General Discussion

General DiscussionBan Kowareta from Dotabuff forums

Ban Kowareta from Dotabuff forums in General Discussion
Meia Vida

    I strongly believe Dotabuff adms should ban Kowareta from posting any comment in forum, he is a child that probably has problems in real life and bring it to here, trying to make people feel bad.
    All the posts i see in forum, there he is trashtalking someone for nothing, be it veterans or starters.
    He does it for nothing, he never adds comments that will help answer questions, he is just there trying to make people feel like he feels, bad.
    Can Dotabuff staff address this matter? Because i dont think the intent of this website is to nurture this behavior.

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    Road to Immortal all mute

      lol lol lol




          Harassment:Do not make posts or links to any websites that insult another player or person, or which would result in the harassment of a player or person by others. Harassment comes in many forms and is not limited to specific words or behaviors. Repeatedly targeting a specific player can lead to more severe action being taken.
          Hostility:Be friendly toward others and try to keep conversations on-topic. Do not be hostile, or discourage people from participating in the community. There are human beings on the other side of a conversation and everyone deserves to be treated with respect.

          those are the only 2 things he is really breaking.

          But the problem is that there are no dotabuff staff in charge of forums.


            Meia Vida

              Yeah, if only there was a present staff, he would behave better.
              I have seen many times, an starter asking a question and him flaming for no purpose. Or someone making a mistake on some topic and there he is, flaming and calling the person "animal".
              Just hope someday he gets banned from here, because i am certain that in life, he already is.


                I have seen many times, an starter asking a question and him flaming for no purpose.

                can u even mention one?

                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                  Dont. Kowareta makes the forum lively.


                    ^yeah and im slowly dying inside because of it. yet ppl wanna ban me instead of say thank you! I MADE THIS FORUM GREAT AGAIN

                    100% la creatura

                      dont do dis stupids stuff to kys den


                        wad stuff? im innocent, OP harassing me cuz hes bad and mad


                          these trolls dont bring the forum to life they ruin it and make it die
                          the forum is ded

                          ROAD TO HERALD 0


                            At Dotabuff we've found the forums to be a great home for content and exciting discussion--involving in-game strategy, eSports gossip, improving MMR, and match feedback. At the same time, we also see our forums as a constructive environment, a friendly gathering place, where people can talk comfortably and build connections in the Dota community. Communities work best when people can treat each other with respect and courtesy. We would love to maintain this positive environment, and with that said, there are a few guidelines and rules of conduct to promote good discussion.

                            Please take a moment to read through the Code of Conduct for the forums.

                            If you come across a user who is violating this code of conduct, you can help by reporting the player via the button on their profile. We love to see great discussion on the forums, so lets all work together to make this a positive community. Thanks!

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                            주 롄양

                              apparently you all can help report him if you really feel he's violating community rule or something but no one bother so I assume u all just being a crybaby about it


                                many people did that already :))
                                i remember some retarded techies spammer made a list of links about my bad behavior in this forum and asked others to report me, with attaching those links. funny tho, 90% of his links was jokes and trolls.
                                anyway, im still waiting for OP response. mention one time i flamed starter for no reason and i didnt said sry afterwards.

                                free mmr wen

                                  ive no idea what your problem is kowareta is an actual nice guy. u just to stupid to see it. cause u dumb. get it dummo ?

                                  free mmr wen

                                    like most of his shit is just funny and which is not is actual game knowledge stuff besides being one of the most active members, whjilst i am seeing your brazilian ass for the first time.


                                      he has 4k games in less than 2 years. let a NEET blow his steam here, probably its a therapy for a guy after 12 hours of daily playing


                                        He does it for nothing, he never adds comments that will help answer questions, he is just there trying to make people feel like he feels, bad.

                                        I disagree on that. He comments on threads that are legitimate questions with proper answers. He trolls all the other threads with toxicity, because let's be honest there are a lot of stupid threads on the forums. I don't see a problem with that. It's the internet. Can't handle it, get off it. No safe spaces here, sir.

                                        NlGGER (mute+core only)

                                          I'm sure trolling stuipid threads drive them in an intelligent discussion

                                          Meia Vida

                                            Ok i get it, this is why Dota doesnt get new players. Look to the community, encouraging toxicity and childish manners.
                                            I did this bcause i really wanted this forum to be a place where new players and veterans alike can search for Dota 2 content, not players waiting to throw their shit on others.
                                            But i can see that many of you really dont care, you are here just for "trolling", so be it.

