General Discussion

General DiscussionTeam MMR boost

Team MMR boost in General Discussion

    Yo there!
    I started playing dota again after lbreak. I have some accounts calibrated on ancient 2 and many legends, but i found my very first account with high lvl and almost 3k games. It is from like 6 years behind. It was herald or guardian and i calibrated it to crusader. I just want to boost this account to be my main. The problem is i want to do it ASAP. So? Im looking for 4 ppl who want to play and win rankeds. Looking for ppl up to ancient 2 bcs it was my rank. So if u are person who play often and want to compose some "semi team" for rankeds feel free to add me. Preferable looking for ppl playing their roles (Im mid) so 2x supp, carry and off. Looking for decent ppl who know how to play and want to win too. I have my own discord so I can add u there. And dont think that im looking for boost bcs im not (i mean maybe it will be a boost for my account but for that ill give 100% from me to everyone bcs all of us will gain mmr).

    There is no problem for me to play other roles even supps but ill queue as core. For sure we can discuss and clear everything.

    EU servers.

    If u r up just add me or reply here:

    Эта тема была изменена

      why ppl lying on internet? what is in danger so you start lying and pretending?

      44% winrate this month

      >> boosting

      saddest part

      And dont think that im looking for boost bcs im not

      не говори по РУ

        if you are ancient 2 i'm sure you can stomp your games up until legend without help, esp. because you are a mid player ffs


          So what? Sometimes u win and sometimes lose... whats ur problem man? Ohh i need to be 100% win rate to ask for ppl to play?


            I can give you some replays... its not so easy when ur team losing both t2's on side lanes in less than 10 min

            не говори по РУ

              sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sure.

              but according to you, you are already smurfing and you cant win more than you lose. look at this month or even last week, you are below 50% but claiming you were ancient 2 at some point. just admit you are shit and ask for a straight up boost and stop lying as my iranian monkey friend told you


                OK Ok I see u know everything about everyone in this world. Show me your stomp after feeding enemy team by ur teammates in whole 10 minutes. Go and win solo that kind of game.


                  Ancient 2 guy who cant climb in lower crusader bracket. Funny.


                    if you cant win 70% of games in crusader i highly doubt you are anything above archon

                    не говори по РУ

                      dont blame others. i just saw you playing lina on stream and you missed your dragon slave after ult on drow, you getting denied by drow like you dont even know that this mechanic is a thing. you are backpacking 2 neutral items and not doing anything with it, the ironwood tree recipe is for at least 9 minutes (still on-going) in your backpack. the dragon scale is also rotting there for 6 minutes now, also on going. you are hitting small camps instead of destroying the tower after the fight.

                      not sure what more to say, very ancient 2 gameplay i must say

                      Этот комментарий был изменён


                        i couldnt get honoerd excuse me... dishonored in my life more than this.

                        не говори по РУ

                          i couldnt get honoerd excuse me... dishonored in my life more than this.

                          i just tried to be formal, i couldnt care less if the next missile erases your existence



                            literally +90% winrate on this trash brackets, with 10fps on fights, my right click not working sometimes, my headset left ear not working also. literally i want to smash my head to wall when i drop to 10fps, or my mouse not clicking still i have fucking +90%.

                            sry buddy, you are just braindead. not saying its your fault, but lying about it... hmm GL !!!


                              i just tried to be formal, i couldnt care less if the next missile erases your existence

                              thanks for kind words
                              pls stop replying to ppl you dont care about their existence on internet because its a little bit ironic!


                                i also got 40~% winrate this month but this week its 65+% after comming back not playing long it takes time to get used adn find heroes that works

                                also no idea how the fuck to climb mmr i win my games most of them especialy when i dont throw to toxic teammatesand idiots but ques are 20-40 mins each games are aswell around 40 mins feelsl ike not moving at all mmr wise

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  ^ apple and oranges?
                                  the guy claims he is anshit 2 and he cant even win against most retarded players in dota!!! and he want to boost others :axe_laugh:

                                  Yami Yugi

                                    Plays around 3000k games, got croosada, claims to be Ancient, blames team (?). Dude, if you play for 7 years to get into croosada, how many decade will it takes for you to get your Ancient trully?

