General Discussion

General DiscussionPhantom ASS ASS SIN (!) and DOTA Veteran Comment

Phantom ASS ASS SIN (!) and DOTA Veteran Comment in General Discussion

    Greetings yer fellow legends! I am inquiring on a longterm question that has bothered me quite a bit, and it is about some circumstances that do cast a little shadow on the still persistent, daily fun that this artwork of a game and community - yes ! creates for me since more than 12 years.

    Please educate me or explain your opinion even in detail as I would like to manage to allow myself to let loose of the last strains holding this negative shadowthought in my everyday perception of the game:

    1. the utterly astonishing amout of braindead PAs ( Trolls, Ursas, Juggers etc) in games ( I am currently 1200k MMR with main acc; was Legend 2 once ;_) ) - I see it every second game - PA mid or safe with rushing Battlefury build = >4K gold waste ( with their excuse to "farm faster" ) - and heres the thing they do buy for 2nd item Desolator or fullretard shittier like Khanda, crits etc ;
    This means that your carry with one of top 3 most DMG potential heros and killspeed potential Top 3 is a galss cannon with 1500 hp low armor no escape tool main carry ; In 90% of these games safelane/mid carry PA will be a 0 impact hero; even in late when she fed enemy carry;

    I understand that newer player ( barely existing) below 1k hours in game might tend to use this 2012 auto generated build suggestion but every other player should not only know that this is a build not only outdated but also almost not seen in any competitive matchup in the last years.

    You want to pick PA get deez sweet red numbers in crit damage to the enemies faces, jump around friend and foe and basically ninjasytling through some minutes of Dotka- then by the love of god look the build recommendations by trusted sources :

    You buy items that is good / suited to enemy line up - Enemy have many strong high HP melee STR heros like in the last 3 years = BF will do jackshit in killingthem; yes +65 DMG is nice but no armor reduction, no lockdown no lifesteal no means of amplification etc; And even if the enemy has high dmg INT or AGI burst heros then BF will also do jackshit besides the raw dmg ... as these are mostly not illusion or army heros - so waht DO you need as a AGI Carry DPS / BOOM and ZOOM hero:
    DPS items - Survivability ITEMS for the 5-10 Seconds that you are in a fight, DMG and lifesteal as a luxury if you expect to fight Burst DMG skilled heros;

    ERGO in general U need to get : BKB first ( you already have DPS skill with crits and a troll 1v 5 ing that dies due to no BKB after 30 min is so sad...) ; lifesteal ( only 900 Gold + upgradeable); Basher / Abyssal for enemy CC ( if they can counteract your initiation jump to their faces = now DMG from you when they counter stun/silence/debuff you! ;
    Desolator or better Assault cuirass is great as it out - DPS gains BF ! + EHP gain by AC; I sometimes add a crystalis for the added crit chance if game goes okish - if it was a hard lane then just get BKB and lifesteal and go farm ancients or any other of the thousand camps! ;

    Gaining farmspeed is pretty retarded cause if you need 15min as usualy to get BF - and you only can start farming your main items then - you ll be a very late carry with heavily and unnecessary delayed powerpike; you come online after 20 min; in which most games are set at least to who has an advantage or not; and only THEN becoming a factor is bad for all carries. You want to come online and contribute as fast as possible.

    Which leads us to the next issue - farming afk like a braindead AM mouthbreather for 30 min etc and only then 1v 5 ing wont work since years of well adjusted patches - players now have a huge array of neutral items, map specailities and other features that enable a quite better escape of a bad fight than before about 3-4 years - ( e.g. portals or Lotus Leaves for burst heal etc ) so you would want to start killing enemy supports and POS 3,4,5, before min 15 where they might reach a power peak;
    In order to do so you get lifesteal with MorbidMask, use your fast ATK point to farm all the neutral camps everytime you can - with dagger you can even stack !
    now omitting BF and getting BKB or ANY other DPS / CARRY ITEM (!) will in average and by my experience of 7700+ matches, at least net you 4-8 kills before min 15 in a standard game.

    DOing this with only BF ingredients and raw damage / passive HP/Mana regen from 1200 gold item will be hard as you have low HP, can be disabled easily ( enemy lanes have usually 2 disables until min 15 ready if you come gank ) + even if you didnt get a kill but enemy must go back to base or stay back for healing you have achieved fear and awawreness in the enemys mind that you are a aggro CARRY that will take any chance to gank you! = enemy will be much more careful usually and therefore miss lasthits, misfocus on other lane duties etc;
    If you are a AFK FARM CARRY like AM retard - good enemies will group up 2-3 and smoke up, search you in the woods and farm-snipe you a few times until your farm is dropped off and they only lough at your carry hero jumping in their faces and getting blown up by a lucky ogre triple cast and 1 support stun ,_)

    I have seen these proceedings thousandfold and by now, I sarcastically smile at these fools ; I am trying everytime to explain at game start that BF will be a bad idea when we are facing enemy slark, invoker, witch doc, Bristleback and Silencer ( as a typical lineup example that is commen in the last years ); it almost does not matter who is on your side then if the PA / troll / jugger Ursa etc does this only chance to grab a lucky win might be with a godlicke Arcwarden, cheese Furion or meepo etc ; which happens seldomly;

    Now after reading this rant, I might be berated that people use already DOTAplus and other community verified mass proved build guides but the fallacy of these wide spread I call them retard-builds is too prevalent to not have it checked in the instance of it happening or investigation as I attempt with this little inquiry.
    Thanks for sharing your mind!


    Also a kind of scourge :
    - do you also experience quite a load of safelane rikimarus / clinkz or Weavers ? / = only mid heros or situational offlaners in my opinion;
    - POS 1,2,4 ( I am mostly 3 or 5 role - NOT buying any detection at any point in the game vs at least 2 or 3 enemy melees; same with games with zeus bounty or slardar ( luv mi waterlizard ) etc where your teammate sniper / eg any othe rglasscannon carry does buy shadowblade ...
    does it make sense to start palying bounty as POS 3 or 5 for offlane and enemy farm disrution to include in ones heros lineup?

    -Does the majority of players ( regular) really enjoy or demand the yearly events like diretide, now the lovestory dungeoncrawler / battlepasses?
    I always since 2012 felt every of these events is nice but not necessary for me to keep playing the game and buying some occaionals cosmetics - For me and all my former dota friends that started with me before 2010 never invested much for these events, if you keep the game carefully balanced and also DONT add shittier
    ( marci = justa a human judoka waifu, Beast = well a simple MEGA CREEP godzilla ragebeast how inventive, monkey king + willow CHINA and ANIME crowd pandering; same with DAWNBREAKER , earthsprit uselss hero below 5 K MMR , pangolier useless boring. / make new heros every year or so after 6 month voting time / palytesting communtiy test draft heros ( no new heros at least not without community vote / participation - let the community decide what hero is considered to be added ! ) ;

    Thank you for your endurance ;_) Happy to hear some thougts.

    я тебе тут че бля емое
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      я тебе тут че бля емое

        Play on carry yourself

        я тебе тут че бля емое

          you have 8k matches,48 winrate,you know what you ruiner? a not your allies


            F man too heavy to even type


              1200000 mmr is insane congrats man