General Discussion

General DiscussionTi10 winner..?

Ti10 winner..? in General Discussion
Hexy Rose~

    predictions on TI10 winner here.. I think we needed this cause only 4 weeks left to TI!

    I think PSG has the potential but OG can make it this year again! what do u think? (personally would love to see SumaiL winning another TI)

    another day in paradise

      your mom


        SEA will win. :lick:

        Аня Тейлор-Джой

          It's either PSG LGD or OG.

          another day in paradise

            @apipe hey you SEA monkey can you stop ruining games by picking carry in the offlane?


              EG pepelaugh


                EG pepelaugh


                  Serious favorites: LGD, IG, Secret, EG
                  Dark horses: T1, beastcoast, OG
                  I personally see PSG.LGD finally taking it, after being 2nd at TI8 and 3rd at TI9 they're hungry. Also, look at their recent form. They won Animajor(3-0'd EG in finals), they clowned around with Pudge carry and won OGA Dota Pit China(3-0 grand finals vs Elephant), and they placed 2nd in ESL One Fall with their coach standing in for the midlane, memeing the whole way with Bara mid.

                  Low APM, Lower IQ

                    PSG.LGD probably takes it. I could see EG taking it. They actually are very skilled and consistent just havent seen all the way. Would love to see EG underdogs win it.


                      Favoring Secret to win, but ye LGD really in form these patch. Only Ame is choker when is push comes to show on TI.
                      Fanatic can be really surprise. Bet on Elephant

                      THAT WAS HOT

                        ik its hard to imagine but T1 <3


                          OG lol. New patch, new meta and all the "normal" teams are meta-slaves unable to adapt. I think people do not quite realize how weird it is for any patch (eg. 7.30) to be released so close to TI.

                          Hexy Rose~

                            ^you mean 2 months time since new patch and TI, was not enough for other teams to adapt?
                            I think they are training day and night every single team.

                            I can't wait 24 daysss to watch every single game damnn


                              Позитивный,добрый,милый,хороший, талантливый

                              Hexy Rose~

                                positive, kind, sweet, nice, talented

                                Hexy Rose~

                                  russian is the last language I might learn in my life


                                    T1 WHITEMON GANG


                                      Позитивный,добрый,милый,хороший, талантливый


                                        I am not monkey so I don't need to answer you. But when I become monkey I will answer you. :lick: :axe_laugh: :laugh:


                                          if NTS back before int start - psg


                                            NTS and Oli are b[A]ck


                                              Is this ursa kid for real?


                                                Holy crap Feichairu you always have been immortal? Wp kid

                                                Slim Shady

                                                  The ursa kid is from SEA

                                                  It should tell you all you need to know about this absolute fuckhead aside from the fact he literally only plays ursa so probably most likely griefs a shit ton of games

                                                  Apipe, fuck off, sincerely everyone


                                                    is too short (minimum is 6 characters


                                                      ULtrman = Guardian IV :laugh::laugh::laugh: :axe_laugh: :lick: :lick:

                                                      Hexy Rose~

                                                        well I dont think the T1 team that I just saw can win TI they still suck at some points
                                                        the winner is somehow OG or PSG that's it

                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                          team spirit is the dark horse

                                                          NA DOTA Enjoyer

                                                            lmao, expecting T1 win TI with overrated carry 23savage))))

                                                            Hexy Rose~

                                                              ViCi and IG appeared better, though nobody mentioned them

                                                              Sun WuKong

                                                                ti finAL WILL BE BETWEEN PSG.LGD VS TEAM SECRET
                                                                TEAM SECRET WILL EMERGE AS THE NEW CHINESE SLAYER


                                                                  id say IG LGD OG one of these 3

                                                                  Hexy Rose~
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                                                                    Hexy Rose~
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                                                                      Hexy Rose~

                                                                        - PSG gonna win this
                                                                        no cap

                                                                        Аня Тейлор-Джой

                                                                          Team spirit dark horse pog

                                                                          Hexy Rose~

                                                                            don't be a fool
                                                                            valve made up the whole Ti final show
                                                                            team spirit was completely mediocore in group stage. on the other hand, PSG among whole matches with most powerful teams, had only 2 SINGLE LOSES and those loses were kinda 50/50 and game was too long. they barely even made any mistakes through all matches if u been watching them before.
                                                                            now suddenly they ply like shit and lose? really? %70 had voted for PSG on bets. if only this doesn't make sense to you...
                                                                            also there came many comments on Dota2 Instagram page complaining about this whole MADE UP thing and just some minutes later that I checked, Valve "BLOCKED" all of them!
                                                                            p.n: dark horse my ass

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                                                                              Позитивный,добрый,милый,хороший, талантливый


                                                                                T.Spirit won.. 😇


                                                                                  Позитивный,добрый,милый,хороший, талантливый


                                                                                    I think the Chinese teams have a little too much weight on their shoulders when it comes to the TI tournament. They are expected to win and to represent the grand marvelous country of China... And this pressure is just too much for a teenager to handle. And they tend to crumble under the pressure. PSG LGD are really good and if they didn't have all that added pressure, I'm sure they would perform better and Team Spirit had played way more games in the past few days than LGD and were more in tune with the meta... LGD did manage to pull it together and the game 5 could have gone either way... The Tiny meta did get a little figured out in the end...

                                                                                    Magnus and Tiny are going to the bin in just a matter of days... Get your games in, if you like to play these heroes.


                                                                                      Xiao8 fucked up by not banning Magnus. Simple as that. Collapse was insane the whole tourney with that hero, why would you give it to him game 5 of grand finals. For such an experienced coach and TI winner himself, that was inexplicable.
                                                                                      Congrats to team Spirit. Yatoro going bald while playing all-hero challenge and farming rampages, TorontoTokyo EzGame, Collapse the Magnus god, Mira quietly solid, Miposhka the only non-rookie to TI is now a champ.
                                                                                      They are TI7 Liquid and TI8 OG rolled into one

                                                                                      NA DOTA Enjoyer

                                                                                        yeah, fucked up by not banning Magnus))). Keep teaching high rank players how to draft)))) I beg you

                                                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                                                          china is punished once again for killing wings gaming.


                                                                                            low rank noobs trying to analyze draft omegalul