General Discussion

General Discussion4.5k-5k player recalib back to 2.8k

4.5k-5k player recalib back to 2.8k in General Discussion

    Man im hardstuck at my archon medal rofl. Its been a month since i got back ( I think i already know the metas etc.) Problem is i cant finish games as a solo/pt mid laner. Pos1 players here are the lowest iq players i swear.

    Ps: I'll try playing pos1 even though it has longer queue.


      most 5ks are less than 2ks

      but mmr is the most meaningful number in existence
      god himself created this number after creating humanity

      how can this accurate number not being from god after perfection of creation




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        flourishing new leaf

          You're clearly not a 5k mid. Suck it up and only go offlane. If you're better than your current mmr, you'll rise pretty easily.

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                I don't visit forums for like 6 months and suddenly "new leaf" guy says that skills reflect mmr??? and not blaming matchmaking for keeping ppl at low mmr??? DAFUQ happened?

                Suerte en Archon tambien ...

                  I don't visit forums for like 6 months and suddenly "new leaf" guy says that skills reflect mmr??? and not blaming matchmaking for keeping ppl at low mmr??? DAFUQ happened?

                  Games feel -fair- when you're winning and feel more unfair the more you lose. It's an anthropological foundation on playing games. "Although winners have a higher baseline, perceptions of fairness decline more sharply for winners than for losers, indicating that winners’ perceptions are more sensitive than those of losers to a system that is rigged in their favor."
                  It's easier to believe the game is rigged if you're lower mmr and not rigged if you climb to a satisfactory level.



                    flourishing new leaf

                      How is that anything close to what I said? @AD.Goku. Like wtf. I checked his games, he's not at the level. If he still thinks he's good, he will have more impact as offlaner, beacuse currently the mid's he's meeting are better than him, in that shit bracket. (Either smurfs or in adapting to the game)


                        from 5k i went down to 4.4k or so and when i recalibrated i got 3.8k or whatever. I was dissapointed

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