General Discussion

General Discussionim tired of carrying the team so instead i will ....

im tired of carrying the team so instead i will .... in General Discussion

    I will play support and hope for you to carry me. Either way i play with the most dig heads in the 4k bracket that play like freakin bots.... Im tired of every game you to flame me for whatever reasons and when you're unhappy with my performance boom report, just because you dont understand a thing about what carry players do.... If you're so good then play carry yourself and carry the team to victory. Mean while i'll enjoy playing support and ping, flame and abandon your safe lane as much as possible when you're unhappy about it also im not great support player either so enjoy sticking with me.


      Kabir singh's bo0ster

        Stop typing every game and u will not get reported, cause if there is 4 toxic animals on one team they will fight with each other if you are only one not acknowledging them. I was getting reported before not cause I was toxic, but because I was argumentative, so if a braindead ape told me to buy dust against Brood in 2k20 I'd tell them how braindead they are, in the end its a waste of time cause even if they are wrong they will just switch to other thing to flame you about, and report you for even doubting their intellect.

        Dont talk to animals, and mute all chat if needed.


          Looks like you are on mmr freefall and tilted at the same time. If you want to change positions its better to have alt account with lower medal so you can practise. What I would recommend as a noob support player that has to play pos 5 when I run out of tokens - pick Undying or Treant pos 5. Especially Undying is ez to secure farm for your carry and in the later stages of the game, you just get carried.

          If people flame your performance, they usualy have a point there and despite negative emotions that come with being flamed, you should consider taking positive criticism and changing your playstyle (or even hero pool).

          Im pretty sure if you didint spam Drow so much, maybe you would have better resuts. Why not Luna instead or Void who has 55% win rate on Divine+? Wk is trash tier with Vampiric and skeleton nerfs. The higher you grind the more every single cs/deny matter on the lane. If you get free farm on the lane and you cant win for example, then its 100% on you.

          Another thing is consistency. Ana is able to get 70+ cs/10 min mark everytime. And he is playing vs top players in the world ! In the first waves he focuses solely on denies and he is super good at csing under tower. So the lane pushes into your T1, you take same safe last hits but you need to learn how to prep some of them and when the lane pushes out, you take side camps. Simple as that. Take safe last hits and push out the lane. It may sound like giving free exp to the enemies but they take exp anyway but also harass you and have easier denies if you play the lane in a static way. Holding the creep equilibrium is also important but only on a lane when their offlane is super weak.

          Rtz on the other hand often picks strong laners and just go super agressive on enemies on early levels. Everytime enemy comes for cs you just harass the shit out of him. I think its the easiest way to win a lane, especially with a hero like Troll who has 5 sec slow on lvl 1 and range form. As a result you are most likely to be 1 v 1 or even free farming, because their pos 4 abandons unwinnable lane to rotate.

          If you can consistently win a lane (or drew on very hard lanes) by making your enemies play passively or by taking huge amounts of cs then you will feel more control over the mid to late game.

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            do you know why im tired of it? 20m queue as carry every time. Getting the most bad team mates in the game. Leaving me alone on the safe lane and so on. I also played drow because i like the hero, but my last hits during laning stage are not that good and i need more time for it and people have no idea how to play against her. Long range silence+her 3rd spells hits hard af and people walk into it


              bambooni if your sup leaving u and its not because u flamed him, u should stop
              weeb games might suits u

              Wild Pikachu

                Mate dont play pos 1 its like a hell, because of pos 3 snip, potm, weaver, clinkz pickers. You cant tank everything and be a super carry at the same time. I will back my main role mid.



                  Supports leave me solo everytime so I get exp and its 1 v 1. You have to outplay your enemy if you are looking for higher bracket. Simple as that. If you cant, abandon this position.

                  20 min ? I wait for pos 1, 6-7 minutes usually. For pos 5 its 2 minutes.


                  What kind of recommend is that ? Then pick Spectre, Ck, Wk, Sven and tank. Use your brain if they pick 0 cc offlaner.