                                    And you want to leap those DECADES for free? Are you dying in 2 weeks? I don't think you have enough Euros to pay people for Decades!


                                      Hemlo hims profil pichture ancient, he is ancient 2




                                          You need me? I'm boosting my account yahhh. Look at my stats. If you need an Idea.. I played unranked games to calibrate for very high skill.


                                            Maybe that what ill say will be retarded but I rly wish to play each of you 1v1 for example to let you see that your wrong. Im not kind of "solo" player. I never pick stomp heroes. My problem is i always trying so sync my pick with others but on this bracket ppl dunno how to use it. Ofc u can tell that I should go for high impact chars... but its not a point. Dota is teamplay game.

                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                              Just b good

                                              Fuka suginai o nīchan

                                                If you have fun playing this game then go on, but please stop worry about your rank, you are not good and will never be, just keep playing for fun and stop posting shit like this, keep your dota life private.


                                                  Difference between you (anc 2- as you say) and lower crusader rank is like 2k. It is 2000 mmr difference,maybe even more. You should win 80% games with any role and any hero you play in that bracket. U are just fkking lier and not good enough to even rank up in sub 2k.


                                                    Just play the damn game for fun and climb rank while doing it . Prefer one thing more than the other ? U will just ruin ur experience .

                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                      Why is this crusader claiming to have legend and ancient accounts someone please explain


                                                        ^he was anshit 2 when party mmr existed , he is deluded about his skills and living in imaginary world.
                                                        sounds familiar?


                                                          Maybe that what ill say will be retarded but I rly wish to play each of you 1v1 for example to let you see that your wrong. Im not kind of "solo" player. I never pick stomp heroes. My problem is i always trying so sync my pick with others but on this bracket ppl dunno how to use it. Ofc u can tell that I should go for high impact chars... but its not a point. Dota is teamplay game.

                                                          :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:
                                                          blaming heroes and team in crusader =)))
                                                          im in, give me high behavior score smurf and i will play anyhero u say anylane. but no matter whats the outcome nothing will change
                                                          cause you are deluded and you are in denial

                                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                                            ^he was anshit 2 when party mmr existed , he is deluded about his skills and living in imaginary world.
                                                            sounds familiar?

                                                            Yeah sounds a lot like you now that you point it out


                                                              you are so funny, i see it now
                                                              sry for not being smart enough to get your high iq jokes

                                                              P.S: best part of joke: i stopped playing ranked when they removed party rank because i dont care mmr and im not insecure :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                you are so funny, i see it now
                                                                sry for not being smart enough to get your high iq jokes

                                                                P.S: best part of joke: i stopped playing ranked when they removed party rank because i dont care mmr and im not insecure

                                                                With all due respect, I played maybe 3 games with you, you were completely shit in all of them yet resorted to flaming teammates. I'm not sure how you got Divine, congrats on that but feel free to stop deluding yourself that you dont care about mmr or that you dont play ranked when you literally played ranked games 3 days ago.

                                                                And IDK if that was a direct dig at me but I couldn't give a crap about mmr, havent played a single ranked game in months because I don't like the new system. Ever since they moved to the medal based system mmr has been more irrelevent than ever.

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                  ofcourse you dont like new system because in this one you are not a fake anshit anymore and you are back to crusader :)

                                                                  feel free to stop deluding yourself that you dont care about mmr or that you dont play ranked when you literally played ranked games 3 days ago.

                                                                  >>"hello, i have 0 brain, im suffering autism somebody help!!!"
                                                                  i cant believe that you came up with this, are you talking to me or pretending for viewers?