                                            And Kowareta:

                                            *what? agility heroes attacking slower??? howw???? can you elaborate mr blue star? im noob and idiot*
                                            (this was just because a guy writed a word wrong)

                                            Post owner: "Yeah I might be bad"(He asking for help trying to improve)
                                            Kowareta: "cut the bullshit right here. MIGHT? MIGHT? u are archon with same play time as i have. MIGHT???
                                            yes its fine, true. as long as u dont come here claiming your lc pos 4 is so goddamn good and working well its fine to be bad."

                                            Post owner tried to argument, saying he just thinks lc pos 4 is good(doesnt matter if it is or not) and he wanted to share his ideas in dotabuff.

                                            Kowareta: "its like literally all of your topics is pointless.

                                            let me pick a random hero, meepo, i go db, i post this:
                                            hey guys meepo is very strong support, u can be everywhere on map, u can use clones as scouts and u can use root as a disable on enemy heroes.. u can split push the lanes like crazy and pressure the whole map.

                                            wow, that was very smart of me. i just read the spells description for others. im so helpful :)"

                                            I found it just in the FIRST page of Forum, its like only this week, and i searched only in like 2~3 posts.
                                            I dont need to prove you are toxic, just look at your account, always in low priority.
                                            But i can see that there is people that sympathizes you your behavior, so i dont care anymore

                                            Meia Vida

                                              I dont think you know Kowareta, but the greatest things almost always comes from failures, you should not discourage people from bringing their ideas, just because you like living on a box. And if you disagree with something, just tell your opinion, dont need to be toxic.

                                              And that was just like 2 topics, he does this all days in all posts

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                                                I repeat, look at his game activity trough last 2 years. And look at his chats in ranked. Let the guy vent if he doesnt have anywhere else. Its not that this forum was ever a place for elaborate discussion in last 9 years



                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                    Lol who cares, I tried to do it months ago. The mods dont care about this forum so you might as well embrace it

                                                    Justin Weaver

                                                      He's a toxic player, but he isn't a hypocrite like most of the whiners who post the same shit over and over.

                                                      Tu tayta

                                                        Mods only exist to erase posts with the n-word. EZ


                                                          i asked you give me starters sir. none of things u mentioned came up from starter.
                                                          the first one is just a troll, i think u have issues if u think thats any close to be toxic. or maybe u are just biased. when your friends do mistakes u dont start laughing and spamming KEKW? twitch chats should get banned too???

                                                          the rest is from Mulli topic, well u are new here but we have some stories with some people. u dont know Mulli. i used to party with the guy. the guy has 1k matches on treant and as a guy who played with him, i told him in person what he is doing wrong and his gameplay is toxic, retarded and tilting. but the guy is in delusion and denial. go ahead check his first topics. he was used to say the most dumbest things ever on this forum. most ppl here who want to report me were the ones copypasting Mulli topics non stop and he was spamming topics cause people bullying him. but i was the fucking only person here who tried to talk with the guy and explain why he is wrong. but he refuses any logic. like about his treant, he said hero sucks and thats why he is archon. i told him NO it doesnt matter in human way. he spam topics implying oh im archon cause treant is bad at that certain patch and i did this:

                                                          i dont expect u to know the whole story, i dont expect u to go read what mulli said in this forum past years, but please go ahead and read this fucking special thread. tell me, am i a toxic person there? am i trying to make others feel bad? am i not trying help anybody?
                                                          i wasnt even divine or immortal back then i was just a fucking ancient player.

                                                          i tried many times to explain this guy, his wk and treant is garbage and he needs to change his playstyle, but he refuses that, he acts like cause he has 1k games on treant he knows everything, and end up with this "i MIGHT be bad" at the end of this fucking retarded story!!!!

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                                                            just go ahead and read that fucking topic i mentioned, just look at it. look at what a normal human being says in response (OTHERS) and what mulli respond. and tell me im not supposed to shit on this guy face after what all i tried to do for him and he refused to accept any of that! its not about the guy want to share his opinion about lc pos 4, its about a guy who thinks what he thinks is always right but meanwhile he is one the most garbage players ever himself. he thinks he understands dota while himself is archon with playing a hero for 1k times.

                                                            i tried to make him feel bad? YES I DID. he should feel bad.

                                                            Meia Vida

                                                              As i said before, THIS IS WHAT IVE FOUND JUST IN THE FIRST PAGE OF FORUM.
                                                              Im certain if i look deeper, i will need another Topic just to list your crap in here.
                                                              The only one in here that feels bad is you man, dont try to make other people feel that way, get help.
                                                              I wont lose my time trying to show you your toxicity, you and everybody else know what you are.
                                                              And i have seen you act like that with everyone, be it starter or miracle, you just want to show off to people.
                                                              You probably wont get banned, bcause moderators are giving a shit to the forum, but know that if it depended of me, You would not spill your shit in here.

