General Discussion

General DiscussionRigged ranked matchmaking

Rigged ranked matchmaking in General Discussion

    Oh, I'm totally aware of how much suckage I bring to the table. But still, I always seem to start winning games with regularity and do get to that next medal and then the next 10 games are like 2-8 and I'm right back at the lower rank again... This happened 3-4 times last year. And it isn't like the mid player made that one mistake at minute 4 and the enemy midder just snowballed from there, it is more like, my midder all-of-a-sudden is wondering how he can move his hero out of the fountain. And the safelane carry gets like 2 last hits in 20 minutes even when he is jungling... Since he ran away from the lane at minute 2 and called gg on the game already. And this slot 4 support is contesting the last hits on the offlane and the slot 5 support is just calling everyone trash, starting already in the draft... And looking at the enemy team, there is like 2+ pretty suspicious smurf looking accounts on the other side. The game ends at 26 minutes, just because the smurfs are playing with left hand and still go 22-0 an 16-1 in the game... I enjoy a good shit tier game of Dota. A good game where things hang in the balance and the game is heading for that one last team fight where the winner takes it all. Those are just great. Sometimes you win and sometimes you mess up royally and lose. It happens... But I have no regrets from those games, well, I don't feel as bad when I lose those games. Both teams had a good shot at it, but someone has to lose for someone else to win.

    asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...

      hey subhumans,since u arleady wasted your poor life on this game,after 8000 games + u are 3k mmr and 4k,how about u unistall this game and save yourselfes and your sanity as long as you can?



        '96 Neve Campbell

          hey subhumans,since u arleady wasted your poor life on this game

          key word: GAME
          How can you fucking waste time on a hobby, the purpose of which is to enjoy yourself on? You are probably mentally ill or something if you ascribe genuine real world value to people based on an arbitrary number in a fucking VIDEO GAME you strange fuck xd

          Do you go out to the park and tell the people kicking a football around the place to quit playing cause they arent going to he the next Ronaldo? Just kidding you would have to leave your basement to do that

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            the based immortal vs the virgin legend

            Bom Bom

              At this point if you want to climb you need to be able to 1v5 games. Like if you put a pro player in your bracket they would probably get back up to their original rank despite facing the same problems as you along the way. That means its not impossible and actually you just need to get better.


                Simply put… match making is not rigged. It just simply isn’t.

                There is a natural phenomena of mmr decay due to smurfs. When a smurf climbs that mmr has to come from somewhere.

                As far as match making being rigged in the sense they intentionally keep you from advancing to the next rank by giving you an impossible match is ridiculous. If you run into a smurf or game ruiner it’s bad luck not some secret algorithms.

                One thing I am curious about is how the teams are decided by the match making algorithm though.

                For example if you have 5 players who only selected 1 role (presumably their main role) and 5 players who selected all roles (presumably farming role que) how would DotA split these teams?

                Another example. You have 5 players clearly on a win streak and 5 players clearly on a losing streak. How would DotA split these teams?

                I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if they used hidden rankings to attempt to formulate the most fair match up possible. But at the end of the day this is hardly rigging the match. It’s simply how match making works and ultimately results in higher quality matches.

                low prio master

                  Ill share my experience too, i started from about 500 mmr on this account, climb up to 3000mmr in about 1-2 years. Since than i was pretty much only loosing,you can't really say i did climb couse of luck as the climb was spread over years.

                  But something happened about 2 years ago to Dota MM making it much worse experience for me.

                  Atm i play around 800 mmr, there is about 30% players with some amazing experience like me, i do play dota 10 years and i do meet similar players there, which is fine.
                  But than there is about 70% players in pool who just have no idea, it feel really silly that Valve put me after 10 years playing with some completely new players or players with 100h on acc.


                    @Bambooni: why do you have less than 3.00 KDA as a core player

                    party players)

                      hows it rigged just win lmfao


                        I will say that anecdotally I feel this; I have ~60% winrate in ranked over the last 6 months and yet right after I hit Ancient 1 I went on a 10 game lose streak. I dont even remember the last time I lost 3 or 4 games in a row. But also, like someone else said, it doesn't matter. This dumb non-ELO based system means if you're winning at 50.01% you're still ranking up.

                        So if you're not ranking up, then you're either not playing enough games or you're right where you're supposed to be. I will also say that I think unless you're a smurf account you get placed really low, too. I got placed in Crusader 1 like a year and a half ago, and I was not that bad. But my DotA history was old and had lots of losses on it, since I tried DOTA2 at launch but clung to HoN for way longer than most (no regrets) and basically just played a few games every 6 months or so with friends. I have probably gotten better during my climb, but not Crusader1 to Ancient1 improvement levels...

                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          Another example. You have 5 players clearly on a win streak and 5 players clearly on a losing streak. How would DotA split these teams?
                          I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if they used hidden rankings to attempt to formulate the most fair match up possible. But at the end of the day this is hardly rigging the match. It’s simply how match making works and ultimately results in higher quality matches.

