General Discussion

General Discussionhigh mmr players can u help me ?

high mmr players can u help me ? in General Discussion

    In game 1 you needed to identify that your sniper is a feeder, and you needed to build more damage items instead of blademail and vanguard. Radiance is too slow now a days especially against an AM (unless you get it done stupidly fast, borderline perfect), you needed to build better items to keep up with the pace of the game.

    Game 2 is the same story, your net worth is way below the enemy core because you are building such slow items. You only purchased a single offensive item and then built a blademail, vanguard and a ring of tarrasque. How could you possibly expect to be relevant in teamfights when you could barely kill their supports? Also, where are your laning items? Wraith Bands? Soul Ring? You need to be strong early, create a foundation so you can propel yourself into a late game hyper carry. Your farm is not high enough to justify these insanely luxurious items.

    Manta in the early game would have let you farm a lot faster and get you two illusions to proc your Desolate on a lone target, Skadi gives you lots of health AND lots of damage as well as stopping people from kiting you, Butterfly gives you evasion and lots of damage, etc. Blademail would accomplish almost nothing in the first game and a vanguard is not useful ever... its only bought to complete an abyssal. I would get a skull basher before a vanguard any game on spectre.

    Your builds in these two games look like theyre straight out of 2017/2018. The meta is much faster than it used to be, you cant be spending all this gold on items that don't help you get kills.

    Этот комментарий был изменён

      ty bro will try it next game


        so i dont need ring of health earlier ? usually i get it after boots of speed


          how old are u?


            Soul Ring provides you 6 strength and 2.5 HP regen (3.1 regen total, AKA every 6 points of strength gives you 0.6 regen), along with its active which saves you a TON of mana. Along with a wraith band and a full magic wand the extra stats should give you enough regen to sustain light harass. If you need more regen than that, you can buy more stat items like Drum of Endurance, or buy extra tangos while laning.

            If you are getting so brutally wrecked that you need to buy a full ring of health to sustain in lane, you either should not have picked Spectre to begin with, or you need to turn the ring into a more value oriented item, maybe Helm of the Dominator? The aura is strong and the creep you can dominate will help tank the jungle for you a bit which will help you while you farm.

            Or just leave it as a ring of health and take the difference between one RoH and a full vanguard and put that towards a Yasha, which will benefit you way more.

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              spectre farm too slow compared to other rad carrier

              '96 Neve Campbell

                not picking spectre is a good start


                  dont max dispersion first and get haunt at 6 so you can help out your other lanes.

                  if you can kill the enemy carry and you also take the enemy safe lane tower super early thats a huge advantage. plus if the enemies respond then you just tp back safe lane, they've tped top so you've got a relatively uncontested lane.

                  vanguard + blade mail sounds pretty awful since it relies on your enemies being dumb enough to hit you with blade mail on. if they just ignore you, you do no damage and then when your team's dead, they just kill you last and dispersion won't let you 1v5.

                  vanguard has bad buildup and even when it's complete is a shit item. drum is cheaper and has way more impact. soul ring or urn are alternative sustain items that are cheaper and do more. just buy more salves if you need to heal. it doesn't matter if it's 20 minutes into the game, salves are still worth buying if they keep you on the map.

                  if you need to fight early manta style is way better of an item than a vanguard + blade mail. diffusal is overrated since its been nerfed on illusions so it's kinda underwhelming with only haunt. it's good with manta (which you don't have in either game btw), but manta is also good on it's own. it's the least situational item on her, you should be getting it in almost all your games.

                  if you go on the guides page literally every player goes manta style except one where the game ended too quick. or go into test mode yourself and compare manta with any other item combination and it's by far the most damage on a single target.


                    ring of health is a noob trap. bad buildup and doesn't affect lane outcome.

                    soul ring lets you spam dagger to farm if your lane is going so badly you can't enter lane or if you're even / winning, lets you win it harder by harassing with dagger. it's also cheaper and easier to build. then buy salves with the extra money you have because you have more cs / kills because of it, so that you can stay in lane and keep gaining a gold + xp advantage.

                    way too many low mmr players don't buy salves past their starting items for some reason. staying in lane to gain xp is worth the gold cost alone. and you probably are able to also hit creeps because you're not at low hp where the enemies can kill you. even if you're not getting gold if you can get xp you can do something once you're 6, you don't need items to press r and q


                      meta is not just heroes, its about items and skill build too :)
                      i played spectre weeks ago , didnt played him for months, had no idea about anything, i just checked dotabuff guides in strategy time and
                      followed common skill and item builds, and it worked very well!!! i wasnt even a good spectre player and my enemies wasnt 1ks like u!
                      but it worked cause its meta!

                      just check guides and follow them, till u understand why hero is strong and even improve the builds afterwards!


