General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Rektdalf the White

    Good : seems like a dedicated support player - not so common + nice winrates and KDAs
    Bad : playing pubs


      Good: Well rounded out player good hero pool in top heroes. C:
      Bad: Most hero healing as Tide

      all muted <3

        incredible KDA as tinker

        Bad winrate with most "most played heroes "


          decent win rate on most played

          needs to play more support heroes tho


            Good: All top played heroes with nice winrates and really nice weaver and qop
            Bad: I dont know, from dotabuff itself there isnt a lot of bad to say. Maybe Shadow shaman if i have to point out something :)

            Bad Intentions

              Good: avatar, bane games, lich wr and tide interesting
              Bad: few games, europe server, on a losing streak

              Sexy Vicious

                Bad: winrate under 50%
                Good: KDA on top heroes, and won 7 out of your 8 last ranked games


                  Good: That's a very interesting mix of most played heroes. Me likes.

                  Bad: That winrate with friends though.


                    good: idk good game sense? nice win rate?

                    Bad: needs more diversity. have you tried to play lich or crystal maiden before?


                      good: razor in most played, interesting
                      bad: low number of games, not much support play


                        good: can play any role

                        bad: timber lycan axe

                        Everyone loves Chibi

                          Good : Really nice smurf so far. Great winrates on all top heroes, nice longest wining streak too.
                          Bad: So far so good, i'd like to see you play some supports too not just most op heroes atm.


                            Good: Some KDAs, but via smurfing.

                            Bad: Has called a smurf nice. A smurf is never nice.


                              Good: supp player
                              Bad: bad wr/kda with carrys

                              Low Expectations

                                Good: nice stats on nukes assasin
                                Bad: invoker


                                  Good: Pretty good Kotl and Medusa winrate
                                  Bad: Low overall winrate and kda's on most played heroes


                                    Good: Pretty good mix of top heroes. Good winrate and overall KDA as well

                                    Bad: It seems to suggest that you have a problem with the harder carries (e.g. PA)


                                      Good: Support player?! #respect

                                      Bad: moar rat doto on nature's prophet plz

                                      Hex Sigma

                                        bad:riki(i hate that gypsy)


                                          Good: 41 Assist Venomancer
                                          Bad: Most Denies 19


                                            Good: Plays a bit of Meepo with 50%+ Winrate. Nice nice.
                                            Bad: That Wind Runner Winrate makes me sad. :(


                                              Good: Amazing score in last games.
                                              Bad: Meh records (4.86 ck/min max?)


                                                Good: 57% win rate
                                                Bad: 25% win rate riki lol


                                                  Good : Magnus Winrate
                                                  Bad : These KDA's.


                                                    Good: KDAs (esp. Kunkka)
                                                    Bad: Russian alias :D


                                                      Good: General WR and KDA

                                                      Bad: Weaver I guess. You have a pretty small hero pool to comment on so your stats may not be accurate. (e.g. You might actually be good at weaver). Damn first game 3 years ago. Did you just reactivate your account in dotabuff or something? Hahaha

                                                      @Commander Yeah, I'm a support player soooo...I don't really get much kills haha

                                                      @Lubu But bird doesn't love me :( Well nah, I'm trying my best to get him above 50% WR again (he was there before, but sadly, due to a combination of misplays from me and my team, that is a thing of the past lol)

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        Good: Elder Titan KDA and WR, its like the most confusing hero for me o.o
                                                        Bad: 18 kills max :O

                                                        I was a HoN player that switched back to dota month ago, thats why :)


                                                          For Pilot

                                                          Good: SNOOPEH\ Good to see a fellow support player with a jakiro % that rivals mine.. and an awesome KDA on Elder titan

                                                          Bad: YOU NEED TO TAKE THE LOVE OF DAS BIRD AND EMBRACE HIM TO OVER 50% I BELIEVE AS DOES THA BIRD

                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён


                                                            Welcome back to the master race !

                                                            Good: Lot of good high KDAs

                                                            Bad: Despite the high kdas... some really bad W/Rs tell me you might not be joining your team at the right times in the game, but i dont know... Also HON TRASH GTFO

                                                            Lol jk


                                                              Good : Top 3 Heroes winrate
                                                              Bad : 16% winrate Kunkka ;_;


                                                                Good: Global wr
                                                                Bad: Hum i rly dont know, lets say rubick ^.^

                                                                nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                  Good : Winrate, kda on most played heroes

                                                                  Bad: Windrunner, you can't shackle?


                                                                    Good : Keeping +50% winrate with that many games (barely)
                                                                    Bad : Only carry player - Slark picker - Sub 50% winrate on 3 of your most played's

                                                                    Everyone loves Chibi

                                                                      Good: Pretty dope ass Invoker
                                                                      Bad: Windranger and Silencer


                                                                        Good: Nice winrate
                                                                        Bad: Few games

                                                                        [DFG] Whale King

                                                                          Good: Them slark winrates
                                                                          Bad: IVE SEEN WAY TOO MANY PUDGE AND INVOKER INSTA LOCKERS... I'm now disgusted by both


                                                                            Good: plays a decent storm
                                                                            Bad: too much storm


                                                                              Good: Does more damage to towers than anyone on his team and is a decent carry!

                                                                              Bad: Sometimes doesn't pick the items he needs against the enemy and for his team...


                                                                                G : Winrate
                                                                                B : number of games


                                                                                  Good: Mainly a support player
                                                                                  Bad: Fix dat kunkka KDA :D

                                                                                  Remove Buyback from Dota

                                                                                    Good : Imba KDA ratios.
                                                                                    Bad : No ranked matches.


                                                                                      Good: Most purchased item: Arcane boots
                                                                                      Bad: KDA ratios are just average, stop dying ffs

                                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                                        Good: avatar and name, new meat for the grinder
                                                                                        Bad: possible smurf? new player? both?


                                                                                          amazing bloodcyka
                                                                                          bad overall wr

                                                                                          bum farto

                                                                                            Good: Gamer and winrate, friendly guy, winrate etc.
                                                                                            Bad: Roshan cover blown

                                                                                            Also :) wp sate


                                                                                              Good: Awesome dude, helps new players a lot ^^
                                                                                              Bad: 25% winrate on invoka! (Still better than my pudge q-q)

                                                                                              Tiger EYE

                                                                                                urm... how then?


                                                                                                  Good: Good Slardar Player
                                                                                                  Bad: on a losing streak


                                                                                                    Good: Death profet wr and itens build
                                                                                                    Bad: low games