General Discussion

General Discussionis 10 - 15min que is in smurf pool ? or there's less divine - immorta...

is 10 - 15min que is in smurf pool ? or there's less divine - immortals player ? in General Discussion
muting all humanity

    today i got into LP and que is over 30min+ now, is there anyone divine - immortal rank here can i ask how long is your que time?


      why divine-Immortal? you are in ancient bracket. The player count is totally different.
      Unless ofc, "This isn't your main account".

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        49% winrate talking


          ^ Another salty angry dog now chasing me across forum?

          You mad little child?

          I literally asked a question based on observation. How does it feel to get triggered by that??


            there's no smurf pool? only shadow pool

            GOKU FINAL FORM

              if you get lots of reports you get in the shadow pool where you have to play with inbred low iq ape scum that makes you question why you even play the game.

              either go on a loss streak or make/buy a new account. account sellers have family to feed too you know!

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                you have low behaviour score/ get reported a lot recently hence you only will get matched with other toxic players


                  Yeah LP queues are extremely long, and yes, probably because of low player count.
                  Although, I don't know if LP is also filtered by behaviour score, since I got into LP because of connection issues and my behaviour score is 10000, so maybe people with shitty score + LP have to wait less.

                  Squidwards 5th Leg

                    When I was mid/low divine, right around 5k mmr about 1 year ago, my average queue time was probably 20 minutes. Now, I'm immortal and my average queue time is like 2 minutes. I've always had 10k behavior score, not a smurf or anything.