General Discussion

General Discussionis 30% attack animation speed is really good on super fast attackspee...

is 30% attack animation speed is really good on super fast attackspeed heroes or just so-so in General Discussion

    does it give big dps on hero like troll or something


      Buy dagon on troll pls onii chan


        i like eblade on troll


          wait i tink i ever make dagon after eblade on some game lol

          Act IV Enjoyer

            It's decent on heroes with slow projectiles like OD/Puck/Silencer etc, but it's never the reason to buy witch blade anyway.

            Might be good on troll for the slow and some extra int to spam aghs axes (attack speed is also ok i guess).


              wait wat im not talking about the witch blade or dagon or eblade lol

              its the quicksilver charm or something gives +30% attack animation is it that gud

              thanks as always

              Act IV Enjoyer

                oh i'm not sure what that does exactly then


                  Get it on wk f-chan, his attack animation trash


                    faster attack animation doesn't make you attack more times per second, it makes the delay between right clicking the opponent and your hero actually hitting them slightly shorter, which means more downtime in between attacks, so you can move or cast spells more.

                    example, your attack animation / attack point is 0.2s, and your attack speed lets you attack once per second, that means you have 0.8s after finishing your attack where you cannot attack, so you can cancel the backswing and do other things

                    with quicksilver your animation speed is 1.3x so your attack animation time becomes 0.2 / 1.3 = 0.15s, so now you have 0.85s after attacking to do other stuff. its not really a noticable especially later into the game, no one is cancelling backswing after every attack.

                    maybe the lower attack point means you can cancel someones blink, but it's still a near useless stat, as attack speed also quickens your animations but lets you attack more times per second, whereas quicksilver's effect doesn't. the situations where +30% attack animation can even make a difference, and the frequency of those situations is basically negligible. the item is basically just a wind lace + glove of haste.


                      Get this fking item Witch Blade. It's good for both melee and range.
                      + 35 Attack Speed
                      + 12 Intelligence
                      + 6 Armor
                      + 300 Projectile Speed


                        so attack animation doesnt increase dps at all? dats lame

                        but wat if you just afk your chara and it moves by itself (like battle trance) does it increase more fast movemen

                        thank you


                          faster attack animation doesn't increase dps in any meaningful way.

                          technically it does increase it because your attack starts sooner, but you still have the same attacks per second as the same hero with slower animations but equal attack speed. if you saw the discussion a while back on princes knife on dps it's basically the same thing, and this item is proof that speeding up animations and projectiles is almost worthless, since it's other stats are almost negligible.

                          if it helps you understand it better, think of it like this.
                          you have a spell called "attack" which has a cast animation of X seconds, and a cooldown of Y seconds, depending on the heros base stats and attack speed.

                          quicksilver amulet reduces X by 1/1.3, in the same way that arcane blink reduces your cast animations by 1/2.

                          yes your attacks begin slightly faster because X is reduced, but the cooldown Y remains the same. your damage hits sooner but the interval between damage is still the same.

                          increasing your animation speed doesn't make you move faster with troll since your hero is uncontrollable so you cannot cancel backswing and move between attacks, and i doubt that it would even be humanly possible without losing dps given how fast you attack.


                            yeah quicksilver amulet is good cuz of the attack speed and movement speed it gives, not the animation speed


                              Heroes generally have 0.3 to 0.5 attack animation (on average). Wraith King and Dragon Knight are 2 heroes that have 0.5 attack time and the amulet decreases that time by 30%, meaning they will attack after a backswing of 0.35 seconds now. Anti-Mage, Phantom Assassin have 0.3 attack time etc.

                              However, attack speed and agility increase also reduce hero attack time a little bit, so obviously if you have 400 attack speed, you will have much less time swinging your arms.

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                @Feachairu it's actually the opposite.

                                There is a feature called backswing which is basically just useless animation after you have attacked or cast a spell.
                                So people who know this move their heroes right after their attack or spell is completed to cancel this waste of time animation. Since the spell is already cast or attack has landed, nothing detrimental happens if you skip this animation.

                                You should try it out. Skywrath Mage for instance(even though he takes 0.1 second to cast all his spells), has a ridiculously long cast animation backswing. (almost 0.7 sec or smth).

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  Feachairu even IceFrog does not care about that. Stop asking. JUST DO IT :axe_laugh: :lick: :laugh:

                                  Этот комментарий был изменён


                                    i dont really understand the backswing explanation lol

                                    yes but i like making big damage

                                    nice impact

                                      it's really good on nyx. helps setup vendetta dmg + stun on moving targets easier