General Discussion

General DiscussionIt's so cursed when you queue with cancer party, but not even once bu...

It's so cursed when you queue with cancer party, but not even once but twice in General Discussion

    I asked for help, but they refused. Then, when I lost my lane, they blamed me, even though they played shitty

    Party 1:
    Necro went straight to jungle.
    That Doom played like a useless creep when he could’ve picked a good combo. Instead, he became a fuking creep, letting the enemy free farm at bot

    Party 2:
    Marci and Gyro didn't buy any disable items, and their combo was just terrible.
    They don’t even know how to counter-pick.

    I just asked Luna to gank mid, just need 1-200magic dmg and medusa dead multiple times (10+), but yep, run like an idiot straight to mid without any smoke

    medusa Unleash + Split Shot just make this game like a big joke

    But seriously, how is it that almost every game, there are 80-90% chance you will get a pretty dogshit party instead good party ? Is that dota queue system always broken ?

    o`hanra hanrahan

      You think thats bad? Get this : everyone picks there lanes its fine i pick mid its okay, i sorta draw/win the lane and its cool, got the tower killed pretty early and everything. Enemy drow is 7/1 and im like F that im not ganking that shit.
      But ofcourse it cant be that easy so the DK pings me a bunch so i say ``what?`` he says gank gank gank this that everything... im like nah man im good i dont gank a mega fed drow thats just not gonna happen.

      That should be the end of the entire discussion but it cant be that simple so this guy like a min later starts using his shitty 5$ mic and goes in a heavy Russian accent ``Hey tell me where you are i will come find you and kill your family and mother``....
      So at that point the obvious report and mute button was ready but nah even that doesnt stop people from being a jackass and being a moron.

      If you think that was the end oh no, this DK (who was the one throwing death threats) started to follow me through the entire rest of the game and just leeching XP doing nothing but follow me for what, maybe 5/10 min straight.

      Its a good thing it was a normal match so who really cares, but my god that shit is so hella annoying
      Guy goes 0/6 and blames me for not ganking a 7/1 fed drow, and then continues to make it his life purpose to annoy me... sigh.

      Also enemy party was 4 and for some reason agreed that i was the guilty one... Okay...
      Some of these games are beyond dogshit and how Valve thinks its ``good quality matchmaking``is honestly beyond me. Im 10K behaviour and playing at top of the Archon bracket, how i get teamed with bottomfeeders and room temperature IQ players and the game thinks its a good matchup is something i would love to know.

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          NUB GonNA NUUB
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            NUB GonNA NUUB

              @o`hanra hanrahan

              it's pretty fun when i'm picking AD combo for fast pushing, i'm even taken down 2-3 with myself at mid when they gank me, but why i'm still lose, cuz these are two clown playing meme style, rot + pudge ss, no disable item or ghost scepter, glim,eul,force staff, not even pick wukong command even they are ranged, but that's not a problem, problem is that clown LC, i mean he have tree dance, counter atk, duel, at lvl 6 he's still trying jungle, i'm telling him stick and get free duel dmg but he refused by keep crying i'm not ganking top but i mean, he can easily switch lane, tp, get kill, but he choose stay at that top and jungle
              now even at 2-30mins team 4v5 already clear enemies team, he's still jungle

              when viper active wukong command, he jump in, and duel, pretty fking shit

              i'm tryhard every game but those clown just make me stress asf


              13mins i have scepter, but these clown wanna snowball also jungle, only pud and me which want to win tf


                As you seem to be one of these elitist mid laners (you are not alone), but you shouldn't expect people to come gank your lane as the mid with the level advantage, you should go gank their lanes and tp back to mid afterwards. Help them even if the enemy mid may have a free lane for a couple of creep waves. Odds are, when you show up on another lane, he is going to have to come there as well...

                I have played my share of shit tier Dota and expecting the other players to come to your rescue is probably not going to happen. You can only really affect your own performance and actions... We are not TI level pro players. Expecting rotations for 4/6 minute runes and for the Wisdom runes is not going to happen.

                You do you... You can't alpha gamer this game... Stop expecting that.

                o`hanra hanrahan

                  I always thought the higher the MMR the higher the inflated ego`s and so the more douchebag behaviour and even though that still might be true for some...
                  I think lower MMR just has this weird obsession of getting tilted, and then doing everything in their power to make their own team lose for some reason.

                  If i barely win mid, and my off-lane goes 0/7 and supp goes 0/3 in 10 min and expects me to fix their lane and when i tell them im not gonna be able to kill a 10/0 with how i am doing and then i get griefed by my own team, and get death-threaths thrown my way... that is just insane to me.

                  And i dont wanna call myself a saint, many times i have spam pinged, called someone out for being stupid, or told someone to fuck off.
                  But its just not the same ballpark as griefing and leeching EXP, and stealing farm for the next 10 min and sending death-threaths.
                  And even though Griefing is a offense, i never see any punishment. And death-threaths should never go unpunished either.

                  I can see the same account in a year from now without anything ever happened to their account.
                  Not even a slap on the wrist. And so these dudes can just continue their shitty behaviour for as long as they want because they never get punished.


                    If you have barely won your mid lane and there is a lane feeding relentlessly you might want to go do that gank on the other lane that has not been fed to get them going to match the other feeder lane opposing carry... But you should still focus on what you can do about it and not what the other players can do to help your game...

                    In all honesty, 99% of the players are not there to feed and throw games. I am not saying they do not exist or end up that way after tilting hard, but in general, players are trying to do their best to win the game. Sometimes the matchup can just be incredibly horrible and your lane is going to go bad, no matter who was playing it, and it happens on the side lanes from time to time and even in mid sometimes even though they usually have the last pick. Switching up and starting to play "Among Us" in a game of Dota has never helped anyone. You should be trying to figure out what you can do differently and not blame your teammates and trying to will your team to lose in the process...

                    40% of the games are going to be lost, 40% of the games going to be won. The middle 20% is the part where you can make the difference...