General Discussion

General Discussioncan't find a match GG

can't find a match GG in General Discussion

    takes me an hour to find a match with all roles selected rip

    Эта тема была изменена

      which server?


        which GG match, you are looking for? easy match, hard match, long match, short match. Winning? Losing?


          US east

          easy match, hard match, long match, short match. Winning? Losing?

          losing is fine, but if i need to wait an hour to lose i will play peggle instead


            ur smurfing thats why


              beheld, dota 2 become, tirefull game now. I think, i wiil take a break

              GOKU FINAL FORM

                whats your behavior score?

                try a new hero and play like a herald for a few games, you should be good to go after that

                another day in paradise

                  go cry me a river

                  mby go back to your main, you are either an acc buyer or a smurf


                    GOKU FINAL FORM

                    sorry, dont like to play now.

                    hix hix hix


                      mby go back to your main, you are either an acc buyer or a smurf

                      since i'm getting dumpstered by ancient gods, obviously I should go play on my main which is even higher mmr