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General DiscussionNeed some help gaining MMR

Need some help gaining MMR in General Discussion
wait for me

    1k scrub here.

    I had 900 mmr before. After a 2 year long break, I've started playing dota and since my second most played hero Drow Ranger was buffed, I was able to get 1.3k and crusader medal. I know it's nothing but it's something to me.

    Anyways, since Dr is nerfed, can you guys suggest some easy heroes to climb MMR. I'm not asking for much, I'll be happy to reach 2k.


    Radiša Trajković

      I really think on that MMR the small nerfs or buffs are irrelevant. Hero balance means nothing there. Just keep playing DR if you are confortable with her. My advice is to try picking a hero that counters most of their heroes, which you know how to play.

      wait for me

        PL is good if the enemy team don't have huge aoe. I'm also somewhat good with him.


          Limit your hero pool to 2-3 per each role and focus on those. Pick heroes that you have over 50% WR with to help narrow your selection down. DR will still be fine there. Work on LH and denies, not feeding, and staying positive. If you lose 2-3 games in a row, stop for the day or play something else and try again the following day.

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          wait for me

            Can you suggestme some easy heroes in different roles??

            I'm mostly comfortable with PL, DR, Undying


              i believe ns is auto win this patch


                Just keep playing DR, the nerf wont do anything there. Ancient nerf just mean u cant one hit ancient at 6 and its not that big deal since u already play her before the ult rework anyway. And the pierce armor thing is just opening a new way to counter her (which is buy armor item), its not like they will do it anyway


                  Just try to improve your map awareness, farming pattern, and "deadlane" related topic. I'm sure you get good at any hero if you work on those.

                  smurfs = no balls

                    just play rubick, thats how i got my 2k few years back

                    no really just play any support you find fun to play. on 1k team with support wins since the other team will have 0 vision and 0 utility items, just 5 cores... thats how i climbed up from 1.5k to 2.5k, altho i never liked position 5 so i just played position 4 (and now im back to it and its fun as hell)

                    EDIT: also, ur spectre stats seem good and it works this meta, maybe try to spam him? its good on lower mmr since games are longer and u have more time to farm

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                      Jugg, WK and Naga all the way


                        My honest opinion if you really wanna increase MMR and play some really good matches you have to learn all heroes first to understand whats goin on. I dont know but after a 2 year break and only playing Drow Ranger i dont think you are up to date on the patch. Get your nose into supports and offlane and see what you really fit into. Overall, rather play defensive than offensive and try heroes that have strong defensive mechanics, because people tend to overextend and dive that could easily turn against them.
                        My suggestions: Lich, Winter Wyvern, Abaddon.
                        If you are more into offensive i would say Wind Ranger. She has a good escape mechnism, a lot of burst and also can carry on her own when needed + she is good on every lane.