General Discussion

General DiscussionMarci. Is this hero the victory of Feminism?

Marci. Is this hero the victory of Feminism? in General Discussion

    I mean, agility would be the most suitable, or at least Intelligence, but Strength? Do they want to prove that such nimble girl can be a strong hero?


      Yes she is strong and can fuck guys with a dildo,do you have a problem with that?


        No she isn't, no she can't and no I don't.


          Nah, it is basically victory for weebs, they now have an anime girl in the game, and she is super strong because she has inner magical powers bla bla bla(usual "anime girl" stuff), it would have bean feminist victory, but Marci not fat, not ugly and doesn't hate men.

          '96 Neve Campbell



              well spoken parma violets


                I mean, first - womanization of the manliest man in Dota 1 - Legion Commander. Second - the female version of Robin Hood (Hoodwink), now this.

                ;' ;[ ,, . '\



                    Parma u were full blown role playing a lesbian girl for like 2 years or some shit and u watch anime hahahaahahfanf why u talking lmao

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                    Slim Shady

                      ^ Judging from his prevoriously used usernames the role playing thing is confirmed lmao, what a sad boy


                        Princess of Australia ahahaha

                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          Parma u were full blown role playing a lesbian girl for like 2 years or some shit and u watch anime hahahaahahfanf why u talking lmao

                          this doesn't make op any less of an incel

                          Princess of Australia ahahaha

                          Austria-Hungary actually


                            did any of you watch dragons blood? lol she picks up Davion without an ounce of effort


                              this doesn't make op any less of an incel

                              If you mean by incel a man with a family and a kid, then probably I'm an incel


                                Man there is pool of heroes and most of them are male heroes can't get why do you get mad by female heroes,also marci is in game cause weebz like this kind of shit and valve hoped this hero can attract players to the game,while they are ignorance of their game policy and toxicity which they themselves are cause of it(ye send toxic person to the more toxic environment to rehabilitate them,ye big brain,or give right to people to report for chat abuse while it is free for pro player to insult each other in TI (Last ti was tips and chat spam,this ti "ez",next ti will be racial slurs I bet ))

                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                  If you mean by incel a man with a family and a kid, then probably I'm an incel

                                  Then go spend time with your kid instead of writing incel threads

                                  Slim Shady

                                    ^ Well, it is like the most hillarious and ironic thing ever of someone who roleplays a lesbian girl for 2 fucking years to call someone out on anything lmao, especially calling them incel. Boy you are the fucking president of incel town, dont belittle your own people, lead them! Maybe they can learn some femine roleplaying from you hahaha

                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                      ^ Well, it is like the most hillarious and ironic thing ever of someone who roleplays a lesbian girl for 2 fucking years to call someone out on anything lmao, especially calling them incel. Boy you are the fucking president of incel town, dont belittle your own people, lead them! Maybe they can learn some femine roleplaying from you hahaha

                                      this doesn't make op any less of an incel, even if it were true

                                      Lruce Bee

                                        marci was in dragon's blood?


                                          Man there is pool of heroes and most of them are male heroes can't get why do you get mad by female heroes
                                          Don't get me wrong - I don't hate on Marci, I even like her. The hero's pleasing to look at, I sometimes even select her from the pool just to look at her. I also like the concept, I love the sound she makes when hitting under her ult. I regret no one is playing her in my games nowadays. What cringes me is that - she's a strength hero. Like they're trying to say "Well lads, this is a nimble and charming female hero who is able to be strong."

                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                            The hero's pleasing to look at, I sometimes even select her from the pool just to look at her.

                                            What cringes me is that - she's a strength hero. Like they're trying to say "Well lads, this is a nimble and charming female hero who is able to be strong."

                                            And we are meant to believe that you are married and have kids? You sound like a 40 year old virgin


                                              parma u little faqqotchini suckin some dick these days or waht bruh


                                                HOT TAKE
                                                Neither the roastie stack nor valve's dpc slot system are wrong
                                                It's the retarded playerbase that can't act as professionals
                                                >but this rando stole my slot
                                                >i don't want to play anymore with my team
                                                >i don't feel like playing this dpc match i just want to smoke some weed
                                                They're all excuses, act like a fucking responsible adult

                                                  Этот комментарий был удален

                                                    Anyone who doesn't think Marci is cute is either gay or impot&ent

                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                      Legion and Snapfire are also strenght heroes and female.

