              Bad: Slark picker

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                G: 69 tusk games ;)
                B: You're dyslexic


                  nice bot games very skilled individual 5k confirmed
                  b: very low number of bot games need more


                    nice : nice winrate
                    bad : name ! :D


                      g: prof pic
                      b: ns player


                        g: good kda b y most played heroes and very versatility

                        b: you pic :D


                          nice mmr nice naga but i can lashit more that uuu ;d

                          BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                            G: You take your name seriously
                            B: Smurf

                            Player 117391361

                              G: Average vhs 4k player, who plays to win
                              B: pants on head


                                Good : Nice Game

                                Bad : No teamwork


                                  G : KDAs
                                  B : Smurf ( with alot of NS games :/ )


                                    G : Solid winrate in VHS level
                                    B : KDA is quite low on some most played heroes, and also why you have to use that pic when she's like that :'(


                                      G: good winrates on most played and overall

                                      B: still in normal-high skill (getting out of normal-high skill would be easier by playing core instead of support imo)


                                        g: high impact mid player, good with multiple heroes
                                        b: not so great with some of the traditional mids - qop puck ta

                                        plin plin plon

                                          G: Good at core heroes, nc wr
                                          B: Idk, im not as good as u :(


                                            G: Very high skill, nice ember winrate, also nice KDAS on ur good heroes :)
                                            B: Oh, its unranked :(

                                            Proto | 改善

                                              G : good kdas
                                              B : nothing really .. mb the mmr. git gud m8


                                                G : Your PA is awesome, solid KDA with nice winrate
                                                B : PA isn't the most played heroes event though you use her as profile pic (actually nothing that i can find, your lvl is too high for me :') )

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                  G: really nice support player - glad to see that
                                                  B: feed a lot of death when losing

                                                  BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                                    G: 4 1 7 1 M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S
                                                    B: Most played hero @47% winrate

                                                    Festival the Saddest Pops...

                                                      G: Good winrate on most played heroes
                                                      B: Not a lot of versatility (At least lately)


                                                        G: VHS, nice winrate and KDA on important mid heroes.
                                                        B: Looks like support role isn't your strong suit.

                                                        Hustlehard Harold

                                                          G: Lots of variety in your hero picks. Probably suggests you understand the power peaks of heroes well and play according to them.
                                                          B: Aside from the clear lich and lycan spam, your SF win rate is quite low compared to the rest of your heroes. SF is a great hero to learn a lot about the game in an efficient manner, so i suggest you give him another go when you're ready and see if you can get that win rate higher


                                                            G : A long time player, 6k+ match, played almost every hero in the game
                                                            B : Kinda struggling to gain MMR, how about taking a break once in awhile from ranked match to clear your mind.


                                                              support player with great winrate

                                                              doesnt play cores, at all? lack of flexibility i guess


                                                                G : high mmr, good winrates, decent kdas
                                                                B : nothing really, mb i guess that 31% winrate on od? :P


                                                                  g. give me your 60% winrate

                                                                  b. i think u do better playing supp than carr

                                                                  queen's speech

                                                                    g. good mid player
                                                                    b. arc spammer


                                                                      ^im a good mid years ago! but now im just a casual gamer spamming arc and only knows arc bcos my skills and interest in dota deteriorated...and also for fun lol


                                                                      g. PRO
                                                                      b. only a fellow pro could tell your bads


                                                                        G: you play high skill heroes like puck/storm
                                                                        B: Arc is gonna get nerfed dude

                                                                        Also I just noticed this thread has been open longer than I've been playing DotA. wow!


                                                                          G. Plays high skill, better than me in every way.
                                                                          B. Hasn't played Bloodseeker in 11 months XD. (I'm bad at the game so no idea TBH)

                                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                                            G: Versatile, decent overall winrate, Nice winrate with PA and omni
                                                                            B: 1k ( but I think you can make it out of there, good luck)

                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                            BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                                                              G: Really good ranked winrate! #RoadTo4k
                                                                              B: Nothing particularly bad, start gunning for 4k! You're almost there


                                                                                G: Nice recent winrate, ure in shape ey ? Seems like u are stomping people with PA mostly. Quite short games.
                                                                                B: U have 25 mmr less than me lol. There's nothing bad to say tbh. Keep grinding and ull be 5k in no time.


                                                                                  + : Positive win rate and plays in VHS.
                                                                                  - : Plays too much alch and i don't like alch.

                                                                                  Massive Dynamic

                                                                                    G: Sniper and Earthshaker winrate.
                                                                                    B: Overall winrate.


                                                                                      G:medusa skills
                                                                                      B:most kills (32) and 0 meepo&visage games :,(

                                                                                      Srsly keep playing medusa ez vhs u're good at it

                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                        + good meepo and visage player

                                                                                        - stopped playing doto & arc and lone winrates ruin u page


                                                                                          +5k player and i like the invo
                                                                                          -that picture sucks :P


                                                                                            Good: Zeus winstreak, winrate
                                                                                            Bad: Top heroes are typical peenoy heroes, winrates

                                                                                            Mode: Ultra Instinct

                                                                                              Good: Road to 4k is within reach :D, most played win rate is good as well

                                                                                              Bad: Inconsistent ranked games, with a bit of improvement, you'll climb out of the pit into a new pit :D


                                                                                                g: positive ranked winrate

                                                                                                b: it seems ur spirits needs love


                                                                                                  g: solid most played heroes list (with pudge in it) , it seems you know everything about earth spirit
                                                                                                  b:holy shit almost 5000 games