                          You give them far too much credit lol, the only thing that matters if ur mmr


                            Its funny people think small indie company valve would even put in effort for such a system. Ill give u an example that happens often. I get matched with X player, he plays great does everything properly and we win, I get matched with him again but this time he picks some dogshit hero and does everything wrong. Or I get matched with a player that plays so fucking bad im convinced hes an acc buyer, check his dotabuff and everything seems fine he was even on a win streak before, guess he just decided to ruin this one for reasons only he can understand.

                            Guess what mongols, volvo cannot predict when the brain of an average animal dota player will decide to ruin there is way too many variables for this system to work, I play vs Kowareta one game and he takes every tower by 20 min then the next game hes on my team in amulet at 5 min cause some guy dared to speak Russian in his presence.

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                              i would love to see the game i went amulet in min 5 sir
                              all my games are public

                              Hatrið mun sigra
                                Этот комментарий был удален

                                  My bad u went jungle with chen and didnt leave until throne fell


                                    the throne would fell regardless. gaben actually fixes his matches. there is no explanation why i queue 15-25 minutes this week for finding a game.
                                    my behavior score is better, my mmr is less, why am i in queue for 25 min instead of 5? what has been changed?

                                    gaben flags accounts, fixes his matches and fucks with you. he enjoys it. i would do the same if i control a game ruskies playing it. its fun see they rage and suffer.

                                    i got com abuse report for writing one sentence, "idk". keep barking here about this game bro. you are just full of shit :)

                                    Hatrið mun sigra

                             THESE ARE THE GAMES THAT MAKE YOU WANNA FUCKING QUIT. I had written a message where I wrote "uuuh just pick cores, play your natural role and you will climb regardless if you're good, like I'm climbing with 5.2k behavior score" but jesus fucking christ how fucking braindead are 3ks. Doesn't matter if you make enemy pos 1 tilt, buyback and afk, the pos 5 Venodog who a couple games ago was in your team going 3 14 as Drow and griefing the whole game by giving rapiers to enemy team with BoT and amulet die 21 times in this game, it doesn't matter if you're a monster of a pos 3 killing, pushing towers and tanking dmg left and right noooo 'cause your 3k barking cores refuse all game to touch towers, spend the entire game split and dying alone vs a SB, not that the enemy has a Dusa noooo why push? What are we, smart? Let's fucking hit creeps and kill the supports all game, not that the purpose of the game is killing a throneeee god fucking forbid, with my pos 1 mentally ill subhuman getting triggered at a simple "oh, that was a waste of aegis" and starting to project his own life issues on people in the cringiest way ever nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo matchmaking is amazing and no matter how amazing it is I'm even more amazing as pos 3 and thats why I climb even with 0 behavior score but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 3ks are not subhumans and nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo shit doesn't match you with hopeless double digit IQ retards it's all very normal. Have a nice day everyone


                                        Low EQ, low skilled animal can't keep emotions in check, crying about matchmaking. PEPELAUGH XD


                                          man, idc if i find midlane in 5 and look for 15 to get pos 5 today
                                          before omegalul xd ppl, tell me how the fuck i got one com abuse report for writing "idk" in chat. 17 games i said nothing and that just slipped.

                                          there were a guy all chatting since min 1 about his teammates in my last game and my report didnt worked on him.

                                          ppl get flagged. thats just it. its not fair.

                                          Hatrið mun sigra

                                            Exactly, after my Warlock game where I had literal, and I mean literal, creeps actively refusing to hit the enemy as Lifestealer vs 2 strength heroes with a healer in lane, an Enigga hitting one single creep instead of hitting 2 fatal bonded enemy with 100 hp, the same Enigga who farmed blink just to jungle, used bh twice and in one got stunned after 0,1 sec and baited me the whole game to the point even our Qop said not to follow this dog 'cuz he was a premuted unreliable retard and ES was speechless at the fact taht none of these mongs wanted to get any kill, now it takes me fucking forever to find a game and I'm forced to lose 'cuz of braindead fucking idiots every match. Last game bot lane gives A POS 4 SNIPER GODLIKE STREAK IN 20 MINUTES, the dogs come top to steal my farm and xp, my Injoker missed all the simple tornado meteor combos unless enemy was chain stunned for 5 second and my pos 4 pudge went tranquils into strength blink into an attempt at tarrasque lmaooooo after I made the pos 1 TB tilt and jungle for 20 minutes while rushing linkens. And I had written "just play your natural role if you're good you'll climb" LEL fuck this rigged fucking shit and fuck 3k subhumans

                                            smurfs = no balls

                                              Yes, in some games you have bad teams. In some games, your enemy team has the ruiner(s). The only constant is you yourself.

                                              Not everything is a conspiracy you dumb fuck...

                                              Hatrið mun sigra

                                                i see the truth triggered you you average retarded sheep, obsessing over "conspiracies" in every thread now. Yea some games, not 6 games in a row with absurd throws and clowns. No prooooblem let's make it 7 in a row with 2 feeding russian subhumans as supports and 1 as pos 2 ember going basher first it's okaaaaaaaaay not fucking rigged at all it happens, every game but it happens. Tilting the pos 1 every game and winning my lane every game and carrying the dogs every game but ending up losing 'cuz of 3k doggos but it's variance.