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        Yeah but LC is a bloody commander of thousand of men - it's natural that she's a strength hero. As for Snapfire - it's because of Mortimer

                                                        Hexy Rose~

                                                          women are naturally good at wishing dishes and cooking dinner for their men that's how it's been like all through the history so no matter how hard GABEN tries to attract women on this game, it is not logical
                                                          maybe create a female hero who throws dishes or something like that next time more accurate


                                                            Agree with the very very smart dishes thing, I mean with Alchemist we already have the male archetype of the braindead ATM machine whose only value lies in how much money he makes.


                                                              maybe create a female hero who throws dishes or something like that next time more accurate


                                                              Hexy Rose~

                                                                not snapfire, a hero who can throw dishes like hoodwink with aghs (that boomerang style)
                                                                at least alch being reasonable with money (buying aghs for allies)


                                                                  Exactly, doing his only job as a male of being a good atm machine


                                                                    Oh My God!!... SLQ is back and is Archon. Guess I'm a fortune teller now. OMEGALUL XD


                                                                      Been archon since I ended up in the hidden pool and was still leaving replies on the forum when I dropped


                                                                        hidden pool =)

                                                                        ur archon since ur trash at a game u play every day

                                                                        Hombre tuca

                                                                          Incel, agree xd


                                                                            No hidden pool = ancient hidden pool = archon, 5 times. Not hard to grasp


                                                                              Average player = Ancient
                                                                              Bad player = Archon(and going further down.)
                                                                              Not too hard to grasp.
                                                                              OMEGALUL XD

                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                ^ that's not mathematically true

                                                                                here, being average means hovering around crus-archon

                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                  ancient is starting at top10% of the playerbase
                                                                                  so ancient can't be average that's logical

                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                    here, being average means hovering around crus-archon

                                                                                    This is just an average out of ranked players even. There is like a whole world of Herald/Guardian level players who play unranked exclusively. I’d say the average person who plays dota is Guardian level.

                                                                                    Claiming that Ancient is average is just a fucking absurd statement not based in reality. Ancient is the top 5% of the playerbase.


                                                                                      If u actively try to climb and ur an "average" archon then u are super bad at learning, the average for someone who is trying to climb is like 4k, and the average for someone chilling after work drinking beer playing Pudge is like 2k.


                                                                                        My loves if you're bored and in desperate need of feeling superior to the point that even a simple personal fact triggers yours instinct to start arguments and bring people down what do you want me to say, add me on steam and I'll pat you on the back for your blue star or for not losing ancient 'cause you hide behind normal games. At least let's turn it into something useful, 30€/h for being the mommy you need the approval of.

                                                                                        Btw OP I also find the strength thing a bit off and I'd expect something like "did you just assume my body can't be stronk omg but I'm empowered". Dawnbreaker is the real deal when it comes to strong female heroes, if anything she represents feminism more than Marci imo.


                                                                                          Bro ur immortal in my heart even if ur archon in reality <3 freaking hidden pool keeping us all from being 2000 mmr higher then we are.

                                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                            ah so this is what idiots in shit tier mmr spend their time thinking about


                                                                                              well, I reached 4k by just playing basic support, nothing special. For me that's average(maybe even less than average) dota, compared to how the top tier support players play.

                                                                                              To reach 4k, all it took was not playing on auto-pilot and think about your actions + not whining like a 4 yr old who didn't get the candy.
                                                                                              Guess you low mmr dogs with inflated ego never gonna acknowledge the fact that you suck at the game. So you just blame all the external factors for your low mmr.

                                                                                              Also, don't get me wrong, some ppl enjoy playing at low mmr without feeling the need to improve, and that's alright, but dogs that don't try to improve and yet want system to give them free mmr just cause they play 10 games a day are absolutely pathetic.


                                                                                                30€/h first and then I read your cries for attentions you guys, we talked about it