General Discussion

General Discussionstuck in 3k bracket, anyone share their story on how they got to high...

stuck in 3k bracket, anyone share their story on how they got to high MMR ? in General Discussion

    I took a break from Dota, studied the game a lot and went from 2k-3k pretty fast (around 1-1.5 months). I feel totally stuck at 3k, seems like the games are extremely hard. I win my lane some games and then we lose mid game cause enemy team makes lots of rotations. Or I lose my lane to a hero like OD/Sniper and I get steam rolled.

    I watched some of my own replays but I am still totally stuck around 3300-3400 MMR


      As someone who stuck 4500-5000. I will give u a tip. Pick one hero :lick:


        Hey man, I was in your position 2-3 weeks ago... stuck on same MMR for quite some time but I finally managed to get to 4k and I will keep on going up same way hopefully.

        Things I changed:
        1. Bought DOTA PLUS to see which heroes counter enemy picks on average
        2. Started playing mostly POS 2, and POS 1 when I get that position in role queue
        3. Stopped getting into arguments about pick, I play with what I have in team and try to get most out of it
        4. I try to encourge team on objectives when I think we should do something, like tower push or Roshan kill (in 90% cases people will listen to positive suggestions)
        5. Never give up and always keep positive attitude. You will be surprised how many games you will win that you thought was lost 15 minutes into game

        Additional tip: Try to read in META, some heroes really excel in some brackets so keep in mind which bracket you are playing and what is your goal

        General MID heroes suggestions: Tinker, Void Spirit, OD, Necro, Ember, Storm
        General SAFE heroes suggestions: Juggernaut, PA, Luna, Ursa, Faceless Void, Drow Ranger

        Try to master at least 2-3 heroes for each role and you are good to go.

        another day in paradise

          literally just watch pro players and compare their replays to yours... you will see all the mistakes you do and stop doing them

          also learn your heroes. ideal size of your hero pool is like 3-5 and only one role that you focus on (others you play only for fun or role queue games), but as carry you will need to know more heroes so you can counter theirs

          another day in paradise

            also follow meta

            I can give you top 5 heroes per role rn that I feel like are good at climbing in soloQ where your team will be shit and not help you
            (lol I just realized when I was writing this that these heroes are pretty much the same that just4fun just suggested before me)

            pos1: WK, Luna, PA, Ursa, Void (heroes that can farm jungle early or just have easy timings)
            pos2: Tinker, OD, Qop, Voidspirit, Stormspirit (space creators)
            pos3: SK, OD, SB, Necro, LC (solo kill potential and mobility)
            pos4: Weaver, SB, Clock, Hoodwink, Lion (stun, vision and hard to kill)
            pos5: Jakiro, Bane, NP, Shaman, Lion (stun, win lane, buff cores)


              Just b good


                I ply Mipo, Lycan, Tinker, TA and other gay heroes + im a fast learner so many trs cant learn simple things that is main reason they cant climb.


                  Select one hero -> become a god at it.

                  Tip: Select a hero that doesn't stand out the most. Ex. AA

                  another day in paradise

                    I have 100% winrate against this prisoner guy :)


                      One of the most quoted lines from Bruce Lee is “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” It's a quote that emphasizes the importance of focused practice and a high level of proficiency.

                      Got that from google. Anybody who has high mmr as far as I can remember will always say to keep your personal roster as small as possible, knowing how to play it inside and out.

                      Also from personal experience, from 2012-2018 i thought half-ass knowledge of all the heroes gave me an advantage over those who had full knowledge of a few. And as a result not only did I lose 1500 mmr, also got reported alot and as a result wasted a lot of my time. But I guess in hindsight it's not a waste since now I know better. Trippy stuff. But real quick to illustrate, click my profile, and then filter by "Total # of Games Played." You can see that I have half of the recommended to me by a 6 coach number of games on a hero (100), just glancing at it looks like on average ~ 50 games. If I showed you the other profile that I abandoned, there are hundreds of games, thousand in the case of jak, played on only 10 or so heroes. And those are the choices I'm gonna be playing on here. It's actually crazy. I'm a literal example of how to "get better" at the game and "climb"

                      To recapitulate further, I have ~ 1400 games on Jakiro, with an unfortunate 49% winrate on another account that I've abandoned for, 48 hours now (I would attest that at least 75% of those losses in the last year were because of troll players, throwing usually). Taking it one day at a time like any other maladaptive behavior. My games on here started Dec 03, and I've been playing with and against Guardians all the way up to Ancient II I saw a few times. To my relief, one of the main things keeping me still playing all this time even though I"ve been losing with the same 50 people for the same reasons...was the idea that if i just could play with different people who played normally, that i'd be able to focus on my own role/hero better and create more impact. What I'm trying to say is, I've been holding my own at the very least, against players that are supposed to be "more skilled" than the ones I'm used to. And I'd only be able to do that, if my skill on Jakiro was adequate enough to match the skill of the archon-ancient opponents i've been facing this past few days.

