General Discussion

General DiscussionFair Battle Cup Matchup

Fair Battle Cup Matchup in General Discussion

    Fair battlecup matchups. Wink wink

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    Sir Johan

      Battlecup matchmaking is based on the highest mmr player on your team. If you had teammates around divine then the matchup would have been more fair.

      주 롄양

        oh someone is trying to stack with lower bracket animals so they get easier enemies? kekw


          ^ It doesnt work that way even on ranked, even if your enemies are lower than you but higher than your friends. Usually you’re the one that have to carry your friends, while enemies focus on rekting you.

          Games are much easier when you have friends with simmilar mmr.

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            神さまの言うとおり wtf are u talking about. You think i chose friends based on theyr mmr to win battlecups ?? its just not fair matchup. even if they giving enemies based on my mmr, why the fuck they have immortal top 2000 ?> that has 2k higher mmr than i do ?


              OP you are tier 6-7 right? You know that battlecup isnt the same matchmaking as ranked?

              I dont know why you queue vs immortal though. But it could be 5 divine 5 players though.

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                that was 8 tier . I mean the system itself its just broken. How i and my friend can play battlecup if they are archons and we getting matched with immortal top 50-100 ~ ? thats just beyond shit system.

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                  I once got queued against immortals when I was Legend 3.
                  Also, since when can divine and crusaders queue together for BP?? Wasn't there some restriction for Tier?

                  주 롄양

                    Battlecup matchmaking is based on the highest mmr player on your team. If you had teammates around divine then the matchup would have been more fair.

                    this dude alrd explain, if you yourself is tier 8, no matter how shit your team was, you will get queued with another tier 8 team (which is divine-immortal rank), the system is not broken, you yourself didn't understand the system


                      Guess I just kinda assumed that crusaders can't queue in tier 4-5.

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