General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it worth doing ranked roles?

Is it worth doing ranked roles? in General Discussion

    Even as offlaner I never find a match - queue at peak time for my region but never get a match. Is there any point even trying to queue?


      in ur bracket yes, if u are a good core player
      i went from 2k to 3k with ranked role mid


        I normally play offlane role, according to dota this should be shorter queue times but I usually get bored waiting after an hour or so and go to normal ranked.

        Surely it would be even longer playing mid role

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        Ella Corazon

          I queue ranked role mid, my avg queue time is 6mins.
          Longest is 15 tho


            hour? nobody playing rnaked role here and took 15 min to play safelane, what are u talking about?
            maybe ur b-score is just too low


              classic example of valve shitting on lower behaviour score players

              And then they want the players to reform LMAO.

              Ella Corazon

                oh an hour? its all about ur behaviour score


                  they must, u dont know what is going on below 5k b-score :)

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                    I have 10k behaviour score btw. Is it because of "strict solo matchmaking" option?

                    could be worse?

                      if u have more than 5.5k and play ranked roles u're dog


                        most time it's easier to queue a standard ranked match cause u know tiny airline and stuff


                          Nope, you'll just get shit like pudge mid and winter offlane

                          Gard Pedersen

                            ranked roles players have are worse than their mmr


                              i play only offlane ranked roles, also have strict solo matchmaking option enabled, and mostly wait around 10 min, derping around between 9,8 and 10k bscore, if that is any help.


                                If I queue for supports it's often instantaneous..offlane 2-3 mins, mid about 6-15 mins. Safelane <10 mins.

                                P.S. 2.2k solo mmr, 9-10k BHS, SEA (most toxic) server.

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