                      One last poster above listed some heroes / role in a neat format. Something I noticed about them is, with the exception of a few, most of them have both AOE and single target capability. Trying to figure out ways of consistently beating 1v9 (which as far as I'm concerned, is impossible), I thought of further reducing my pool to people who had both those capabilities, to account for the usual case of not having teammates help each other in need or defending towers. Mostly right clicking creeps for 3 years tbh. Anyway, like one game I made the mistake of picking PA, who doesn't really have much AOE until after you've been able to farm 10-15k into a deso/bf yeah? Treads whatever, and to get THERE, you need space. And to get SPACE, you need, HELP FROM TEAM!! YAY!!!

             just this 0k thinking or are meta picks usually heroes with equally powerful AOE + Focused/SIngle Target abilities? I'm definitely admitting to being 0k and open to learning how to beat this game and maybe win a few dollars in the process. Then I can order McDonald and get a stomacheaches LD

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                      косплеер сом

                        on sea server legend bracket is hardest to deal,,,,,no ward or deward. some times u will meet offlaner pick riki
                        my other acc from crusader 5 to legend 4 by spaming LD or broodmother
                        but yeah u still need to ward and deward for ur self coz supp wont waste their gold for it and focus on dagger or something hahahaha


                          thanks for the advices you guys, @just4fun I will try these tips about communication and attitude

                          @deedeemegadoodoo I will try the heroes you suggest. I have been watching some replays of GPK and Sumail but I will try to study them better to compare

                          thank you

                          another day in paradise

                            legend is ez, every bracket is ez

                            just play better than that bracket and you will rise

                            asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...

                              Xd Xd Xddd


                                You will rise till became stuck like miC :laugh:

                                another day in paradise
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                                  another day in paradise

                                    Im not stuck, easy immortal in the next 3 months :)


                                      Honestly its more about just understanding the game. I was legend 5 for like 2 years until I truly realized the strength of the range creep, getting lvl 2, not fighting under wards, blocking pull camps, stacking, giving pots and healing items to cores, etc.

                                      Most people under 5k play their own game. They want to be 5 carries vs 5 carries and the lower the mmr goes the more hell bent they are. They chase under tower with their cooldowns on, they try to smoke while all resources are low, they farm the jungle right after a fight with 2 health left. Most games are lost too because I think people who don't understand the roles ruin the game. Supports who don't understand vision suffer with the team, passive offlaners that want to farm like pos 1 also bring down the team. Same for mids.

                                      asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...


                                        косплеер сом

                                          well then what will u do when ur team just fight under enemy vision? even i keep tellin them not to fight on some area bcoz it warded
                                          if u leave ur team...meaning 4vs5 if u join fight it depend on luck....wipe out or glory hahaha
                                          that situation happen to me

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                                          агент 0 21 3

                                            im worst


                                              ^peace brother


                                                @HaeL I added you on steam, was wondering if you could explain to me about some challenges I have after laning phase

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                                                  I grinded from 3k to 5k in a span of 5 months.

                                                  1. Lose 2 games, stop playing for the day.
                                                  2. Watch the replays of both those losses right after they happen. They are still fresh, and you probably know the timeline where you fucked up. Check out your spellcasting, your item timings, your positioning. A lot of small details can contritube to you losing.
                                                  3. DONT FUCKING ARGUE IN CHAT. If someone is toxic, try to be his psychologist at first, if he keeps being a piece of shit, mute him.
                                                  4. TURN OFF YOUR FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Your goal is to destroy your throne. Sometimes you are sad, frustrated and stuff. Don't let that interfere with your decision making. Play like a freaking robot.


                                                    @Apipe you would probably climb to 5500 if you didn't troll with your role and stick to safelane Ursa.

                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                      The absolute most important thing is vision. Always have your support ward areas of the map that you do not naturally control; the amount of times I have decisively won my lane and lost the game anyway because we have shitty, defeatist wards located behind our towers lately is crazy, it has really made me realise how important it is to get vision of the enemy jungle early so you can deny the other team farm and pick off their heroes.

                                                      I know these are turbo games but compare this game where I let some clueless archon plant garbage defensive wards and ruin the game despite me having a free mid lane and this game where I played support and proactively sought to gain map control

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