General Discussion

General DiscussionSome dotagurus please tell what I could have done to win?

Some dotagurus please tell what I could have done to win? in General Discussion

    5786655719 im using slark. We were dominating at start and could not kill BB later on. We took control of all their jungle and enemy just stay base. After that we couldn't push high ground.Nothing I do seemed to work


      i think the mistake is u guys dont end early. shouldve mega all lanes before bb getting that fat.


        or the best to deal with bb is to ignore him and push tower. buy euls in ur team, and just focusing on tier 3 towers. lol


          if you kept them in base how are they keeping up in net worth? leshrac is almost always 1st or 2nd highest. either that means even with a free map you can't farm faster than someone who's trapped in base, or they weren't actually trapped in their base and were probably farming your jungle while you were in theirs.

          my guess is that you tunnel visioned too hard on trying to kill them and ignored hitting creeps, allowing the enemy to keep up in farm. most lycans on dota2protracker have necro 3 at around 12 mins, yours has necro 1 and wand, so I'm sure there were creeps on the map not being killed. instead of trying to force a 2000 gold lead into a high ground push, wait till you have an extra item over the enemy or something.

          find me anyone who is actually good at dota that goes basher first on slark. you don't have any attack speed early on to consistently bash, it doesn't give any attack speed for essence shift, doesn't help you farm, and/or there are better items to stay on top of people e.g. diffusal, echo sabre, shadow blade

          games are much easier to win when you have more items than the enemy.


            Only 5k lead is not enough. You lose because to try to end (push HG). :lick: Tip: use Silver Edge after his Halberd on cooldown.

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            卍pudge king卍

              Their wincon is bursting Zeus you just needed to shut am down somehow. With Lycan you have a wincon of smoking for fights into towers. Rosh will cost too much time maybe so it's not that good.

              Lycan should aghs you and they can't win. Kill whoever is outside their base. Because your team are most likely retards you included I recommend going stuff like Daedalus SB aghs to solo kill am


                Truth is the opponent managed to farm more efficiently than your team. So your team needs to trap them in base for a much longer time before having an extra item over the opponent. Your team needs those tier 4 neutral items as well as some aghs. Your team's draft is not very good late game I have to admit, so you need those powerful neutral items, maybe even tier 5 to bring the opponent down somehow.


                  can I say how the fuck is jungle your primary role for faceless void