                        not picking spectre is a good start

                        spectre right now -> top 10 meta heroes and top 5 safelane carry




                            xD, what is funny about it ?
                            enlighten me plz

                            Player 281121816

                              Stop picking spectre. That hero was so shit that i always say “gg end” when my teammate pick that shithole hero


                                Dude stop buying vanguard on spectre thank me later. Didn’t see your region. But only sea players in Normal skill do that.

                                Also if you do fairly well and can get to late game with ok farm and kills, the reason you lose is not playing around objectives. Probably you are not pushing the side lane away from your team. And you are making crucial late game team fighting mistakes. It’s hard to teach you how to team fight. You just gotta know who to prioritise and what items to get. When to haunt. Etc.


                                  Just build phase soulring radiance manta heart. Or you can try treads wand wraithband drums radiance manta heart. You actually have quite nice early game stats and can farm fast with this.

                                  Basically just build rad manta heart before you try funky shit like blademail diffusal

                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                    Buy tangoes oh wait


                                      The Meta skill build is to go for more points in dispersion early. You lane a lot better with it.


                                        just kill ur self man

                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                          spectre right now -> top 10 meta heroes and top 5 safelane carry
                                          Are you fucking serious? This is sarcasm right??


                                            thx i will try :P


                                              ngl spec is kinda cute


                                                well i checked opendota meta, but it seems not reliable , he is not now :))
                                                didnt know meta on opendota changing day to day, rofl

                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                  well i checked opendota meta, but it seems not reliable , he is not now :))
                                                  didnt know meta on opendota changing day to day, rofl

                                                  Literally just go to heros ---> meta on this site and sort by win rate in the divine/immortal bracket. Its not that hard to see which heros are strong atm.


                                                    wow, i didnt know, tnx for sayin that
                                                    maybe i just wanted to use another site with better filters
                                                    and maybe im not dumb
                                                    who knows :)
                                                    oh well i forgot monkey thing, m'bad

                                                    win rate in the divine/immortal bracket

                                                    thats why i didnt used this site, meta is not divine/immortal for me, i dont have any immortal teammate to pick io for them :)


                                                      Kowareta u dog bark bark


                                                        im offended by random idiot on community of retards
                                                        holy shit im so sad now


                                                          any way there is no solution for teammate who are cancers

                                                          what the meta says about that :P


                                                            i still think that im my bracket BM is good idea as most of your enemy are AM and PA


                                                              Not always bm is the best choice. If they can just not hit you then it’s pointless. It’s good if you can’t get in without getting hit by some annoying ranged glass cannon. Or you just want more time in fights to do your thing. Bm is good then. Otherwise just go heart.


                                                                Some games you win, some games you lose.


                                                                  If your farm is not really good, avoid radiance.
                                                                  manta instead of diffusal in the game one considering that you have not an effective way to chase your enemies and escape from them, bkb also would be great. I recommend you to know how and when to push towers. You have lack of Tower damage for a 47 min long match.

                                                                  In the game 2 you were simply underfarmed. btw Spectre is not the best choice in the meta, needs a lot of babysitting.
                                                                  Anyways you have lack of game understanding so it's obvious why are you falling to solo win. Just learn a few more things, search for guides (there're a lot on youtube) and try again.

                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                    whenever you want to learn a new hero, go to smth like and check what builds good players do, it's usually pretty cookie cutter and that way you'll only have your play to blame, not the items

                                                                    tropical depression

                                                                      go hard


                                                                        on which mark radiance still ok ? 25 min ? i usually have my radiance on mark 30 after vangard and bm


                                                                          If you rush for radiance the minute mark should be 17-20 minutes, the only way yo can build it after that is when you actually have some items for hunting enemies, like Spirit vessel, and diffusal, but 30 minutes it's to late for a radiance just after a vanguard and bm.
                                                                          Also it depends on the match, in those games it would be a better idea to build blade mail, diffusal and manta, (all of these items in less than a 25/30 minutes)

                                                                          Look at these guides

                                                                          examples from my own :

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                            Kowareta go nuke some1 dont waste ur precious time and listen to the call of your elders




                                                                                Ok bruv that was rude


                                                                                  i just said the same
                                                                                  smiley face


                                                                                    Do you really want to learn how to play Spectre? If so My friend plays a shit ton of spec. he can play spectre with his eyes closed. Just open up the games. He first picks spec half the time- Even does spectre mid.


                                                                                      what my mmr in allgame is normal skill i try hard but normal skill again but my true sight is A


                                                                                        you need cptn. Canuck to tell you how beta you are

                                                                                        just for reference :

                                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                          Wats kys

                                                                                          S i N

                                                                                            i think you just need to get good at the basic level man, laning especially..then next map awareness