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                    Lol ancient opinions are useless . Dota will start at 5k. If you are not 5k yet, then just play.


                      so 12 games played 3 roles selected 1 pos 4, 1 pos 3 and the rest is hard support. The best ranked roles system. Chosing your role depending on what the team needs, but not what you want to play. If you want to play selected role play 4320243024 games as pos 5 in order to have 2000 games for the role u want... the best system ever.


                        What ?

                        You seem to have problems with memory when people used to fight for mid and carry every game.


                          Dont blame your monkey teammates we all know they are garbage, youre doing something wrong man.

                          I thought i was ok as a midlaner, but after being shitstomped several games by players of my rank (and below) i realized im just bad, i forget to push before runes, i hate the rune gamble, i dont like to play the spirit heroes or wr, qop (those annoying mobile gankers), im shit playing lane controllers as viper, i cant play magnus, i counterpick myself playing zeus, i pick medusa and farm like the pos 1 and play ok but only works playing with friends cause good luck playing pos 1 in the midlane in soloQ...

                          Im convinced that mmr is a fair measure of your skill, every time i lost mmr doing these shitty experiments of playing uncomfortable lanes or heroes i gained back the points playing what i know.

                          So my question is, what is the problem with your sup leaving the lane? i think its a blessing that your 4k shit support who cant pull who cant secure range creeps and dont wanna burn his hp and mana trading with the offlaners leaves you alone, even as drow, you wont get a ton of cs but solo xp is better, you can pull yourself, you can buy a qb and juke the trees to leech xp, you can farm the easy camp, you can take mid the moment your midlaner makes a rotation, and all this junk is relevant until the minute 8 or so cause after that you have to leave the deadlane anyways...


                            @el Rubo Trajeao makes a really good point. I play pos5 and pos4. When I get level 2, I always look at my map. Because the pos4 will start rotating and smoking to gank mid, Or other lanes so I have to be prepared to counter them, then I have to leave my idiot carry so I can support other lanes, one other thing why I left carries at lanes is because they dont know how to control creep, as a carry I expect you to know when should control the creep and when shout not, (taking stacks or pulling stacks) you should know that as a carry.

                            Cha Cha Cha Chee-Kay

                              Even if your team is flaming you, just ignore them. it is just a game at the end of the day. I am currently near the same mmr as you and I have had a 10,000 behavior score consistently for over 6+ months. However, I am mainly a pos 3,4,5 player which I feel will be less liekely to be flamed than a pos 1/2. Just play the game with a clear head and objectives in mind and you will gradually increase in mmr. In March, I was in archon and in August, I managed to hit divine 1! (But now I went back to ancient 5.) I would stick to a few heroes and positions that your enjoy playing and are good at.


                                lmao op is monkey who go "ooh ooh ah ah" and do poopy in his pants

                                An Awesome Dick

                                  Your KDA is a joke, man. No wonder people complain....

                                  unbreakable spirit

                                    ^^Just stop, any kda is good kda if it enables you to win


                                      people looking at my kda is a joke. :D:D:D. Can u maintain mmr between 4.2k-4.8k constantly with this kda? I guess not*.

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                                        honestly, if u cant cs in lane with drow and picking it to afk farm, nicest thing for u is getting a report. i probably block all camps and give u a lesson pal. i dont care if this game turned to braindead mode, if u cant lane , u supposed to lose and i will make sure it happens as your teammate

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                                          Kowarata is pretty brutal here but he has a point. If you didint learn to lane properly till now, I guess its better switching to different position. If you get flamed frequently, then others also have a point here. So I would not blame teammates here, but yourself.

                                          Playing pos 1 is quite responsible. You have to hit decent timings every game.