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                                                                tbh, whatever, i dont know why i even drop pile of text for a person like you. this is what it is. gl

                                                                Lruce Bee

                                                                  lol if i were a mod i'd actually recognize people like kowa as being very important member of the forum.


                                                                    You guys need to shut up, if you guys can’t deal with a moron yourself then really he isn’t as hated as everyone tries to make it seem.


                                                                      ROFL how do you even have the "3 year" badge, I've never even seen you in the forums Meia Vida


                                                                        I honestly feel like hes telling the truth though, not to lick his ass or anything, but people need to hear how bad they are and i dont see anyone else doing it


                                                                          Have you seen me on the forums then?

                                                                          Academy of fine Arts Vienna

                                                                            this trump image made me laugh very hard while scrolling down... i really enjoy his silly comments, he has comedic talent (coming from a 1k scrub )

                                                                            im so fucking bad

                                                                              i agree


                                                                                I dunno how kowareta wins with chen. Every chens I seen goes 0-10 and does nothing
                                                                                like this chen


                                                                                  u need to be insanely skilled
                                                                                  stacking 5 camps at same time is the least u should be able to do


                                                                                    Will he be automatically banned once valve perma bans him tho?


                                                                                      Dota is not getting new players mostly because of smurf plague not toxicity.

                                                                                      People find dota way too difficult.

                                                                                      NlGGER (mute+core only)

                                                                                        not true
                                                                                        league of legends is a smurf fest but still manage to get new players

                                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                          There are some new people coming to dotes tho, but like Lex said, the game is hard. For some people it comes in naturally because they played rts and shit, but for other is like giving an FPS game to an adult who has never played videogames. It'll be so difficult to actually do anything and understand what is happening that you might as well give up.

                                                                                          Dota has this kinda of really difficult learning curve where you can get stuck by learning the game wrong (Mulli's case), and the toxicity of the game is just a reflection of the way the game is. Dota is not a cool and relaxing game with a bunch of ez to learn mechanics that make it enjoyable; it is a hard game that'll beat you up for doing the slightest mistake, and the community is just a reflection of that. In the game you're constantly being tested in order to win, so it's quite easy to understand that the same happens here, in this case, with Kowareta.

                                                                                          I've seen this guy flame each and everyone who tries some revolutionary idea or just wants to say the same old "my team sucks" here, and you might think this is bad bc it disencourages people who want to try out new stuff, but if you tried some stupid shit like the meepo sup he mentioned, you would still lose the game and don't know why. Kowareta isn't being toxic "just because", he is toxic when people lose with those stupid strategies and doesn't realize Dota is trying to teach them this shit doesn't work.


                                                                                            @salty amazing legend 1 analysis of the game , keep it up :)

                                                                                            free mmr wen

                                                                                              rankless dude is talking again can u st fu for a sec

                                                                                              im so fucking bad

                                                                                                legend 5 calling out legend 1 pog, kekw


                                                                                                  im not against revolutionary ideas, every thing can work, myself doesnt understand dota that much. ppl talking about aghs sniper pos 4, a new change in dota. all i said was mentioning he is useless for the first 20 minutes of the game in a 25-30 min meta.
                                                                                                  but for a special case like lc pos 4 from a special guy, its like there is no fucking changes happened to the hero, right? describing his spells wont give us any reason to believe the guy idea. he needs to says more about his idea. why lc pos 4 is suddenly good? sniper pos 4 is good sometimes because of aghs change. why lc? cause he has Q W E and R? seriously? he had it for patches. tell me what changed in favor of this hero so i believe your idea gonna work. its so simple!!!!

                                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                                  Meia Vida

                                                                                                    Cmon Kowareta, you trying to make it appears you are only cancer against Mulli? Or when someone tries something stupid?
                                                                                                    You are an asshole with EVERYTHING, i can link in here more posts, with multiples topics, multiples people.
                                                                                                    But i gave up already, i can see mods arent alive in this place anymore, just wanted this place to be diferent from ranked games, a place to learn and develop, but thats not happening.
                                                                                                    Stop the crap, you are a virus that should be deleted from the game. stop commentig like you are like this only to Mullipulervo.
                                                                                                    And salty, you are right, he doesnt know that good things comes from failures, for most of the time, he prefers to flame than to give a chance. Even if its bad, its an IDEA, you think its bad? Just say it, dont need to try to repress others ideas.

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