General Discussion

General DiscussionNine_Six explain please

Nine_Six explain please in General Discussion

    why would you delete your topic in the exact moment i summarized all my sayings in one chart ???

    how sad you are buddy? if im hurting you this much, just be honest with me :))


      it seems that last comment made someone so triggered


        what i meant btw was that parma looked at how the amt of damage per second at any given moment was the same so their dps is the same, but if u look at any the total damage done at any given moment its always different, in this case looking at "dps" is both unhelpful and misleading, because like i said, seeing the total damage done at any time will give u the real story. is that not a good summarization of your argument?

        so basically the derivative of the damage chart would give u dps at any time, but the integral of the dps chart at any time gives u the total damage done at any time. its like comparing two curves, they have the same slope but one starts at 0 and the other starts at 1. one clearly represents doing more damage than the other and thats what really matters at the end of the day.

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          the thing is, for example if u consider evasion, they wont gonna have same dps at any given moment, sometimes u hit, sometimes u dont.

          you got the idea? what u saying is like what guko says with few more steps. "dps is outgoing damage * rate of fire."
          thats simple, but its useless. its not even considering armor of target.

          so, either u define it like that, simple and useless, or u define it like "damage dealt / elapsed time". one is expected dps from attacker view, another is real dps.

          and the curve as i said is too complex to considered same. like, your damage is random, u aware of it right?
          even 2 same hero might have different dps at any moment, cause their attack damage is random

          same shit

            Oh God , even my 10 yr old cousin could draw a better graph than that and explain it better than this dogreta guy.

            And for your f***ing info mr.dogs*** the e value of time tends to zero and is fucking negligible in most cases so no it doesnt increase dps at a significant level you brain dmged animal piece of s***. Look at the practical sense of the question what OP was asking and in his bracket , everyone can theorise your math and show mice to be equal to elephants.

            Goddam this behaviour of this kowaguy is so effing pathetic on these forums.



                @ashes the ass licker
                so you basically saying stuff i said in my second or third comment on that topic to my self? i literally said the difference is not noticeable in most of cases but its still a better dps!
                happy to see your insults are nothing more than your projections :))

                and i literally gave an extra practical example of when that matters, "the graph your cousin could draw but u cant even understand it" :))))


                  Sad, why delete that thread? It was so insightful how someone can be so smart and yet so stupid.


                    you can get that insight every where i go tho
                    that was first time in my life(not sure) i convinced a moron into sth.

                    ngl, 3-4 times parma asked me in person to remove my comments on this forum, not going to surprised if she forced nineO_Osix too. i
                    dont understand why he do this actually, this is low even for him :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

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                    '96 Neve Campbell

                      ngl, 3-4 times parma asked me in person to remove my comments on this forum, not going to surprised if she forced nineO_Osix too

                      This is such a fucking lie, I asked you to retract something you said once, over a year ago when you were on my friend's list because you stabbed me in the back. This was before I realised that your sole purpose on this planet is to troll people


                        you already did once again months ago when i was in your friend list again, tnx god im not in your friend list anymore so its not going to happen AGAIN AND AGAIN

                        also i dont know how its a lie when u are admitting u did that LOL

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                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          also i dont know how its a lie when u are admitting u did that LOL

                          Its a lie because you are pretending like its a regular thing when I asked you once.

                          Kabir singh's bo0ster

                            Its crazy that if one of your parents used a condom this forum wouldn't be u 2 autisming out for the past year or so.

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                              true, factoring in rng like evasion or random damage values can change things but on average these things will just become somewhat consistent if you sample more and more right clicks. anyway this is all too in depth for what is essentially a niche t4 item considering the alternatives, and its probably not even better than some t3 items.


                                if your parents used one too, u wouldnt be here to get bothered with my existence :D

                                thats mindset of a true hero, blaming yourself instead of others