                                                                    played 6 turbo game with me and judging based on that :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:
                                                                    somebody help her and say i were shit, she is dying in her loneliness.


                                                                      I feel so bad for those crying axes


                                                                        Kowareta so mean that even axe start to cry

                                                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                          ofcourse you dont like new system because in this one you are not a fake anshit anymore and you are back to crusader :)

                                                                          I doubt that considering I had 3120 core mmr and 3300 support mmr but sure im a crusader...

                                                                          >>"hello, i have 0 brain, im suffering autism somebody help!!!"


                                                                          i cant believe that you came up with this, are you talking to me or pretending for viewers?

                                                                          Viewers? As fun as bullying clueless children on the internet is I don't think it is a spectator sport but whatever you say...

                                                                          played 6 turbo game with me and judging based on that :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:
                                                                          somebody help her and say i were shit, she is dying in her loneliness.

                                                                          Well I am so very sorry for not remembering the exact matchmaking mode or the volume of games we played almost a year ago...? Doesn't change the fact that you did not perform any better than I did and were toxic the entire time. Also brush up on your English buddy cause you will need to know the language well when Iran becomes an American client state. Not sure what you were trying to write in the last sentence (something about me being lonely?) which would be false considering I live in student housing surrounded by my friends but whatever... more projection maybe. I would also be lonely if my country had state mandated celibacy lmfao :)

                                                                          Kowareta so mean that even axe start to cry

                                                                          If you think thats mean then you have lived a pretty sheltered lifestyle my friend

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                            who are you trying to fool here? :axe_laugh:. that was enough for today. plz dont get scammed till i back BigBrainParmaChan :)))

                                                                            P.S. are you still telling your friends that you are mentally ill to not losing them when you act like a piece of shit or i just revealed a secret? :))))))

                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                              who are you trying to fool here? :axe_laugh:. that was enough for today. plz dont get scammed till i back BigBrainParmaChan :)))

                                                                              P.S. are you still telling your friends that you are mentally ill to not losing them when you act like a piece of shit or i just revealed a secret? :))))))

                                                                              Didn't understand a word of what you just wrote really, wouldn't have expected better from a literal Ape though. Maybe some english lessons?

                                                                              who are you trying to fool here?

                                                                              Usually you would write this in response to someone intentionally attempting to deceive people with lies, though I am not sure where this applies here since nothing I have said is false, so I will disregard this entirely.

                                                                              that was enough for today. plz dont get scammed till i back BigBrainParmaChan :)))

                                                                              Some kind of Ape statement? Are you referring to the time when someone very convincingly impersonated a friend of mine that I share items with regularly in order to lift items from my account? Considering that happened once in my 7 years on steam I am sure I will be able to survive the next 12 minutes it normally takes you to cobble together what you think is a decent retort.

                                                                              P.S. are you still telling your friends that you are mentally ill to not losing them when you act like a piece of shit or i just revealed a secret? :))))))

                                                                              An interesting sentence written in Ape language. Maybe I could correct it for you. For some reason you seem to use a variety of tenses in your sentence about the present.

                                                                              ""P.S are you still telling your friends that you are mentally ill in order to not lose them when you act like a piece of shit, or did I just reveal a secret? :))))))""

                                                                              This is a corrected version of your attempted clapback, notice how I have introduced improved punctuation in areas of the sentence which sorely lack commas. Importantly I have also updated your tenses so that everything written is in the present tense, since this piece of creative writing is about the present isn't it? I hope it is at least...

                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                As intended :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

                                                                                >> "henlo im brain 0, i can speak in my mother langaugegegege properly, my mom proud of me. it was a miracle in my blood line some one reach iq to speak his mother langugugugu. "

                                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                  As intended :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

                                                                                  >> "henlo im brain 0, i can speak in my mother langaugegegege properly, my mom proud of me. it was a miracle in my blood line some one reach iq to speak his mother langugugugu. "

                                                                                  Yes, I can speak Polish (my mother language) pretty well, though I like to think my English is better. I can also speak German, French and Spanish pretty fluently. Trying to learn some Italian and Japanese as well but they are proving slightly harder...


