General Discussion

General DiscussionWindrunner feeling a bit broken these days.

Windrunner feeling a bit broken these days. in General Discussion
Where is my Hu Tao

    First off you can play that hero literally anywhere. 2nd it only requires 1 javelin with lvl 6 to kill pretty much anyone on the map. Has a crazy powerful lvl 10 talent and ensure mana for him the entire game. A lvl 15 talent that lets me attack outside the tower range. A lvl 20 talent that gives him invisibility.

    Item build up is usually boots, maelstrom, bkb, agh, mkb.

    She is also an objective taker with ult on towers. So a winning fight transfers to roshan or rax.

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        You go for the mana talent instead of shackleshot? Lol

        Where is my Hu Tao

          Why lol? It the most picked and higher win rate talent out of the 2

          Yami Yugi

            just get an Oracle, she won't be hitting for a while

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Yes, the hero has been buffed a lot.
              Reducing Focus Fire[R] cooldown to 70/50/30 is huge, helps with her previous problem--her ult cooldown was too long for tempo and Aghs was compulsory.

              Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                Waga did a strat getting the level 10 talent(-2 Shackleshot CD), then the level 20 talent(+1 Shackleshot stun duration) then the level 25 talent(30% CDR) with an Octarine. Permastun is fun.


                  better mid or offlane?


                    one of the most overrated heroes imo


                      good flex pick you can play her as pos 4 too


                        i mean, matrice has 80% wr with her this patch on more than 15 games.
                        The hero is insane

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                          that hero is useless vs any decent players


                            Idk this herp concept is so tilting me. Her attack animation, the way she run, laugh and her voice is pissing me af. I am so tilted everytime encounter her at lane. Not to mention no matter how much u win lane pre level 6, she just dive you with javelin after hit lv 6 and then after kill u she laugh and have some talking. Is there any option to mute some heroes at dota?


                              "teehee thanks for the gold"


                                Wasn't she recently nerfed though?

                                ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                  why is windrunner even allowed to be in the game?

                                  the hero is so cancer. Goes mid nukes wave jungle, nukes wave jungle 6k networth at 10 mins with kaya treads orchid at 14 mins every game. There is no counters to him yet they continue to buff it every single patch. Just a cancer in every game.

                                  Dark Hunter

                                    magic nukes and stuns fuck her royaly in the ass. you're welcome


                                      this javelin bullshit needs to stop at once

                                      dota2 tutorial

                                        Windranger is only good in low skilled pubs try using it on higher one , she is weak already just like w33ha said


                                          Pick Bloodseeker and get blade mail. Congrats on winning a game of dota


                                            I like her. Played her a bit when I started, recently came back and she’s fun. Mainly go offlane, her wind run let’s her trade with supports and in a dual lane you can out harass and win the lane. Has great push/counter push wave clear.

                                            I bought a meteor hammer on her last game, it’s actually a really good 2nd item pick up after maelstrom because it gives tankiness, man, Regen, and a second stun/lockdown. Shackle shot into meteor hammer gives almost 6 seconds of stun.

                                            It’s no wonder it has an 83% win rate across the games it has been bought on her. Should be a core item imo. Maybe even get it before maelstrom.




                                                Could be worse! Oh wait no it couldn't :grimace:


                                                  >Get aghs on WW
                                                  >Take literally all of her CD talents, Octarine if you're feeling spicy
                                                  >Use windrun
                                                  >No cooldown because 2 charges
                                                  >Second charge is back by time you've used them both
                                                  >Realize you basically have infinite evasion and invis
                                                  >Think about how hard Ice Frog slammed his head against his desk before writing patch notes

                                                  Where is my Hu Tao

                                                    Now we just need 7.3 patch notes able to attack while invisible :)