General Discussion

General Discussionhow to have impact as a mid laner when the enemy safelaner and midlan...

how to have impact as a mid laner when the enemy safelaner and midlaner are unkillable in General Discussion
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    Please help i m trying to be a better mid player


      Hey! I don't think that any hero in dota 2 is "unkillable" but I think what you mean by that is "hard to kill", such as a tanky hero like DK as compared to a zeus etc. So what you can do is ask your allies to help you gank the hero, communication is key here.

      Secondly, you need to know your power spikes. Try to outplay the enemy by having a level advantage.

      Also, "Impact" does not necessarily mean 'killing' the safelaner or the mid laner, you can outlevel him, or out farm him by last hitting and denying more. Or you can even rotate and kill the safelane supports and kick the safelaner back to his tower until you leave the lane right?

      Consider a chaos knight safelaner (I think he's pretty tanky) with a lich support. And you're a mid quas-wex invoker. We know if you go and gank CK, he can tank your tornado + cold snap + EMP combo. But look at what you did there.

      You can

      1. Kill his support using this combo
      2. Kick him out of the lane, leaving him with 50-30% HP and 0 mana

      That's a lot of space for the offlaner who was probably getting smashed by the enemy duo.

      Although my rank is the same as you, I recently got coached by some good people and now grinding mmr.

      Also, a good habit is to think about your and enemy draft at the strategy or the starting phase.

      Ask yourself these questions:

      What is the enemy lineups
      who can I kill?
      who threatens me? (Like an LC + sunstrike combo)
      what is their win condition?
      Who can I easily rotate to and kill?
      What is my power spike?
      What is the enemy power spike?
      How do I win this lane?

      I hope I helped



        I am not mid laner. But WHEN THE ENEMY SAFELANER AND MIDLANER ARE UNKILLABLE I will build items to kill supports or offlaner. :lick: it's so simple. Why you dont know it ? :laugh: :axe_laugh:

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        Slim Shady

          Apipe has cancer in his ass, that is why he always writes like a dried up pee stain, just ignore him he is like a homeless person begging for condoms

          Learn dev-ops with Nana J...

            Ikr ultra man