General Discussion

General Discussionstuck in hell bracket

stuck in hell bracket in General Discussion

    Been frustrated lately in my games. As of writing, my MMR dropped down to 810. It's been like that for years now. Highest was around 1800. Usual MMR range is 800-1200. I can count games I lost where I did my fair share of playing bad. Losing the lane, delayed farm, wrong items. But most of the time, like 70% of my L's, I did great. Spammed heros, stick to my role, improved my last hits, tried not to get tilted both by enemies and teammates, did the warding even as a carry, adjusted my role when someone did not played theirs. I'm tired. I just wanna get out of this hell bracket because you know why... a lot of my losing games are due to poor support/carry, poor warding, toxic teammates (blamers, griefers, afk farmers), no one pushing, etc. I wanna hear from you how manage through this. Anything you wanna share how to get up ?

    Unhappy Camper

      The following quote from the Dalai Lama helped me.

      "If you have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine whether there is anything you can do about it. If you can, there is no need to worry about it; if you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry."

      Distilling this into Dota, beyond simple unemotional communication with teammates on what you're doing or planning on doing, you can't control what your teammates do. To gain MMR focus your mind and habits solely on what you can do. Having blamers, griefers, afk-ers live rent free in your head will only waste your own time and efforts.

      Let's focus on a specific in your gameplay that we all could benefit from. The very first thing that effects how a game will go, and something that dictates how every game will play out - that's the drafting phase! Looking at your last 2 Drow losses, you got to pick after two hero picks that counter your hero extremely hard. In your most recent game, you last picked Drow against Sniper and a Sven. These two heroes counter you hard in different ways. In the 2nd to last game, you picked Drow after a Spectre pick, which counters you hard as well. Drow is obviously a comfort pick for you, and it's totally fine to have heroes like that.

      You could consider finding another hero that counters heroes that deal with Drow in the pos 1 role and learning the hero. When I learn a hero, I start off by using Dota2ProTracker and watching a replay or two and then following the builds of a pro/Immortal player. Afterwords, I spam the hero. You seem to have a lot of experience using ranged carries, so you may gain the most benefit in your drafting by learning either a diving/burst melee hero like Slark and Ursa, or learning how to micro one of the illusion carries.

      Beyond the actual game of Dota, make sure to take care of yourself mentally, financially, and physically. Sleep well and consistently, eat good food, and do a little exercise before you start playing Dota each day. I wish you the best!


        Top Tip 1:
        The instant you blame things other than yourself for you getting stuck at low mmr, you deserve to be in low mmr.

        If I watch your reply, I'll be 100% sure that in first 5 mins, you will be making plays that will make me rip my hair out.
        Stop blaming others, analyze your own gameplay, find your mistakes, fix your mistakes and you climb mmr.

        Top Tip 2: Skills reflect your mmr, if you are low mmr, you are a low skilled played, stop being delusional.


          all brackets are hell

          Machado98 #xatubaking

            im sorry but you will stay there probably
            The only way I got out of 2k was spamming hc or meepo mid and getting a +-20 wins in a row. Now as a casual player I dropped to 1.8k and couldnt care less
            The problem as I remember was that even though I was better, I wasnt better enough to win the game by myself, specially in games someone was feeding hard and the enemy braindead snowball hero just rolled. But boosters did it I learned meepo. Got some low priorities from people reporting me for scripting because they are really that dumb, but got higher in mmr. The main difference I see now under 2k mmr is the will to win. Low mmr just dont have it. You might want to win and tryhard for it, but many players down here just play ranked as a pub, for fun only and will have fun, whatever happens.
            My tip is to get good in a position (my tip is Mid or Offlane) with heroes that are Independent as in you dont need help to win lanes, can Punish their cores to nullify their impact (stomping their Mid or Carry, mainly. They tilt very easily), Gank one other lane (that didnt lose hard, so you can manage to win 2 lanes at least) and Scale and Push, and have a good ultimate for teamfight or pickoff, examples: Meepo, Brewmaster, Doom, Beastmaster, Enigma, Void Spirit...
            Those arent impossible and I guarantee that if you do that, you will climb.


              lol you can get out of any bracket by playing any hero or role you want

              just git gud