General Discussion

General Discussionvery advanced tip to all smart wr 3k players

very advanced tip to all smart wr 3k players in General Discussion

    u can always run to your lane with E so u dont feed every time u go in lane and blood ults u.
    i cant decide which one is harder tho, not pressing your W on heroes as pugna pos 5 or pressing E on wr

    one thing is for sure, 3k players are very different compare to years ago :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

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      btw it seems if u dagger on top of hero with dk aghs (black dragon), the enemy hero never can leave. its like u trapped between his legs, funny.
      plz some nerd ledditor report this bug it was frustrating.

      same shit

        Retarded ape shit Kowadog.

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            hev grabeh

              windranger-chan UWU

              Where is my Hu Tao

                lol kowareta is back to low p. Still 20% win rate in ranked.

                pissfuck shitass gaytard

                  ^ouch that hurts

                  same shit

                    Kowa dogshit got LP from playing turbo , Omegalol. How delusional this imbecil can get !!


                      man kowa didnt even say anything this time and this dude crying, maybe he has a crush on kowa uwu