General Discussion

General DiscussionDo I need to create a new acc for VHS?

Do I need to create a new acc for VHS? in General Discussion
picking fun heroes

    I have 25 hours and still have Normal Skill. I dunno why, and what should I do to reach vhs.
    Main 5.5k.


      Main 5.5k making Deadalus vs PA and Tinker instead of mkb ? I highly doubt it considering your stats in last 10 games (although you won them).

      So you are either lying or you were 5.5 k in 2014.

      picking fun heroes

        damn dude u see my question?


          Do you realize that 5.5k is Divine 5 and such player would be VHS after 10 games ?

          What to do to reach VHS ? Keep winning more than losing and eventually you will get there. Depends on your hidden mmr. Can be 100 games, can be 1000 games. No one knows. There are also people who never reach 3.8 k so your question is totaly individually dependant.

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            what you select in first opening ?
            ive played dota 2 or im beginnier ?

            Where is my Hu Tao

              idiot why didnt you answer i have played dota 2 before.

              picking fun heroes

                'I have played dota 2' selected


                  skill system is so shit
                  some guys take vhs in first game and some cant take with super play :l

                  picking fun heroes

                    sad news :( probably need to create second smurf if next couple games will have same skill


                      I got VHS on 35% win rate u just have to play good even when u lose. its no only about farming cluelessy its about pings APM streaks killing the top networth enemy all that combined

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                      kbça d'gelo.Olhapedra xD

                        Bad KDA considering it is in normal skill.
                        12/10 is a trash score.
                        If you want to raise your bracket quickly, don't just win. It is necessary to stomps, even more in normal skill.


                          Guys,he is trolling ,isn't it obvious ?
                          "I have 25 hours and still have Normal Skill"

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                          F Y PE

                            in normal skills try not to die
                            in high try not to die more then 2
                            in vhs try not to die more then 2

                            13-2-3, 5-0-2 better then 25-3-4 , 28-4-13