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                                            then enjoy being reported as well by the other 9 people @kowareta


                                              I play a babysitter role just for carries like that. (Warlock spammer) And even for a hero like warlock who stays in lane the longest because he can't do reactions well, I'd still aim to leave by 10 mins. (Carries should also be looking to switch lanes at that point too which ever lane is the easiest & safest to farm)

                                              There are many times the safelane carry would be left alone when the support does support things, pulling, warding, getting runes, stacking. What you can do for yourself is maybe watch the lane equilibrium so that even when left alone you'd be under a tower.

                                              Even when I say I stay in lane I don't just sit behind my carry doing nothing and wait to heal them when they get injured. I want to make sure you get your levels, you get your last hits, I deny creeps by pulling or stall them in jungle to make space for my carry.

                                              But you have to accept that sometimes the lanes are just made to be unwinnable. And if we left it's probably because staying will just lead to more feeding and eating up any xp you could potentially gain

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                                                I dont mind supports who leaves the lane for helping, warding, bounties. I do mind supports who because they dislike the style i play or I do bad in lane they leave me alone and in this lane nothing could be done. Dota 2 is team game not a game where you die and your team mates says: Well Played or starts to ping you for no reason and 5 literally tilt me.


                                                  What you can do for yourself is maybe watch the lane equilibrium so that even when left alone you'd be under a tower.

                                                  You cant keep lane eq while playing against aggresive duo, you cant even take 1 cs without losing 1/3 of your hp. What you want here is to push out the lane and take side camps. Or just abandon the lane on lvl 3 and go jungling if its Viper + Ench lane and you have Sven,Luna or Terrorblade that can jungle early.

                                                  But you have to accept that sometimes the lanes are just made to be unwinnable.

                                                  This is false. The only unwinnable lane I can think of is a good Prophet + Ench or Viper + Ench, but I didint play such lane since 12 months or so. Rest is totaly playable if you do things Ive mentioned above.

                                                  Besides you can block big camp if you wont be able to contest offlane pull. For example vs Viper, Undying lane or whatever. There are at least 5 ways to win or at least drew "unwinnable" lane. I won my lane in last 10 games in a row and some of them were very difficult. That only shows how important laning stage is.

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                                                    Carries have their playstyles supports have their own too I think. Some supports look at who they can aim to kill with in the early game. If you're not someone who they have a kill potential with they will try to find it elsewhere.

                                                    I mean I can't criticise on what kind of playstyles you play because I haven't seen it. But if I have kill potential and you're not the one I have kill potential with, there's nothing keeping me there. I mean I could stay in lane to "protect" but at the end of the day both of us will not get kills for our team. We supports aim to shut down our enemies to slow down their farm.

                                                    Gotta stay calm and farm man. Don't lose sight of your goal, to out farm your opponents. Pings and we'll played from your team don't let it get to you. Play your best Dota flame them only after the match has ended. Win or lose.


                                                      @Lex Right man, those are just super annoying to deal with. It sucks to have to jungle in the early game. Oh but I also like pulling the enemy creeps from their t2 to behind my tower as a support. It solves most issues with hard duo lanes. Forces them to react to your pull so your carry can farm and if they don't, he gets all that uncontested creeps for the most part. And if I somehow lose the pull it would be a double wave for my carry.

                                                      I mean unwinnable is probably not a good term. More like the odds are more stacked on their side on some lane drafts. And small mistakes is all it takes for them to punish you heavily enough for them to snowball uncontrollably. Altho this is strictly in a 2v2 vacuum.

                                                      And yes if the lane is heavily in favor of the enemy ask for a lane switch.

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                                                        bambooni, if u dont like to get flamed for being bad, you have these options
                                                        1. be 10k behavior
                                                        2. dont play ranked
                                                        3. dont play this game

                                                        if u are not 10k behavior it means u are flaming ppl for being bad. u get what u deserve buddy


                                                          I dont think stacking the wave on safe lane by pulling near t2 is good decision. They may be able to just pull big camp (carry would have to prevent the pull by himself and 90% he wont even realize whats going on). And if there's a Tomato, you will lose 2 waves but ofc it depends on whether you can contest the pull or not. With some squishy Luna + CM for example, you cant.

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