                                                                                    wow thats pretty amazing, knowing all these human languages while being a subhuman :))) it must be hard!

                                                                                    >> henlo, im so proud of myself spending my life learning human languages, its pretty hard job (for braindead ppl) and im so proud of myself doing it =))


                                                                                      i dont understand you, why even somebody do that while he/she is spending most of her/his time in his/her room.

                                                                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                        wow thats pretty amazing, knowing all these human languages while being a subhuman :))) it must be hard!
                                                                                        >> henlo, im so proud of myself spending my life learning human languages, its pretty hard job (for braindead ppl) and im so proud of myself doing it =))

                                                                                        Missing the point entirely and insulting yourself without even knowing it? Pretty amazing stuff :)

                                                                                        i dont understand you, why even somebody do that while he/she is spending most of her/his time in his/her room.

                                                                                        Some of my friends are foreign students so its nice to talk with them in their languages, I also like to travel extensively and its nice to know the languages of your destination. I would advise you to travel as well so you can leave your medieval theocracy and see what the 21st century looks like.

                                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                          :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:
                                                                                          thank you for advice
                                                                                          i always like to see how ppl who struggling in their lives and having below avg iq like to advice others. i guess thats how they feel smart in their tiny minds.

                                                                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                            :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:
                                                                                            thank you for advice
                                                                                            i always like to see how ppl who struggling in their lives and having below avg iq like to advice others. i guess thats how they feel smart in their tiny minds.

                                                                                            Not sure what gave you the impression that I am struggling with my life? Have a good circle of friends, good grades and good sex. A longterm partner would be nice but that isnt really a necessity to be content in life.

                                                                                            How to construct an argument like kowareta

                                                                                            Step 1. Ignore or misinterpret whatever the person above wrote
                                                                                            Step 2. Write a generic insult (bonus points for insulting the other person’s perceived lack of intelligence)
                                                                                            Step 3. Make sure you use broken english
                                                                                            Step 4. Post
                                                                                            Step 5. Repeat

                                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                              im not arguing you
                                                                                              im trolling
                                                                                              wasnt its obvious? damn
                                                                                              its time for you to grow up parma and realize nobody cares what you (or anybody) saying in this forum
                                                                                              why i even consider arguing you ? :)))))
                                                                                              why so serious? cant we just enjoy time insulting each other?

                                                                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                Aha finally a good response I have been waiting so long for this.

                                                                                                Having said that pretending not to actually be serious in your arguing attempts is kinda a backhanded way of admitting that you are at a loss for words...

                                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                  Not sure what gave you the impression that I am struggling with my life? Have a good circle of friends, good grades and good sex. A longterm partner would be nice but that isnt really a necessity to be content in life.


                                                                                                    your brain is fucked up more than any "Basiji" i know in iran. stop wasting your life and join our beloved army :)))

                                                                                                    damn now i realize why so many europeans joined ISIS, ppl can be fucked up doesnt matter what :))


                                                                                                      Having said that pretending not to actually be serious in your arguing attempts is kinda a backhanded way of admitting that you are at a loss for words...

                                                                                                      whats your point? are we in one of your little arguments games ? damn cpt.keel always said dont get baited by her =)))

                                                                                                      so what ? you wanna win? i give you that :)
                                                                                                      I lost to you parma.
                                                                                                      but be aware, you just won against someone you called "Ape" 2 hours ago.
                                                                                                      happy for you , u beat an ape in arguments!!!!!!!! thats pretty amazing!!!! :)))

                                                                                                      P.S. damn i noticed you are editing past comments and adding long texts to it, jesus calm down you already won :)))

                                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                        Pls let poor axe have a break