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                  I watched ur last replay decent mechanics playing okay first 15 min and then it all goes to shit with random chaotic plays with 0 thought behind them ur the most 3k starter pack ever, if u can keep ur laning stage/early pressure and also turn on your brain for the rest of the game u can get way higher then 3k.


                                                    Your first 15 min is probably what makes u think ur better then 3k, cause u are at that point but I can see as the game goes on u have literally 0 idea whats going on like ur brain rapidly melts as the game goes on.

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                                                    Hatrið mun sigra

                                                      I'm above 3k from start to finish. You can also analyze my 6 min buyback dagon Earthshaker if you want, so much insight in these last 8 games with animals every game. Even tilted af I have more impact than these apes. Meanwhile behavior score to 4k lalal as always good boi > skilled boi in Gabe's value system. Only fault I have is if I tilt I tilt and that costs me alot of mmr.
                                             JUST LOOK AT THIS AMAZING FUCKING SHITSHOW AND TELL ME THIS DOGSHIT FUCKING GAME IS FUCKING NORMAL AND GUESS WHO GOT BANNED FOR 3 HOURS ENDING UP IN LP LMAO jesus christ you know what, average retarded sheep is right, this world does need more experimental jabs. Tell all your 3k friends to get them all, the 4th 5th and 6th too, mass genocide of all these 80 IQ apes and russians is the way

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        xD woah that kowardeta guy finally earned some manners! glad to see his answers are not troll at least on this thread.

                                                        btw yes, 50% forced winrate, no matter if you team up with your 4 best friend players, the other party will be crusher.


                                                          KowaretaKowareta 8 hours ago
                                                          man, idc if i find midlane in 5 and look for 15 to get pos 5 today
                                                          before omegalul xd ppl, tell me how the fuck i got one com abuse report for writing "idk" in chat. 17 games i said nothing and that just slipped.

                                                          there were a guy all chatting since min 1 about his teammates in my last game and my report didnt worked on him.

                                                          ppl get flagged. thats just it. its not fair.


                                                          asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...


                                                            Slim Shady

                                                              ^ This pedophile account buyer/booster always has such though talk,but i always laugh myself to death watching his 0/12 undying gameplay or him feeding as invoker

                                                              Also, why are you always acting so superior? You are a rank 3.6k low immortal virgin, maybe you should practice with bots ? Or better yet, farm a rare item called *job application* xd


                                                                this guy hates immortal players so much he laughs at them dying in aghanim mode. well played! idk if the guy is superior but im sure who is inferior here


                                                                  Guardian Salt over flow. Been some time since the forum had seen this much salt. keep it coming animals. XD


                                                                    I think the reason none of this shit upsets me is cause im good looking, immortal and have a big dick idk maybe

                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                      and a successful streamer, you dont choke with 1 more lie bro :)



                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                          how often you play against pudge 4 with a morph dying n times to hook?
                                                                          im afraid this life is just a simulation and im talking to myself like a clown, non of this normal


                                                                            how often you play against pudge 4 with a morph dying n times to hook?
                                                                            im afraid this life is just a simulation and im talking to myself like a clown, non of this normal


                                                                              These "forced 50%" threads never fail to deliver

                                                                              Poison too strong??

                                                                                I have a feeling the better you are that you get worse allies to play with. So in conclusion system is rigged to keep you in place.

                                                                                exit code 0 (gl;hf)
                                                                                  Этот комментарий был удален

                                                                                    just dont grind, there are lots of better things to do than grinding mmr :)

                                                                                    Feeding in progress

                                                                                      Once u have reached Herald one you can be sure u will no longer drop in rank.

                                                                                      exit code 0 (gl;hf)

                                                                                        That's right. I have 1 mmr and 1 behavior score.

                                                                                        Oh wait, you're wrong, You can drop in time, and lose your lifespan playing dota 2 for absolutely no return at all you forgot about that fact didn't you?




                                                                                            The objective of continuously playing dota is to improve and learn, the rank will naturally follow.

                                                                                            The mm is probably meant to help older or weaker players not lose so much, but at the end of the day they do drop from ancient to archon and even to crusader. These casual players dont care about mmr anymore. However, they also dont care about their skillset and how irrelevant those playstyles are, they just want to win by using their rotten creations. This is becoz we are emotional creatures, like me I just want to win with the same hero, and I believe that my playstyle is the best.

                                                                                            But that doesnt mean im not improving or not learning. Im still continually assessing the relevance of my playstyle as well as adapting to the needs of my team. It turns out that my gut feeling was right from the beginning, that investing my time in this hero is the right choice as he is going to have the highest winrate of all heroes, and is currently now the highest winrate and so I was eventually right after a decade. So even if I were to take very long breaks it doesnt matter as I already know the fundamentals of how the strings vibrate.

                                                                                            So at the end of the day, it is how fast we improve, how fast we recover, and whether our strategies are still relevant. I have alr grown beyond those numbers.


                                                                                              @Slim Shady why are insulting someone who is 10x better than you at this game , hmm i wonder why


                                                                                                The Dota2 flat earth equivalent