General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
bum farto

    Good: Responds to gentle prodding and poking.
    Bad: Doesn't go mid so I have to and I can't play mid.


    nebunu la jokuri 77777

      good: plays a great variety of heroes
      bad: mean caster xD

      Bad Intentions

        good: career high on mirana
        bad: avatar, change that shit man. eu server.

        Hex Sigma

          good: bloodcyka
          bad: only 13 denies on record you can do better


            good: KDA's
            bad: winrate


              GOOD: the first thing i fucking saw is the invoker gj keeping that wr and kda on the hero fellow invo user
              BAD: Knows nothing more than invoker; low number of games played on all other heroes; how can you lose a void with 454 last hits? ( records)


                Good: You play an amazingly large number of heroes which must help you in the long run
                Bad: You must do something bad to be at 50% win rate overall so yeah need more practice on the basics of the game


                  Good: Yay, good ES player.
                  Bad: Mirana could be better, you don't seem like a good hard carry player.


                    Good: 94 deny, awesome!
                    Bad: meh void stats


                      Good: Nice last hits on that Luna game!
                      Bad: Smurf account


                        Good: Some nice stats on your top heroes.

                        Bad: ...Betty White? what?


                          Good wl winrate
                          bad winrateoverall

                          Bad Intentions

                            good: avatar, lots of games veteran, wr
                            bad: ursa spam, lich spam, RUSSIA SERVER :D


                              good : can carry the game if given the space enough to farm
                              bad: picks seeker, that slark man


                                Good: One higher than my most kills :>
                                Bad: Antimage winrate

                                Hex Sigma

                                  good: ratting with tinker
                                  bad : play more heroes

                                  Bad Intentions

                                    good: new player, good wr in zues, should prob spam zues
                                    bad: too green, from hon or lol? squishy top heroes, i eat u :]

                                    nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                      Good: Winrate and KDA ratio on top heroes
                                      Bad: Plays almost only pubstompers:d

                                      make dota great again

                                        Good: Nice weaver
                                        Bad: Worst TA (on a good player) that i have ever seen :D

                                        Oh Shit Waddup

                                          Good: overall winrate, invoker
                                          Bad: WR with axe and np


                                            good: unusual number of most played heroes especially phoenix

                                            bad: low number of games, PL picker

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                                            Oh Shit Waddup

                                              just out of curiosity did you play most of your games as alch mid or did you do it as farmer/support?


                                                good: good winrate, mid player
                                                bad: plays annoying mid heroes :P


                                                  Good: Dem supports.
                                                  Bad: Few games on most heroes.


                                                    Good : Kappa
                                                    Bad : Tinkerino

                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                      good: spacerino cow
                                                      bad: you really need more Kappa


                                                        Good: All the recent wins. ;)
                                                        Bad: Winrate in general :(


                                                          Good: Meepo + Tinker stats
                                                          Bad: Tinker top hero (although nice KDA), but seriously, that WR?


                                                            Good: Luna stats, overall KDA
                                                            Bad: idk rly... maybe that you never play solo?

                                                            Flow ~

                                                              Good: Warlock and Sniper, and also nice KDA in your last matches.
                                                              Bad: Not many matches played yet.


                                                                Good: Support player
                                                                Bad: bad farm on farming heroes.


                                                                  its barely depends, People are fucking selfish nowadays so i usually go roaming support role and it turns out much better that way

                                                                  @decisions ^
                                                                  good: nice OD
                                                                  bad: You're new, not even in high skill bracket, game is hard

                                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                                    good: your face
                                                                    bad: you play pudge and I hate that fatass


                                                                      Good: On a win streak.
                                                                      Bad: Few games, bad overall wr.


                                                                        Good: Kappa

                                                                        Bad: Kappa


                                                                          Good: A pilot. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

                                                                          Bad: A disruptive pilot. You seem to be doing EXTREMELY well in 6.81b. Good job


                                                                            good: support, kda's
                                                                            bad: not high skill bracket


                                                                              good: slark wr,
                                                                              bad: your new, and only plays carry


                                                                                Good: KDA of some top heroes.
                                                                                Bad: Overall winrate.

                                                                                That's ich!

                                                                                  good: more then 3k games
                                                                                  bad: Invoker most played


                                                                                    Good - Play lots of support heroes
                                                                                    Bad - 38% Winrate with Windranger


                                                                                      Good - Not a terrible dk player for once
                                                                                      Bad - Most denies 15


                                                                                        Good: Nice tinker
                                                                                        Bad: You're not Arteezy bro, stop playing that WR and lowering your winrate.

                                                                                        Miku Plays

                                                                                          G: 2 day win streak
                                                                                          B: Feeders go suck a dick

                                                                                          ツ  Febrielle is ♥

                                                                                            LC picker


                                                                                              Good: Winrates and KDAs on most heroes are very good.

                                                                                              Bad: Dat invoker.


                                                                                                Good: Respect for playing a wide variety of heroes and still able to maintain that awesome winrate. Also your 6.81 winrate is crazy good.

                                                                                                Bad: Work on those top 2 supports maybe? Idk. Sample size for heroes is quite small to make a judgment on lol

                                                                                                Lalafel Anão das Tempestades

                                                                                                  Good: Winrate With suport heroes
                                                                                                  Bad: So much fucus in the suport role.


                                                                                                    vou te matei
                                                                                                    good : doom win%
                                                                                                    bad: you play super boring heroes(