General Discussion

General DiscussionAncient II

Ancient II in General Discussion
Salvajes }{

    Im stocked at ancient II any tips how to win in this bracket?


      Pos 4 is the way to climb honey

      Disturbed Jawker

        buy account


          Ask Parma Violets, she's ancient 3

          < blank >

            Consider switching roles to try, you have a terrible win rate with carry heroes, not to mention its also the most contested role in 4k.

            fr chopin。

              im stuck with legend 6 at flat 4k. can't even get that freaking ancient when everyone has it


                You seems to perform better on tempo core try picking it more instead of antimage


                  Pos 3 works too

                  fr chopin。

                    some of hardest games i face are usually against ancient apparition. Try him out.


                      @strength hero player i think you have the best picture i've ever seen

                      mute all

                        change roles..try to offlane and support..and stick to it for atleast 25-50 will learn a lot..and try to watch high mmr games if you are willing to climb up..

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                          I am ancient 3 so I am very qualified to assist you here.

                          Play your best role (which is pos 1 core of course because were manly men) and make sure you have a diverse hero pool to counter pick your opponents.

                          Bunch of squishy int heroes? Anti Mage can roll them.

                          Bunch of tanks and stuns? Lifestealer can roll them.

                          Enemy team has sniper? Spectre can roll them.

                          Sometimes instead you need to pick based around your own team instead to fill a weakness:

                          Your team is strong early but cant siege towers well? Terrorblade/Lycan can roll them

                          Your team needs strong high ground to draw the game out? Arc Warden can roll them

                          Your team is AFK and you need to pick the core early in the draft? Juggernaut can roll them

                          Your team needs a guaranteed won lane to help snowball? Monkey King/Troll can roll them

                          You will be ancient 3 in no time friend. Also people saying being a good support makes you a better carry and thats true to an extent. I would play extremely hard sacrificial pos 5 and then you get more appreciation for how much supports help you as a Pos 1.

                          Oh and of course get your win rate above 50%.

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                          smurfs = no balls

                            get over 50% winrate 4Head

                            ur parents r siblings

                              Do NOT lose
                              Thank me later

                                Этот комментарий был удален
                                2 Years comeback avoid mi...

                                  i have same. the only way i see here pos 1 or 4.
                                  if your team dint have supp so don't hesitate to pick pos 5.


                                    So is this what happens when those SEA players who constantly start new accounts and complain that they aren’t “very high skill” after 10 games just knuckle down and play until they reach that skill level.


                                      @ OP : Not sure, no-one from the human race has figured that out yet, but we have hope in you.
                                      Go be our Neo.


                                        "Consider switching roles to try, you have a terrible win rate with carry heroes, not to mention its also the most contested role in 4k."

                                        Imagine thinking ancient 2 is 4k