General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat the logic behind boots crystalis Ember??

What the logic behind boots crystalis Ember?? in General Discussion

    Ive seen CCnC build that on his Ember yesterday , he ended with around 300 gpm and they got crushed .
    Im no pro how the fuck does that make any sense ? If you are going physical Ember wouldn't you go bf first so you can actually farm??

    Anna Teza

      kinda crystalis buffed recently it makes sense a lil bit.

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      Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

        Im no pro how the fuck does that make any sense ?

        Crystalis is one the most cost-effective damage item (MoM => Cristalis => Diffu(agi picks only) => Mael taking the AS in consideration are the most cost effective damage items if I remember the list well).

        If you are going physical Ember wouldn't you go bf first so you can actually farm??

        If by the time he gets his BF his team conceeded one side and then he has to farm to use it, the game is over.

        Cristalis costs as much as the demon edge to give you an idea and has a progressive buildup.

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          да эта ваще жоска кресталис вареш на имибирхе и выносеш в нулину карочи магу научиц тя лаха


            For me crits seem like a more dmg per gold value then bf or maelstrom, the downside is that it offers no flash farm. Maybe he didnt think he would have space to farm anyway or wanted to hold back a game-ending timing by the enemy?


              crystalys is one of the best value item for 2.1k gold


                Quinn did it because Topson did it ; worst reasons.
                Topson was dominating that ember game with no items.

                It's a decent pickup on Void spirit due to Astral step.


                  it rewards v good, efficient players


                    I don't know. 45 bonus dmg + chance for crit, why not?
                    Also ive see in NA dota people go crystalys + gloves of haste on wk and I cant understand the reason behind it. Probably higher attack speed?


                      do you mean recently? dotabuff guides mostly show people still going radiance.

                      though back when mortal strike made crits instakill creeps, you could go crystalys to increase your crit chance as any crit would instakill neutrals, not just crits from mortal strike.

                      Michael Pemulis



                          crystalys was buffed over time so much, that it became the most cost effective damage item

                          it gives more flat damage than demon edge lmao


                            it's dogshit. real embers goes blademail, euls (if needed) radiance, then bkb.


                              transition into bfury + crit if your carry sucks and it's going later than expected. maybe get divines if you're the only person who is decent

